1,653 research outputs found

    Matching the High Momentum Modes in a Truncated Determinant Algorithm

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    Within a truncated determinant algorithm, two alternatives are discussed for including systematically the remaining ultraviolet modes. Evidence is presented that these modes are accurately described by an effective action involving only small Wilson loops.Comment: LATTICE98(algorithms) ; typos correcte

    Quark confinement and the bosonic string

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    Using a new type of simulation algorithm for the standard SU(3) lattice gauge theory that yields results with unprecedented precision, we confirm the presence of a γ/r\gamma/r correction to the static quark potential at large distances rr, with a coefficient γ\gamma as predicted by the bosonic string theory. In both three and four dimensions, the transition from perturbative to string behaviour is evident from the data and takes place at surprisingly small distances.Comment: TeX source, 21 pages, figures include

    Two-body non-leptonic decays on the lattice

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    We show that, under reasonable hypotheses, it is possible to study two-body non-leptonic weak decays in numerical simulations of lattice QCD. By assuming that final-state interactions are dominated by the nearby resonances and that the couplings of the resonances to the final particles are smooth functions of the external momenta, it is possible indeed to overcome the difficulties imposed by the Maiani-Testa no-go theorem and to extract the weak decay amplitudes, including their phases. Under the same assumptions, results can be obtained also for time-like form factors and quasi-elastic processes.Comment: 15 pages, 1 Postscript figur

    Chiral Lattice Gauge Theories and The Strong Coupling Dynamics of a Yukawa-Higgs Model with Ginsparg-Wilson Fermions

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    The Yukawa-Higgs/Ginsparg-Wilson-fermion construction of chiral lattice gauge theories described in hep-lat/0605003 uses exact lattice chirality to decouple the massless chiral fermions from a mirror sector, whose strong dynamics is conjectured to give cutoff-scale mass to the mirror fermions without breaking the chiral gauge symmetry. In this paper, we study the mirror sector dynamics of a two-dimensional chiral gauge theory in the limitof strong Yukawa and vanishing gauge couplings, in which case it reduces to an XY model coupled to Ginsparg-Wilson fermions. For the mirror fermions to acquire cutoff-scale mass it is believed to be important that the XY model remain in its "high temperature" phase, where there is no algebraic ordering--a conjecture supported by the results of our work. We use analytic and Monte-Carlo methods with dynamical fermions to study the scalar and fermion susceptibilities, and the mirror fermion spectrum. Our results provide convincing evidence that the strong dynamics does not "break" the chiral symmetry (more precisely, that the mirror fermions do not induce algebraic ordering in two-dimensions), and that the mirror fermions decouple from the infrared physics.Comment: 44 pages, 18 figures; v2: clarification of fermion operators, discussion of recent related work

    New issues for Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory

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    First attempts in the application of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT) to the problem of pushing one loop further the computation of SU(3) (SU(2)) pertubative beta function (in different schemes) are reviewed and the relevance of such a computation is discussed. Other issues include the proposal of a different strategy for gauge-fixed NSPT computations in lattice QCD.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, LATTICE98(algorithms

    The gradient flow running coupling with twisted boundary conditions

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    We study the gradient flow for Yang-Mills theories with twisted boundary conditions. The perturbative behavior of the energy density E(t)\langle E(t)\rangle is used to define a running coupling at a scale given by the linear size of the finite volume box. We compute the non-perturbative running of the pure gauge SU(2)SU(2) coupling constant and conclude that the technique is well suited for further applications due to the relatively mild cutoff effects of the step scaling function and the high numerical precision that can be achieved in lattice simulations. We also comment on the inclusion of matter fields.Comment: 27 pages. LaTe

    Lambda-parameter of lattice QCD with the overlap-Dirac operator

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    We compute the ratio ΛL/ΛMSˉ\Lambda_L/\Lambda_{\bar{MS}} between the scale parameter ΛL\Lambda_L, associated with a lattice formulation of QCD using the overlap-Dirac operator, and ΛMSˉ\Lambda_{\bar{MS}} of the MSˉ\bar{\rm MS} renormalization scheme. To this end, the necessary one-loop relation between the lattice coupling g0g_0 and the coupling renormalized in the MSˉ\bar{{\rm MS}} scheme is calculated, using the lattice background field technique.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Resummation of Cactus Diagrams in Lattice QCD, to all Orders

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    We show how to perform a resummation, to all orders in perturbation theory, of a certain class of gauge invariant tadpole-like diagrams in Lattice QCD. These diagrams are often largely responsible for lattice artifacts. Our resummation leads to an improved perturbative expansion. Applied to a number of cases of interest, e.g. the lattice renormalization of some two-fermion operators, this expansion yields results remarkably close to corresponding nonperturbative estimates. We consider in our study both the Wilson and the clover action for fermions.Comment: LATTICE99(Improvement and Renormalization), 3 pages, LATeX with eps figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Corrected a statement regarding comparison with other methods. (We thank A. Kronfeld for bringing this point to our attention.

    Extended instantons generated on the lattice

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    We have been able to observe directly extended instantons on the lattice, with a new method that does not require dislocations to measure them, and where we do not perform cooling. We showed, based on the simple Abelian Higgs model in 1+11+1 dim., that one can extract the instanton and anti-instanton density and their size, by measuring the topological charge, QvQ_v , on sub-volumes vv larger than the instanton sizes, but smaller than the periodic lattice of size VV. We are working on the generalization for non-abelian models.Comment: Talk presented at the LATTICE96(topology) ,uuencoded 3 pp in Latex, 1 ps fig., uses espcrc2.sty and epsf to include fi

    The pion form factor in improved lattice QCD

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    We calculate the electromagnetic form factor of the pion in lattice gauge theory. The non-perturbatively improved Sheikoleslami-Wohlert lattice action is used together with the O(a) improved current. The form factor is compared to results for other choices for the current and features of the structure of the pion deduced from the 'Bethe-Salpeter wave function' are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, 2 figure