91 research outputs found

    The distribution of local star formation activity as a function of galaxy stellar mass, environment and morphology

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present a detailed inventory of star formation in the local Universe, dissecting the cosmic star formation budget as a function of key variables that influence the star formation rate (SFR) of galaxies: stellar mass, local environment and morphology. We use a large homogeneous dataset from the SDSS to first study how the star-formation budget in galaxies with stellar masses greater than log(M/MSun) = 10 splits as a function of each parameter separately. We then explore how the budget behaves as a simultaneous function of these three parameters. We show that the bulk of the star formation at z < 0.075 (~65 per cent) takes place in spiral galaxies, that reside in the field, and have stellar masses between 10 < log(M/MSun) < 10.9. The ratio of the cosmic star formation budget hosted by galaxies in the field, groups and clusters is 21:3:1. Morphological ellipticals are minority contributors to local star formation. They make a measurable contribution to the star formation budget only at intermediate to high stellar masses, 10.3 < log(M/MSun) < 11.2 (where they begin to dominate by number), and typically in the field, where they contribute up to ~13 per cent of the total star-formation budget. This inventory of local star formation serves as a z~0 baseline which, when combined with similar work at high redshift, will enable us to understand the changes in SFR that have occurred over cosmic time and offers a strong constraint on models of galaxy formation.Peer reviewe

    Image lag optimisation in a 4T CMOS image sensor for the JANUS camera on ESA's JUICE mission to Jupiter

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    The CIS115, the imager selected for the JANUS camera on ESA’s JUICE mission to Jupiter, is a Four Transistor (4T) CMOS Image Sensor (CIS) fabricated in a 0.18 µm process. 4T CIS (like the CIS115) transfer photo generated charge collected in the pinned photodiode (PPD) to the sense node (SN) through the Transfer Gate (TG). These regions are held at different potentials and charge is transferred from the potential well under PPD to the potential well under the FD through a voltage pulse applied to the TG. Incomplete transfer of this charge can result in image lag, where signal in previous frames can manifest itself in subsequent frames, often appearing as ghosted images in successive readouts. This can seriously affect image quality in scientific instruments and must be minimised. This is important in the JANUS camera, where image quality is essential to help JUICE meet its scientific objectives. This paper presents two techniques to minimise image lag within the CIS115. An analysis of the optimal voltage for the transfer gate voltage is detailed where optimisation of this TG “ON” voltage has shown to minimise image lag in both an engineering model and gamma and proton irradiated devices. Secondly, a new readout method of the CIS115 is described, where following standard image integration, the PPD is biased to the reset voltage level (VRESET) through the transfer gate to empty charge on the PPD and has shown to reduce image lag in the CIS115

    Major mergers are not significant drivers of star formation or morphological transformation around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation

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    We investigate the contribution of major mergers (mass ratios > 1:5) to stellar mass growth and morphological transformations around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation (z ~ 2). We visually classify a complete sample of massive (M > 1010M_) galaxies at this epoch, drawn from the CANDELS survey, into late-type galaxies, major mergers, spheroids and disturbed spheroids which show morphological disturbances. Given recent simulation work, which indicates that recent (<0.3-0.4 Gyr) major-merger remnants exhibit clear tidal features in such images, we use the fraction of disturbed spheroids to probe the role of major mergers in driving morphological transformations. The percentage of blue spheroids (i.e. with ongoing star formation) that show morphological disturbances is only 21 +- 4 per cent, indicating that major mergers are not the dominant mechanism for spheroid creation at z ~ 2 - other processes, such as minor mergers or cold accretion are likely to be the main drivers of this process. We also use the rest-frame U-band luminosity as a proxy for star formation to show that only a small fraction of the star formation budget (~3 per cent) is triggered by major mergers. Taken together, our results show that major mergers are not significant drivers of galaxy evolution at z ~ 2

    Thermal annealing response following irradiation of a CMOS imager for the JUICE JANUS instrument

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    ESA's JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) spacecraft is an L-class mission destined for the Jovian system in 2030. Its primary goals are to investigate the conditions for planetary formation and the emergence of life, and how does the solar system work. The JANUS camera, an instrument on JUICE, uses a 4T back illuminated CMOS image sensor, the CIS115 designed by Teledyne e2v. JANUS imager test campaigns are studying the CIS115 following exposure to gammas, protons, electrons and heavy ions, simulating the harsh radiation environment present in the Jovian system. The degradation of 4T CMOS device performance following proton fluences is being studied, as well as the effectiveness of thermal annealing to reverse radiation damage. One key parameter for the JANUS mission is the Dark current of the CIS115, which has been shown to degrade in previous radiation campaigns. A thermal anneal of the CIS115 has been used to accelerate any annealing following the irradiation as well as to study the evolution of any performance characteristics. CIS115s have been irradiated to double the expected End of Life (EOL) levels for displacement damage radiation (2×1010 protons, 10 MeV equivalent). Following this, devices have undergone a thermal anneal cycle at 100°C for 168 hours to reveal the extent to which CIS115 recovers pre-irradiation performance. Dark current activation energy analysis following proton fluence gives information on trap species present in the device and how effective anneal is at removing these trap species. Thermal anneal shows no quantifiable change in the activation energy of the dark current following irradiation

    A catalogue of faint local radio AGN and the properties of their host galaxies

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ©: 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present a catalogue of 2210 local ( z < 0.1) galaxies that contain faint active galactic nuclei (AGN). We select these objects by identifying galaxies that exhibit a significant excess in their radio luminosities, compared to what is expected from the observed levels of star formation activity in these systems. This is achieved by comparing the optical (spectroscopic) star formation rate (SFR) to the 1.4 GHz luminosity measured from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters survey. The majority of the AGN identified in this study are fainter than those in previous work, such as in the Best and Heckman (2012) catalogue. We show that these faint AGN make a non-negligible contribution to the radio luminosity function at low luminosities (below 1022.5 W Hz−1), and host ∼13 per cent of the local radio luminosity budget. Their host galaxies are predominantly high stellar-mass systems (with a median stellar mass of 1011 M⊙), are found across a range of environments (but typically in denser environments than star-forming galaxies) and have early-type morphologies. This study demonstrates a general technique to identify AGN in galaxy populations where reliable optical SFRs can be extracted using spectro-photometry and where radio data are also available so that a radio excess can be measured. Our results also demonstrate that it is unsafe to infer SFRs from radio emission alone, even if bright AGN have been excluded from a sample, since there is a significant population of faint radio AGN that may contaminate the radio-derived SFRs.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Coupling heterogeneous continuum-particle fields to simulate non-isothermal microscale gas flows

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    This paper extends the hybrid computational method proposed by Docherty et al. (2014) for simulating non-isothermal rarefied gas flows at the microscale. Coupling a continuum fluid description to a direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) solver, the original methodology considered the transfer of heat only, with validation performed on 1D micro Fourier flow. Here, the coupling strategy is extended to consider the transport of mass, momentum, and heat, and validation in 1D is performed on the high-speed micro Couette flow problem. Sufficient micro resolution in the hybrid method enables good agreement with an equivalent pure DSMC simulation, but the method offers no computational speed-up for this 1D problem. However, considerable speed-up is achieved for a 2D problem: gas flowing through a microscale crack is modelled as a microchannel with a high-aspect-ratio cross-section. With a temperature difference imposed between the walls of the cross-section, the hybrid method predicts the velocity and temperature variation over the cross-section very accurately; an accurate mass flow rate prediction is also obtained

    Ferric carboxymaltose with or without erythropoietin for the prevention of red-cell transfusions in the perioperative period of osteoporotic hip fractures: a randomized contolled trial. The PAHFRAC-01 project

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    Background: Around one third to one half of patients with hip fractures require red-cell pack transfusion. The increasing incidence of hip fracture has also raised the need for this scarce resource. Additionally, red-cell pack transfusions are not without complications which may involve excessive morbidity and mortality. This makes it necessary to develop blood-saving strategies. Our objective was to assess safety, efficacy, and cost-effictveness of combined treatment of i.v. ferric carboxymaltose and erythropoietin (EPOFE arm) versus i.v. ferric carboxymaltose (FE arm) versus a placebo (PLACEBO arm) in reducing the percentage of patients who receive blood transfusions, as well as mortality in the perioperative period of hip fracture intervention. Methods/Design: Multicentric, phase III, randomized, controlled, double blinded, parallel groups clinical trial. Patients > 65 years admitted to hospital with a hip fracture will be eligible to participate. Patients will be treated with either a single dosage of i.v. ferric carboxymaltose of 1 g and subcutaneous erythropoietin (40.000 IU), or i.v. ferric carboxymaltose and subcutaneous placebo, or i.v. placebo and subcutaneous placebo. Follow-up will be performed until 60 days after discharge, assessing transfusion needs, morbidity, mortality, safety, costs, and health-related quality of life. Intention to treat, as well as per protocol, and incremental cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed. The number of recruited patients per arm is set at 102, a total of 306 patients. Discussion: We think that this trial will contribute to the knowledge about the safety and efficacy of ferric carboxymaltose with/without erythropoietin in preventing red-cell pack transfusions in patients with hip fracture. ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01154491

    Prevalence of challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disabilities, correlates, and association with mental health

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    Purpose of Review To summarise findings about the prevalence and correlates of challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disabilities from robust research. We also describe findings on the interplay between challenging behaviour and mental health. Recent Findings Recent studies that have utilised psychometrically evaluated tools, with clear operational definitions, show similar findings on the prevalence of challenging behaviour of about 1 in every 5–6 adults known to services. We describe common correlates identified such as communication impairments, severity of intellectual disability, and living in institutional settings or congregate care. We also describe the complex and multifaceted relationship between challenging behaviour and mental health. Summary Based on recent studies, we propose a revised framework model to help understand challenging behaviour. We propose a number of areas where more research is required, particularly the development of risk tools clinicians can utilise in practice