136 research outputs found

    The using of quality indicators of Scots pine’s seeds for bioindication of anthropogenic pollution

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    The quality of Scots pine’s seeds (Pinus sylvestris L.) was analyzed in conditions of industrial emissions magnesite productionПроанализировано качество семян сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) в условиях промышленных выбросов магнезитового производств

    Scots pine as a bioindicator of the aerotechnogenic pollution

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    The investigations of the conditions of the Scots pine stands in the conditions of the aerotechnogenic emissions of the magnesite industry were provided. It is shown that the weak level of pollution had an negative impact on both the vegetative and generative system of Scots pine. It is concluded that the pine species had high sensibility to the alkaline aeropollutantsПроведены исследования состояния культур сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) в условиях аэротехногенных выбросов магнезитового производства. Показано, что даже слабый уровень загрязнения негативно влияет как на вегетативную, так и на генеративную системы сосны. Сделан вывод о высокой чувствительности данного вида хвойных к щелочным аэрополлютанта

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of V-4Ti-4Cr alloy as a function of the chemical heat treatment regimes

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    The regularities of the formation of a heterophase structure and mechanical properties of V–4Ti–4Cr alloy as a function of thermomechanical and chemical heat treatments are studied. The regimes of thermomechanical treatment which provide the formation of a heterophase structure with a homogeneous volume distribution of oxycarbonitride nanoparticles with a size of about 10 nm and an increase in the volume content and thermal stability of this phase and which provide an increase in the temperature of alloy recrystallization are developed. The formation of the heterophase structure results in a substantial (up to 70%) increase in the short-term high-temperature strength of the alloy at T = 800°C. The increase in the strength is achieved while keeping a rather high level of plasticity

    Use of a recombinant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain expressing C-Raf for protection against C-Raf induced lung adenoma in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Serine-threonine kinases of the Raf family (A-Raf, B-Raf, C-Raf) are central players in cellular signal transduction, and thus often causally involved in the development of cancer when mutated or over-expressed. Therefore these proteins are potential targets for immunotherapy and a possible basis for vaccine development against tumors. In this study we analyzed the functionality of a new live C-Raf vaccine based on an attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium aroA strain in two Raf dependent lung tumor mouse models. METHODS: The antigen C-Raf has been fused to the C-terminal secretion signal of Escherichia coli α-hemolysin and expressed in secreted form by an attenuated aroA Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain via the α-hemolysin secretion pathway. The effect of the immunization with this recombinant C-Raf strain on wild-type C57BL/6 or lung tumor bearing transgenic BxB mice was analyzed using western blot and FACS analysis as well as specific tumor growth assays. RESULTS: C-Raf antigen was successfully expressed in secreted form by an attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium aroA strain using the E. coli hemolysin secretion system. Immunization of wild-type C57BL/6 or tumor bearing mice provoked specific C-Raf antibody and T-cell responses. Most importantly, the vaccine strain significantly reduced tumor growth in two transgenic mouse models of Raf oncogene-induced lung adenomas. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of the C-Raf antigen, hemolysin secretion system and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium could form the basis for a new generation of live bacterial vaccines for the treatment of Raf dependent human malignancies


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    Metal constructions can cause fever even after a few years post implantation. This paper describes a case of 27 year old female with a fever associated with titanium construction implanted for kyphoscoliosis. 3 years post-operatively she developed afever (up to 39°С) and associated back pain. Examination revealed a hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy (cervical and inguinal groups). Other investigations showed: neutrophilic leukocytosis (16×109\L), thrombocytosis (620×109\L), elevation of the C-reactive protein (76 ng/ml), ESR (62 mm/h) and ferritin (1615 ng/ml). There were no features of infection, connective tissue disease or hemoblastosis. A short course of therapy with methylprednisolone led to transient improvement. The metal device was surgically removed which caused an immediate elimination of fever and subsequent resolution of leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, lymphadenopathy and hepatomegaly.Металлоконструкции могут быть причиной фебрильной лихорадки даже спустя много лет после установки. В статье приведено клиническое наблюдение ассоциации лихорадки с металлоконструкцией, установленной по поводу кифосколиоза. Пациентке в возрасте 27 лет установлена торакоабдоминальная металлоконструкция. Спустя 3 года появилась фебрильная лихорадка до 39°С, возобновилась боль по ходу позвоночника, также возникли и сохранялись в течение последующих 3 месяцев нейтрофильный лейкоцитоз до 16 тыс./мкл, тромбоцитоз до 620 тыс./мкл, повышение С-реактивного белка до 76 мг/л, СОЭ до 62 мм/ч, ферритина до 1615 нг/мл, гепатомегалия, шейная и паховая лимфаденопатия. Данных в пользу инфекции, коллагеноза, гемобластоза не выявлено. Короткий курс терапии метилпреднизолоном привел к временному улучшению общего самочувствия. Металлоконструкция была удалена. Лихорадка на следующий день после операции разрешилась. Тромбоцитоз, нейтрофильный лейкоцитоз, органомегалия и лимфаденопатия регрессировали позже


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    На цилиндрических образцах из сплава Ti–6Al–4V, полученного методом послойного лазерного сплавления из порошка со средней дисперсностью 23,5 мм, определены механические свойства в соответствии с международным стандартом ISO 13314:2011 для пористых металлических материалов. Показано, что модуль Юнга образцов с пористостью 55 % на порядок ниже, чем у сплошного металла.Mechanical properties of cylindrical samples of Ti–6Al–4V, fabricated using selective laser melting of powder with mean value of particle dimensions of 23.5 mm, were determined according to international standard ISO 13314:2011 for porous metals. Strength and elastic characteristics of porous samples (porosity of 55%) were shown to be lower then for bulk metal by an order of magnitude.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта Российского научного фонда на выполнение проекта № 16-15-00176 «Установление закономерностей остеоинтеграции медицинских имплантатов на основе аддитивного производства с биоактивным покрытием»

    About the first experiment at JINR nuclotron deuteron beam with energy 2.52 gev on investigation of transmutation of I-129, NP-237, PU-238 and PU-239 in the field of neutrons generated in pbtarget with U-blanket

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    The experiment described in this communication is a part of the scientific program „Investigations of physical aspects of electronuclear method of energy production and transmutation of radioactive waste of atomic energetic using relativistic beams from the JINR Synchrophasotron/Nuclotron“ - the project „Energy plus Transmutation“. The performing of the first experiment at deuteron beam with energy 2.52 GeV at the electronuclear setup which consists of Pb-target with U-blanket (206.4 kg of natural uranium) and transmutation samples and its preliminary results are described. The hermetic samples of isotopes of I-129, Np-237, Pu-238 and Pu-239 which are produced in atomic reactors and industry setups which use nuclear materials and nuclear technologies were irradiated in the field of electronuclear neutrons produced in the Pbtarget surrounded with the U-blanket setup “Energy plus transmutation”. The estimations of its transmutations (radioecological aspect) were obtained in result of measurements of gamma activities of these samples. The information about space-energy distribution of neutrons in the volume of the Pb-target and the U-blanket was obtained with help of sets of activation threshold detectors (Al, V, Cu, Co, Y, In, I, Ta, Au, W, Bi and other), solid state nuclear track detectors, He-3 neutron detectors and nuclear emulsions


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    Use donor hearts with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is controversial. This category of heart recipients has increasing risk of early graft failure. We proposed that heart transplantation (HT) with LVH ≥1.5 cm may be successful if performed in selective category patients from alternate transplant list. This study included 10 pati- ents (2 female and 8 male) at the age 26–62 (44 ± 3), who needed urgent HT. This study showed that recipients with LVH ≥1.5 cm demanded more high and long inotropic support with adrenalin and dopamine, more fre- quent use of levosimendan infusion (in 40% of cases) and intraaortic balloon conterpulsation (in 50% of cases). However we didn’t observed any difference in survival rate (90.0% vs 89.0%) and ICU time (4.8 ± 0.6 days vs 4.1 ± 0.4 days) between HT recipients with and without LVH. Our study showed that HT from donor with LVH ≥1.5 cm may be performed in patients, demanding urgent HT, with acceptable early posttransplant results. Дефицит донорских сердец делает допустимым ТС от доноров с гипертрофией миокарда левого желудочка (ГМЛЖ) больным, нуждающимся в неотложной пересадке сердца. Настоящее исследование проводилось с целью выявления особенностей тактики кондиционирования сердечных доноров, анестезиологического пособия и периоперационной интенсивной терапии при трансплантации донорского сердца с толщиной миокарда левого желудочка 1,5 сантиметра и более. В исследование включили 10 больных (2 женщины и 8 мужчин) в возрасте 26–62 (44 ± 3) года с высоким риском летального исхода вследствие быстрого прогрессирования основного заболевания и возможного развития жизнеугрожающих полиорганных, ин- фекционных, тромбоэмболических и других осложнений. Исследование продемонстрировало, что тре- буется около 3 суток для восстановления адекватной насосной функции трансплантированного сердца с ГМЛЖ, после чего течение посттрансплантационного периода не отличается от реципиентов без ГМЛЖ донорского сердца. У реципиентов с ГМЛЖ применили более высокие (р < 0,05) дозировки адреналина и допамина. Кардиотоническая терапия была более (р < 0,05) длительной по сравнению с реципиентами без ГМЛЖ. Инфузию левосимендана (100 нг/кг/мин) в качестве меры лекарственной поддержки насосной функции сердечного трансплантата использовали у 4 (40%) из 10 реципиентов с ГМЛЖ ≥ 1,5 см. В 50% (n = 5) наблюдений потребовалась механическая поддержка кровообращения (во всех случаях ВАБК). 30-дневная выживаемость реципиентов после ТС с ГМЛЖ составила 90%. Таким образом, применение комплекса лечебных мероприятий, направленных на восстановление адекватной насосной функции сер- дечного трансплантата и коррекцию мультиорганных нарушений, делает возможным успешное выполне- ние пересадки сердца с ГМЛЖ ≥1,5 см реципиентам, нуждающимся в неотложной трансплантации.

    Evolutional and clinical implications of the epigenetic regulation of protein glycosylation

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    Protein N glycosylation is an ancient posttranslational modification that enriches protein structure and function. The addition of one or more complex oligosaccharides (glycans) to the backbones of the majority of eukaryotic proteins makes the glycoproteome several orders of magnitude more complex than the proteome itself. Contrary to polypeptides, which are defined by a sequence of nucleotides in the corresponding genes, glycan parts of glycoproteins are synthesized by the activity of hundreds of factors forming a complex dynamic network. These are defined by both the DNA sequence and the modes of regulating gene expression levels of all the genes involved in N glycosylation. Due to the absence of a direct genetic template, glycans are particularly versatile and apparently a large part of human variation derives from differences in protein glycosylation. However, composition of the individual glycome is temporally very constant, indicating the existence of stable regulatory mechanisms. Studies of epigenetic mechanisms involved in protein glycosylation are still scarce, but the results suggest that they might not only be important for the maintenance of a particular glycophenotype through cell division and potentially across generations but also for the introduction of changes during the adaptive evolution