37 research outputs found
Modern etiological and pathogenetic aspects of chronic peripheral uveitis
Intermediate uveitis is among most severe forms of endogenous uveitis which is more common in young people, being characterized by minimal clinical manifestations at early stages of the disorder. A significant and, sometimes, irreversible decrease in visual acuity is associated with development of long-term complications of chronic cintermediate uveitis (CIU), i.e., complicating cataracts (in up to 57% of the cases), cystic maular edema developing at a frequency of up to 31%), as well as ophthalmic hypertension and glaucoma (up to 16% of the patients). The incidence rate of CIU is 1.5 per 100,000 per year. The eye, despite its high immune privilege, is susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Clinical and histopathological data suggest autoimmune origin of CIU associated with possible response to some endogenous antigen of unknown origin. The main effectors of inflammation in peripheral chorioretinal structures are CD4+T lymphocytes, which are found in paravasal infiltrates and vitreoretinal exudates in CIU. An important role in CIU pathogenesis is attributed to IL-6 and IL-8, TNFá, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and micro-RNAs, which show increased expression in most CIU patients. Impaired state of intestinal bacterial microbiome is a potential trigger of intraocular inflammation. Genetic predisposition for CIU was also revealed, due to polymorphisms of human leukocyte antigens and some other genes. It is necessary to expand and deepen our knowledge on the disease pathogenesis, in order to develop effective pharmacological treatment of CIU. The article is review of literature discussing the modern scientific ideas concerning etiology and mechanisms of the CIU development
Advanced Laboratory Methods for Detecting Yellow Fever Pathogen
Yellow fever is an acute infectious disease of viral nature, the causative agent of which is vector-borne –is transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Massive epidemics caused by the yellow fever virus are observed in the countries of Africa, South and Central America annually. Imported cases are also registered in non-endemic territories. The review presents the currently available data on the distribution, structure and classification of the yellow fever virus, the identification of its genetic variants depending on the geographical distribution, as well as modern methods of detection and identification of the pathogen in samples taken from sick and dead people. It considers the possibility of using virological, immunoserological and molecular-genetic methods for the diagnosis of yellow fever in different periods from the onset of the disease and in retrospective studies. The lists of diagnostic drugs of domestic and foreign production for the detection of agent markers (antigen, RNA), as well as specific antibodies of IgM and IgG classes, approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, are provided. The relevance of further development, improvement and introduction into laboratory practice of reagent kits that allow to detect the yellow fever virus in samples from sick people in a short time, with high efficiency and specificity is demonstrated. This will help to establish a diagnosis promptly and conduct timely anti-epidemic measures, as well as to determine the level of the population stratum immune to the pathogen in endemic regions and evaluate the effectiveness of immunization for the vaccinated contingent
Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
The data of the Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment for the
measuring period August 1990 - May 2000 (54.9813 kg y or 723.44 molyears),
published recently, are analyzed using the potential of the Bayesian method for
low counting rates. First evidence for neutrinoless double beta decay is
observed giving first evidence for lepton number violation. The evidence for
this decay mode is 97% (2.2\sigma) with the Bayesian method, and 99.8% c.l.
(3.1\sigma) with the method recommended by the Particle Data Group. The
half-life of the process is found with the Bayesian method to be T_{1/2}^{0\nu}
= (0.8 - 18.3) x 10^{25} y (95% c.l.) with a best value of 1.5 x 10^{25} y. The
deduced value of the effective neutrino mass is, with the nuclear matrix
elements from [Sta90,Tom91] = (0.11 - 0.56) eV (95% c.l.), with a best
value of 0.39 eV. Uncertainties in the nuclear matrix elements may widen the
range given for the effective neutrino mass by at most a factor 2. Our
observation which at the same time means evidence that the neutrino is a
Majorana particle, will be of fundamental importance for neutrino physics.
PACS. 14.69.Pq Neutrino mass and mixing; 23.40.Bw Weak-interaction and lepton
(including neutrino) aspects 23.40.-s Beta decay; double beta decay; electron
and muon capture.Comment: 14 pages, psfile, 7 figures, Published in Modern Physics Letters A,
Vol. 16, No. 37 (2001) 2409-2420, World Scientific Publishing Company, Home
Page: http://ejournals.wspc.com.sg/mpla/16/1637/S0217732301005825.html, Home
Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group:
New Data on the Dissemination of the Nipah Virus (<i>Henipavirus. Paramyxoviridae</i>) and Methods of its Indication and Identification
Nipah virus (Nipah virus, NiV) is a representative of the genus Henipavirus of the Paramyxoviridae family, the causative agent of a dangerous infectious disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations – from an asymptomatic (subclinical) form to severe encephalitis with fatal outcome. Despite the fact that the disease caused by this virus is registered only in the countries of Southeast Asia, the possibility of importing the pathogen to non-endemic territories is not excluded. Also, this pathogen is able to infect not only a large number of people, but also animals, causing serious diseases and significant economic damage, posing both, a medical and veterinary problem. This review presents the data available in the modern press on the structure and classification of the Nipah virus, possible cycles of its transmission, spread, methods of indication and identification in clinical and biological material, as well as the effectiveness of their use depending on the timing of the onset of the disease and available commercial diagnostic and preventive drugs
The formation of eyeball musculoskeletal stump using a Ni-Ti implant in vivo
The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of forming an eyeball musculoskeletal stump using a Ni-Ti implant in vivo. Studies were performed on 18 Wistar rats. The animals were enucleated one of eyes. After the enucleation the musculoskeletal stump using Ni-Ti implant was formed. Ni-Ti implant was made from a thread of porous Ni-Ti (TN-10) with a thickness of 100 [mu]m. Before implantation the Ni-Ti implant was sterilized by ethylene oxide. Results showed that the Ni-Ti implant surface was uniform and had not visible defects. The NiTi implant surface was a hydrophobic with the mean value of [theta]=93.5°±1.4. The Ni-Ti implant in the eye orbit was mobile. The Ni-Ti implantation into the eye orbit contributed the connective tissue with blood vessels formation and insignificant leucocytes infiltration (macrophages and lymphocytes infiltration). The study showed the possibility of forming an eyeball musculoskeletal stump using a Ni-Ti implant
Aim. The article illustrates the way of endothelian – epithepial corneal dystrophy regeneration with intracameral using of authological mononuclear blood cells.Materials and methods. The series of experiments were made on Wistar rats. The main group of animals (12) was done intracameral injection the authological mononuclear blood cells on the posterior corneal surface after corneal dystrophy simulation. The control animals group (12) was made a tradition treatment.The results experiment has shown a high effect of mononuclear cells treatment. The number of dystrophy changed epithelial cells reduced in the main group on the third day after treatment start. The proliferation of endothelian was shown on the seventh day after the treatment in the main group. On the fourteenth day the corneal endothelian was restored in the main animals group. The corneal endothelian layer in the control group hasn’t restored on the twenty first day.Thus, intra cameral injection of authological mononuclear blood cells induces the regeneration of corneal endothelian layer in endothelian – epithepial corneal dystrophy treatment.В работе изучены закономерности развития регенерации при эндотелиально-эпителиальной дистрофии (ЭЭД) роговицы на фоне внутрикамерного применения аутологичных мононуклеаров крови. Цель исследования – в эксперименте in vivo изучить закономерности развития репаративной регенерации при ЭЭД роговицы на фоне внутрикамерного применения аутологичных мононуклеаров крови. Материал и методы исследования. Выполнена серия экспериментов на крысах-самцах породы Wistar, основной группе (12 особей) которых производили внутрикамерное введение и наслоение аутологичной суспензии мононуклеарных клеток на заднюю поверхность роговицы с предварительно индуцированной ЭЭД. Животные группы сравнения (12 особей) получили традиционное консервативное лечение. Основные Результаты. При анализе результатов лечения ЭЭД роговицы в эксперименте выявлена высокая эффективность внутрикамерного применения аутологичных мононуклеаров крови. Так, на 3-и сут от начала лечения в основной группе количество дистрофически измененных эпителиоцитов сократилось в 15,9 раз от исходного значения, в группе сравнения – лишь в 0,95 раза. Соответственно толщина переднего эпителия роговой оболочки в основной группе уменьшилась в 1,5 раза от первоначального уровня, в группе сравнения – в 0,9 раза. Площадь тканевых щелей в строме роговицы на 3-и сут в основной группе сократилась в 2,2 раза, в группе сравнения – в 1,04 раза. Необходимо отметить, что уже на 14-е сут от начала лечения в основной группе передний эпителий роговицы и его толщина находились в пределах нормы. В группе сравнения данные показатели уменьшились лишь в 1,14 раза и в 1,8 от достигнутого уровня соответственно. Начиная с 7-х сут в основной группе обнаруживались признаки пролиферации эндотелиального слоя роговой оболочки, который к 14-м сут был представлен слоем отростчатых клеток. В группе сравнения эндотелиальный слой роговицы на 21-е сут от начала лечения содержал дистрофически измененные клетки. Заключение .Внутрикамерное введение аутологичных мононуклеаров крови с их наслоением на внутреннюю поверхность роговицы при ЭЭД индуцирует регенерацию эндотелиального слоя, способствуя восстановлению его барьерной функции и уменьшению отека роговой оболочки
Современные принципы профилактики анофтальмического синдрома: способы формирования опорно-двигательной культи, виды орбитальных имплантатов
This article analyzes the current state of the problem of the correction of anophthalmic syndrome. Evaluated various methods of formation of the locomotor stump after removal of the eyeball, gave a detailed description of different types of materials for the fabrication of orbital implant, as well as reflect the basic principles of prevention of complications.В статье анализируется современное состояние проблемы коррекции анофтальмического синдрома. Проводится оценка различных способов формирования опорно-двигательной культи после удаления глазного яблока, дается подробная характеристика различных видов материалов для изготовления орбитальных имплантатов. Отражены основные принципы профилактики осложнений
Формирование опорно-двигательной культи глазного яблока с помощью тканеинженерной конструкции из никелида титана и аутологичных мононуклеарных лейкоцитов крови
Objective: to study the morphological features of formation of the eyeball orbital stump using a titanium nickelide tissue-engineered construct and a suspension of autologous blood mononuclear leukocytes in vivo. Materials and methods. Experiments were performed on 54 sexually mature Wistar rats weighing 200–250 g. The animals were divided into 3 groups, depending on type of surgical intervention: group 1 (n = 18) consisted of animals in which eyeball orbital stump was formed after evisceroenucleation through implantation of a titanium nickelide tissue-engineered construct and a suspension of autologous blood mononuclear leukocytes in the scleral sac; group 2 (n = 18) – the eyeball orbital stump was formed through implantation of titanium nickelide tissue-engineered construct in the scleral sac; group 3 (n = 18) – orbital stump was formed using an Alloplant implant. Results. It was established that in group 1 rats, on day 7 following surgery, the specific volume of connective tissue was 7.9 times (рU = 0.048) higher than in group 2 rats and 15.8 times (рU = 0.039) higher than in group 3 rats. On day 14 after surgery, the volume of connective tissue in the eyeball orbital stump of group 1 rats reached the highest value compared to that in the other groups. The numerical density of newly formed vessels in the eyeball orbital stump of group 1 rats, starting from day 14 after surgery up to the end of experiment (day 21), was statistically significantly higher than that in the other groups. Moreover, on day 21, this indicator was 4.0 times (рU = 0.001) higher in group 1 rats than in group 2 rats and 9.8 times (рU = 0,0003) higher than in group 3 rats. Conclusion. Implantation of titanium nickelide tissue-engineered construct and a suspension of autologous blood mononuclear leukocytes into the scleral sac after evisceroenucleation in an in vivo experiment leads to accelerated maturation of the connective tissue and intensive vascularization in the eyeball orbital stump. This ensures strong fixation of the implant and reduces risk of rejection.Цель: в эксперименте in vivo изучить морфологические особенности формирования опорно-двигательной культи глазного яблока с помощью тканеинженерной конструкции из никелида титана и суспензии аутологичных мононуклеарных лейкоцитов крови. Материалы и методы. Выполнена серия экспериментов на 54 половозрелых крысах породы Wistar весом 200–250 г, которые в зависимости от вида оперативного вмешательства были разделены на 3 группы: 1-я группа (n = 18) – животным после эвисцероэнуклеации формировали опорно-двигательную культю глазного яблока путем имплантации в склеральный мешок тканеинженерной конструкции из никелид титана и суспензии аутологичных мононуклеарных лейкоцитов крови; 2-я группа (n = 18) – опорно-двигательную культю глаза формировали путем имплантации никелида титана в склеральный мешок; 3-я группа (n = 18) – опорно-двигательную культю формировали с помощью имплантата из биоматериала «Аллоплант». Результаты. Установлено, что у животных 1-й группы на 7-е сутки после операции удельный объем соединительной ткани был в 7,9 раза (рU = 0,048) выше, чем у животных 2-й группы и в 15,8 раза (рU = 0,039) выше, чем у животных 3-й группы. На 14-е сутки после операции объем соединительной ткани в опорно-двигательной культе глазного яблока у крыс 1-й группы достигал наибольшего значения по сравнению с таковым у крыс остальных групп. Численная плотность новообразованных сосудов в опорно-двигательной культе глазного яблока у крыс 1-й группы, начиная с 14-х суток после операции и до завершения эксперимента (21-е сутки), статистически значимо превышала таковую у животных остальных групп. При этом на 21-е сутки у крыс 1-й группы данный показатель в 4,0 раза (рU = 0,001) был выше, чем у животных 2-й группы, и в 9,8 раза (рU = 0,0003) выше, чем у животных 3-й группы. Заключение. Имплантация тканеинженерной конструкции из никелида титана и суспензии аутологичных мононуклеарных лейкоцитов крови в склеральный мешок после эвисцероэнуклеации в эксперименте in vivo сопровождается ускоренным созреванием соединительной ткани и интенсивной васкуляризацией в опорно-двигательной культе глазного яблока, что обеспечивает прочную фиксацию имплантата и снижает риск его отторжения
Genotyping of tick-borne encephalitis and Kemerovo viruses in taiga ticks collected in the Komi Republic
Over the last years, an increasing rate of ixodes tick bites has been registered in the northern regions of the European Russia. In addition, the number of subjects request medical assistance due to tick bites has been dramatically increased in the Komi Republic. In addition, incidence of tick-borne encephalitis was also increased particularly starting since 2009. However, highly limited data on pathogen genetic diversity related to viral tick-borne infections in this region are currently available. Taiga ticks (Ixodespersulcatus) collected from the Komi Republic southern and central part vegetation were examined to identify and genotype tick-borne viruses. Individual ticks were used to identify by RT-PCR viral RNA coupled to tick-borne encephalitis and Kemerovo viruses. Viral genome fragment sequencing allowed to unambiguously identify these viruses. It was found that viral RNA tick-borne encephalitis was detected in 6.8±1.2% individual ticks. Moreover, tick-linked isolate genotyping based on analyzing E protein gene fragment nucleotide sequence derived from tick-borne encephalitis discovered that 35% and 65% isolates belonged to the Far Eastern and Siberian subtype, respectively. In addition, subsequent phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that at least four variants of the Siberian and Far Eastern subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis virus were detected, which were close to the viruses circulating in the Urals and Siberia. In contrast, prevalence of Kemerovo virus in taiga ticks was 0.8±0.2%. Sequencing of Kemerovo virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene fragment showed around 94% homology with the remainder of the Kemerovo virus strains. Phylogenetic analysis of the Kemerovo virus genome fragments demonstrated at least two subtypes circulating in the Komi Republic. Thus, it was suggested that tick-borne encephalitis virus was introduced relatively recently from the Urals and Siberian region into the natural foci of the Komi Republic. Moreover, genetic differences found in Kemerovo virus strains presume for them a longer lasting evolution throughout the natural foci of this region. In addition, a potential role for birds and their ticks in rapid spreading of viral tick-borne infections in the Komi Republic is also discussed. Thus, the data on genetic diversity of the viral agents related to tick-born encephalitis and Kemerovo fever may be useful for improving their diagnostics, prevention and treatment in the Komi Republic
Limits on the Majorana neutrino mass in the 0.1 eV range
The Heidelberg-Moscow experiment gives the most stringent limit on the
Majorana neutrino mass. After 24 kg yr of data with pulse shape measurements,
we set a lower limit on the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay in
76Ge of T_1/2 > 5.7 * 10^{25} yr at 90% C.L., thus excluding an effective
Majorana neutrino mass greater than 0.2 eV. This allows to set strong
constraints on degenerate neutrino mass models.Comment: 6 pages (latex) including 3 postscript figures and 2 table