422 research outputs found

    Ultraviolet studies of nova-like variables with the IUE

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    KQ Mon is a new UX UMa-type nova-like variable. Optical spectra taken in 1978 reveal very shallow Balmer absorption lines and He I (wavelength 4471) absorption. There was no evidence of orbital variations but the appearance of the optical spectrum and the presence of low amplitude flickering suggested a strong similarity to CD-42 degrees 14462 (=V3885 Sgr) and other members of the UX UMa class. KQ Mon was observed at low dispersion with the IUE satellite. Six spectra taken with the short wavelength prime (SWP) camera are dominated by strong broad absorption lines due to N V, O I, Si III, Si IV, C IV, He II, N IV, and A1 III. There is little evidence of orbital phase modulation over the time baseline of the observations. Unlike UV observations of other UX UMa-type objects, KQ Mon exhibits no emission lines or P Cygni-type profiles and the velocity displacements appear to be smaller, suggesting the absence of a hot, high velocity wind characterizing other UX UMa stars. The relationship of KQ Mon to other UX UMa disk stars is discussed and a model is suggested to explain their observed properties and the lack of major outbursts

    Orbital phase dependent IUE spectra of the nova like binary II Arietis

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    Nine low dispersion IUE spectra of the nova like binary TT Ari over its 3h17m orbital period were obtained. Four short wave spectra and five long wave spectra exhibit marked changes in line strength and continuum shape with orbital phase. The short wave spectra show the presence in absorption of C III, Lyman alpha, SiIII, NV, SiIV, CIV, HeII, AlIII, and NIV. The CIV shows a P Cygni profile on two of the spectra. Implications of these spectra for the nature of nova like variables are discussed

    Visible-band and IUE observations of mu Sagittarii

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    H alpha and U band photometry and IUE spectra of the binary system mu Sagittarii are discussed. An estimate of mass-loss is made from the observed P Cygni profiles. There are indications of pulsation in the supergiant B8 component

    Astrobiological Effects of F, G, K and M Main-Sequence Stars

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    We focus on the astrobiological effects of photospheric radiation produced by main-sequence stars of spectral types F, G, K, and M. The photospheric radiation is represented by using realistic spectra, taking into account millions or hundred of millions of lines for atoms and molecules. DNA is taken as a proxy for carbon-based macromolecules, assumed to be the chemical centerpiece of extraterrestrial life forms. Emphasis is placed on the investigation of the radiative environment in conservative as well as generalized habitable zones.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; submitted to: Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, IAU Symposium 249, eds. Y.S. Sun and S. Ferraz-Mello (San Francisco: Astr. Soc. Pac.

    The Best Brown Dwarf Yet?: A Companion to the Hyades Eclipsing Binary V471 Tau

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    We have carried out an analysis of about 160 eclipse timings spanning over 30 years of the Hyades eclipsing binary V471 Tauri that shows a long-term quasi-sinusoidal modulation of its observed eclipse arrival times. The O-Cs have been analyzed for the ``light-time'' effect that arises from the gravitational influence of a tertiary companion. The presence of a third body causes the relative distance of the eclipsing pair to the Earth to change as it orbits the barycenter of the triple system. The result of the analysis of the eclipse times yields a light-time semi-amplitude of 137.2+/-12.0 s, an orbital period of P_3 = 30.5+/-1.6 yr and an eccentricity of e_3 = 0.31+/-0.04. The mass of the tertiary component is M_3 sin i_3 = 0.0393+/-0.0038 Mo when a total mass of 1.61+/-0.06 Mo for V471 Tau is adopted. For orbital inclinations i_3 > 35 deg, the mass of the third body would be below the stable hydrogen burning limit of M = 0.07 Mo and it thus would be a brown dwarf. In the next several years (near maximum elongation), it should be feasible to obtain IR images and spectra of V471 Tau C that, when combined with the known mass, age, distance, and [Fe/H], will serve as a benchmark for understanding the physical properties and evolution of brown dwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    X-Ray Emission from the Sun in Its Youth and Old Age

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    We have obtained ROSAT PSPC (Roentgen Satellite Position Sensitive Proportional Counter) pointed observations of two nearby G stars of ages 70 Myr and 9.5 Gyr that are of unique importance as proxies for the Sun at the two extremes of its main-sequence evolutionary lifetime. The younger star, HD 129333 (EK Dra; G0 V), a rapid rotator with a 2.7 day period, is a strong source with an X-ray luminosity L(x)(0.2-2.4 keV) = (7.5-11.5) x 10(exp 29) erg/s. Modeling suggests a two-temperature corona with T(1) = (2.0 +/- 0.3) x 10(exp 6) K and T(2) = (9.7 +/- 0.3) x 10(exp 6) K (formal uncertainties). A continuous emission measure distribution, increasing to higher temperatures and with a cutoff at (20-30) x 10(exp 6) K, yields even better fits to the data. The old star, beta Hyi (HR 98; G2 IV), represents the Sun in the future, near the end of its hydrogen-core burning stage, when it should be rotating more slowly (present P(rot) = 25.4 day) and should have lower levels of activity. The ROSAT measurements yield L(x) = (0.9-3.0) x 10(exp 27) ergs/s and a rather cool, single coronal temperature of T = (1.7 +/- 0.4) x 10(exp 6) K. For comparison, the Sun has L(x) approx. equal to 2 x 10(exp 27) ergs/s and a coronal temperature of about T = 2 x 10(exp 6) K. These stars provide information on the decline of the stellar (and specifically solar) magnetic activity from extreme youth to old age. HD 129333 is also important in that it yields an estimate of the solar soft X-ray flux in the early solar system at the epoch of the terminal stages of planetary accretion