25,462 research outputs found

    Hadron Spectroscopy (theory): Diquarks, Tetraquarks, Pentaquarks and no quarks

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    States beyond those expected in the simple constituent quark model are now emerging. I focus on the scalar glueball and its mixing with states in the qqˉq\bar{q} nonet, and also on correlations in Strong QCD that may form diquarks and seed qqqˉqˉqq\bar{q}\bar{q} states. Some models of the pentaquark candidate Θ(1540)\Theta(1540) are critically discussed.Comment: Plenary talk at ICHEP0

    Successive Combination Jet Algorithm For Hadron Collisions

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    Jet finding algorithms, as they are used in e+e−e^+ e^- and hadron collisions, are reviewed and compared. It is suggested that a successive combination style algorithm, similar to that used in e+e−e^+ e^- physics, might be useful also in hadron collisions, where cone style algorithms have been used previously.Comment: 18 pages plus four uuencoded postscript figures, REVTEX 3.0, CERN-TH.6860/9

    Non-Critical Liouville String Escapes Constraints on Generic Models of Quantum Gravity

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    It has recently been pointed out that generic models of quantum gravity must contend with severe phenomenological constraints imposed by gravitational Cerenkov radiation, neutrino oscillations and the cosmic microwave background radiation. We show how the non-critical Liouville-string model of quantum gravity we have proposed escapes these constraints. It gives energetic particles subluminal velocities, obviating the danger of gravitational Cerenkov radiation. The effect on neutrino propagation is naturally flavour-independent, obviating any impact on oscillation phenomenology. Deviations from the expected black-body spectrum and the effects of time delays and stochastic fluctuations in the propagation of cosmic microwave background photons are negligible, as are their effects on observable spectral lines from high-redshift astrophysical objects.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, 2 eps figures include

    Confinement in Gauge Theories from the Condensation of World-Sheet Defects in Liouville String

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    We present a Liouville-string approach to confinement in four-dimensional gauge theories, which extends previous approaches to include non-conformal theories. We consider Liouville field theory on world sheets whose boundaries are the Wilson loops of gauge theory, which exhibit vortex and spike defects. We show that world-sheet vortex condensation occurs when the Wilson loop is embedded in four target space-time dimensions, and show that this corresponds to the condensation of gauge magnetic monopoles in target space. We also show that vortex condensation generates a effective string tension corresponding to the confinement of electric degrees of freedom. The tension is independent of the string length in a gauge theory whose electric coupling varies logarithmically with the length scale. The Liouville field is naturally interpreted as an extra target dimension, with an anti-de-Sitter (AdS) structure induced by recoil effects on the gauge monopoles, interpreted as D branes of the effective string theory. Black holes in the bulk AdS space correspond to world-sheet defects, so that phases of the bulk gravitational system correspond to the different world-sheet phases, and hence to different phases of the four-dimensional gauge theory. Deconfinement is associated with a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of vortices on the Wilson-loop world sheet, corresponding in turn to a phase transition of the black holes in the bulk AdS space.Comment: 29 pages LATEX, three eps figures incorporate

    Dynamics of Inflationary Universes with Positive Spatial Curvature

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    If the spatial curvature of the universe is positive, then the curvature term will always dominate at early enough times in a slow-rolling inflationary epoch. This enhances inflationary effects and hence puts limits on the possible number of e-foldings that can have occurred, independently of what happened before inflation began and in particular without regard for what may have happened in the Planck era. We use a simple multi-stage model to examine this limit as a function of the present density parameter Ω0\Omega_0 and the epoch when inflation ends.Comment: 9 Pages RevTex4. Revised and update

    Quasi-Newtonian dust cosmologies

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    Exact dynamical equations for a generic dust matter source field in a cosmological context are formulated with respect to a non-comoving Newtonian-like timelike reference congruence and investigated for internal consistency. On the basis of a lapse function NN (the relativistic acceleration scalar potential) which evolves along the reference congruence according to N˙=αΘN\dot{N} = \alpha \Theta N (α=const\alpha = {const}), we find that consistency of the quasi-Newtonian dynamical equations is not attained at the first derivative level. We then proceed to show that a self-consistent set can be obtained by linearising the dynamical equations about a (non-comoving) FLRW background. In this case, on properly accounting for the first-order momentum density relating to the non-relativistic peculiar motion of the matter, additional source terms arise in the evolution and constraint equations describing small-amplitude energy density fluctuations that do not appear in similar gravitational instability scenarios in the standard literature.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX 2.09 (10pt), to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 15 (1998

    Geodesic Deviation Equation in Bianchi Cosmologies

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    We present the Geodesic Deviation Equation (GDE) for the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW) universe and we compare it with the equation for Bianchi type I model. We justify consider this cosmological model due to the recent importance the Bianchi Models have as alternative models in cosmology. The main property of these models, solutions of Einstein Field Equations (EFE) is that they are homogeneous as the FRW model but they are not isotropic. We can see this because they have a non-null Weyl tensor in the GDE.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), ERE200

    Time-Dependent Vacuum Energy Induced by D-Particle Recoil

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    We consider cosmology in the framework of a `material reference system' of D particles, including the effects of quantum recoil induced by closed-string probe particles. We find a time-dependent contribution to the cosmological vacuum energy, which relaxes to zero as ∼1/t2\sim 1/ t^2 for large times tt. If this energy density is dominant, the Universe expands with a scale factor R(t)∼t2R(t) \sim t^2. We show that this possibility is compatible with recent observational constraints from high-redshift supernovae, and may also respect other phenomenological bounds on time variation in the vacuum energy imposed by early cosmology.Comment: 14 pages LATEX, no figure

    Stability of attitude control systems acted upon by random perturbations

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    Mathematical models on stability of attitude control systems acted upon by random perturbation processe

    Vorticity production and survival in viscous and magnetized cosmologies

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    We study the role of viscosity and the effects of a magnetic field on a rotating, self-gravitating fluid, using Newtonian theory and adopting the ideal magnetohydrodynamic approximation. Our results confirm that viscosity can generate vorticity in inhomogeneous environments, while the magnetic tension can produce vorticity even in the absence of fluid pressure and density gradients. Linearizing our equations around an Einstein-de Sitter cosmology, we find that viscosity adds to the diluting effect of the universal expansion. Typically, however, the dissipative viscous effects are confined to relatively small scales. We also identify the characteristic length bellow which the viscous dissipation is strong and beyond which viscosity is essentially negligible. In contrast, magnetism seems to favor cosmic rotation. The magnetic presence is found to slow down the standard decay-rate of linear vortices, thus leading to universes with more residual rotation than generally anticipated.Comment: Minor changes. References added and updated. Published versio
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