51 research outputs found

    Complex modifications of phraseological units and the ways of their translation

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    The article, firstly, presents the typology of modifications of phraseological units (PUs). Secondly, it outlines the main steps that have been taken by linguists to identify adequate ways of translating PU modifications from one language into another. Thirdly, it aims at analyzing functional equivalents of contextually modified PUs taken from the novel of Salman Rushdie Haroun and the Sea of Stories. The modifications under analysis are phraseological pun, extended phraseological metaphor and phraseological saturation of discourse

    Dynamics of over body weight among women of young and mature age of open city population: twenty years of trends

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    Introduction Epidemiological studies indicate a high prevalence of overweight in all economically developed countries of the world, its growth was registered everywhere by the beginning of the century. According to the World Health Organization, over 30 % of the world’s inhabitants have overweight, and therefore, WHO has recognized it as a new non-infectious «21st century epidemic». The aim of the study was to determine the twenty-year dynamics of the prevalence of overweight among young and mature women in the open population of the mid-urban city of Western Siberia. Material and methods. Simultaneous epidemiological studies were conducted on representative samples in 1996 and 2016 among women of 25–64 years old with the allocation of categories of young and mature age. Overweight was determined based on body mass index (BMI), with BMI ≥ 30.0 obesity was recorded, with BMI ≥ 25.0 – overweight. Results. Over 20 years of monitoring the open population of the mid-urbanized city of Western Siberia, a positive trend has been established to reduce the prevalence of overweight in the category of young women. In the age range in relation to the prevalence of BMI according to the first and second screenings in the open urban population, a negative trend has been established for an increase in the prevalence of obesity and overweight among young women during the transition from the third to the fourth decade of life. According to the first screening in an open urban population, a negative trend was found to increase the prevalence of obesity and overweight among mature women during the transition from the fifth to the sixth decade of life, according to the second screening in the same groups, to an increase in the prevalence of overweight. Conclusion. Changes in population health at certain time intervals, depending on socio-economic, environmental, and behavioral factors, in each time period and in each individual population require specific, epidemiologically-related preventive measures

    Improving the performance of the organization in the implementation of quality management system

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    When developing and implementing a quality management system, the competence of all employees, productivity and efficiency of the organization are improved, along with the improvement of product quality indicatorsПри разработке и внедрении системы менеджмента качества достигаются повышение компетентности всех сотрудников, производительности и эффективности организации, вместе с этим улучшаются показатели качества продукци

    Criteria for improving the efficiency of metrological support of production

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    Повышение эффективности производства и качества выпускаемой продукции возможно только при организации современного метрологического обеспечения на этапах проектирования и разработки, производства и испытаний.Improving the efficiency of production and quality of products is possible only with the organization of modern metrological support at the stages of design and development, production and testing

    Markers of myocardial injury and inflammation after radiofrequency ablation in children and adolescents

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    Aim. To assess the severity of myocardial damage and inflammation after radiofrequency ablation in children and adolescents using biochemical markers.Material and methods. The study included 58 children with tachyarrhythmias (Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, WPW phenomenon, atrial tachycardia, paroxysmal atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia) who underwent catheter ablation from July to October 2019. Before and after surgical treatment (after 2 hours and 5 days), the blood concentrations of myocardial damage and inflammation biomarkers (myoglobin, creatine phosphokinase-MB, interleukin-8, C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-9, heart-type fatty acid binding protein). During the operation, catheter ablation parameters (power, temperature, application duration), the localization of arrhythmogenic focus and the type of ablation catheter were recorded. Their relationship with changes in the concentration of biochemical markers before and after intervention was studied.Results. Two hours after the operation, the concentrations of myoglobin, creatine phosphokinase-MB, MMP-9, heart-type fatty acid binding protein were increased several times (p<0,05). Changes in concentrations of interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor alpha after the operation was not revealed. On the 5th day, elevated levels of cardiac markers returned to baseline values. MMP-9 level also decreased, but was higher than the preoperative level. Using Spearman’s correlation analysis, a direct relationship was revealed between the application duration and heart-type fatty acid binding protein level.Conclusion. Radiofrequency ablation is a safe method of treating arrhythmias in children and adolescents, since there is low volume of damaged myocardium. There was a slight increase in the level of biochemical markers after ablation (myoglobin, creatine phosphokinase-MB, fatty acid binding protein, MMP-9), incomparable with their rise in acute coronary syndrome, as well as the rapid decrease in the early postoperative period


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    Рассмотрена возможность создания и использования системы автоматического управления микроклиматом как фактором сохранности товара в закрытых складских помещениях.The possibility of creating and using an automatic microclimate control system as a factor in the safety of goods in closed warehouses

    Family adaptation as a predictor of family self-determination of digital generation students

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    Introduction. An accessible and contradictory Internet space creates threats and risks to traditional family values, contributes to the emergence of intergenerational problems, the formation of distortions in the marriage and family conception of young people in the context of digital socialisation. The relevance of the research problem associated with understanding the reasons for family self-determination is intensified by the fact that modern students are focused on career growth, status work, personal development, achievement of material prosperity, mobility, and the associated decrease in the importance of family and marriage institution, childbearing. Aim. The aim of the study is to detect the features of students’ family self-determination depending on the level of family adaptation (rigid, structured, flexible and chaotic) in the context of interaction of traditional and digital socialisation. Methodology and research methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the cultural-historical theory of cognitive development by L. S. Vygotsky; the ecological systems theory by U. Bronfenbrenner, supplemented by the techno-subsystem of G. Johnson, K. Puplampu; socio-cognitive concept of digital socialisation by G. U. Soldatova, A. E. Voiskounsky; “circumplex model” by D. H. Olson. The study involved 312 students aged between 17 and 25, born after 1995 and belonging to digital generation. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis, psychodiagnostic method and mathematical-statistical methods of data processing. Results. The present study demonstrated that the nature of the role structure of parental family (adaptation) is a meso-level factor, which determines the process of family self-determination of digital generation students. It has been established that the chaotic type of family adaptation prevails in parental families, in which students form the value of the parental family, the importance of mother and father, an emotionally positive attitude towards their own family and the ability to manage their lives. At the same time, there are also negative trends, which are manifested in the fact that students form excessive demands on a marriage partner in the household sphere, and the availability of an active life decreases. Students with a rigid level of adaptation differ from their peers in the lower significance of the role “As a son/daughter”, the values of marriage and family relations, life-meaning orientations, and self-doubt. Students with a structural level of family adaptation are characterised by a less positive attitude towards themselves and their father compared to other respondents. A flexible level of family adaptation is optimal and contributes to the development of the importance of filial or affiliated roles, purposefulness, meaningfulness of life, an emotionally positive attitude to the headship and responsibility in the family, self-confidence, internal locus of control. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the establishment of the connection between family adaptation and the content characteristics of students’ family self-determination under the conditions of interaction of traditional and digital socialisation. Practical significance. The applied aspect of the investigated problem of students’ family self-determination depending on the level of family adaptation can be implemented within the activities of psychological services of the university in providing assistance in the field of premarital and family counselling to resolve intergenerational problems, prevent the emergence of dysfunctional marriage in the future.Введение. Доступное и противоречивое интернет-пространство создает угрозы и риски традиционным семейным ценностям, способствует возникновению межпоколенческих проблем, формированию искажений в брачно-семейных представлениях молодежи в условиях цифровой социализации. Актуальность исследования проблемы детерминации семейного самоопределения усиливается тем, что современные студенты ориентированы на карьерный рост, статусную работу, личное развитие, достижение материального достатка, мобильность, и связанного с этим снижением значимости института семьи и брака, деторождения. Цель исследования – выявить особенности семейного самоопределения студентов в зависимости от уровня семейной адаптации (ригидный, структурированный, гибкий и хаотичный) в условиях взаимодействия традиционной и цифровой социализации. Методология, методы и методики. Теоретико-методологической основой исследования выступили культурно-историческая теория развития психики Л.С. Выготского; концепция экологических систем U. Bronfenbrenner, дополненная техносистемой G. Johnson, K. Puplampu; социально-когнитивная концепция цифровой социализации Г.У. Солдатовой, А. Е. Войскунского; «циркулярная модель» D.H. Olson, D.H. Sprenkle, C.S. Russell. В исследовании приняли участие 312 студентов в возрасте от 17 до 25 лет, родившиеся после 1995 года и относящиеся к цифровому поколению. Для достижения поставленной цели использовались методы теоретического анализа, психодиагностический метод и математико-статистические методы обработки данных. Результаты. Проведенное исследование показало, что характер ролевой структуры родительской семьи (адаптация) является фактором мезоуровня, детерминирующим процесс семейного самоопределения студентов цифрового поколения. Установлено, что в родительских семьях преобладает хаотический тип семейной адаптации, при котором у студентов формируются ценность родительской семьи, значимость мамы и отца, эмоционально-положительное отношение к собственной семье, способность управлять своей жизнью. При этом наблюдаются также и негативные тенденции, которые проявляются в том, что у студентов формируются завышенные требования к брачному партнеру в хозяйственно-бытовой сфере, снижается доступность активной деятельной жизни. Студенты с ригидным уровнем адаптации отличаются от своих сверстников более низкой значимостью роли Я – сын/дочь, ценностей брачно-семейных отношений, смысло-жизненных ориентаций, неуверенностью в себе. Для студентов со структурным уровнем семейной адаптации характерно менее положительное отношение к себе и отцу по сравнению с другими респондентами. Гибкий уровень семейной адаптации является оптимальным и способствует развитию важности сыновней или дочерней роли, целеустремленности, осмысленности жизни, эмоционально-положительного отношения к главенству и ответственности в семье, уверенности в себе, внутреннего локуса контроля. Научная новизна исследования заключается в установлении связи семейной адаптации и содержательных характеристик семейного самоопределения у студентов в условиях взаимодействия традиционной и цифровой социализации. Практическая значимость. Прикладной аспект исследуемой проблемы семейного самоопределения студентов в зависимости от уровня семейной адаптации может быть реализован в рамках деятельности психологической службы вуза при оказании помощи в области добрачного и семейного консультирования для разрешения межпоколенческих проблем, предотвращения возникновения дисфункционального брака в будущем


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    The aim of this scientific work is detecting of neurological pathology among first grade students. We examined 2507 students (1414 male and 1093 female) in the age from 16 to 18 in the process of deep medical examination. We collected neurological complains, neurostatus, analyses of medical documentation. This data was statistically handled. Therefore 80% of students had neurological pathology. The most frequent cases were vegetative-vascular dystonia, vertebrogenic pathology and essential headache. The gained data means the very high level of neurological disease among students, which shows not only importance of rehabilitation activities, but modernization of preventive activities among adolescences

    Analysis of nucleotide sequences of the <i>GT47</i> glycosyltransferase gene in rye cultivars differing in the content of water-soluble pentosans in grain

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    Rye (Secale cereale L.) is the most important crop in Russia, its grain quality depends on the content of water-soluble pentosans. The grain of rye cultivars with high content of water-soluble pentosans has good baking properties, but low fodder qualities. Methods of marker-assisted selection for this trait in rye remain undeveloped. For Triticeae, the content of pentosans in grain may be associated with the GT47 glycosyltransferase genes, but the genes of this family have not been identified in rye.  The aim of this study was amplification, sequencing, and search for single nucleotide substitutions or other mutations in the GT47 gene in various rye cultivars differing in the content of water-soluble pentosans in their grain and the viscosity of their aqueous extract. DNA from rye leaves was isolated by the standard CTAB method. Based on the nucleotide sequences of the bread wheat and barley GT47 genes, universal primers were selected, then a fragment of the open reading frames of the studied gene was amplified, and the nucleotide sequences were determined by automatic capillary sequencing.The population cultivars of rye, ‘Chulpan 7’ and ‘Podarok’, and F1 hybrids ‘KVS Aviator’, ‘KVS Magnifico’ and ‘KVS Eterno’ were analyzed. The highest content of pentosans and the highest kinematic viscosity of the aqueous extract were found in cv. ‘Chulpan 7’. The lowest values of these indicators were shown by the hybrid cv. ‘KVS Aviator’. The analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the GT47 gene revealed the presence of single-nucleotide substitutions in seven loci, in which the studied rye cultivars differed. Of these, the high-pentosan cv. ‘Chulpan 7’ and the low-pentosan cv, ‘KVS Aviator’ differed in three nucleotide substitutions: 159 (G/A), 204 (C/T), and 327 (G/A). It is suggested that these SNPs can be used for genotyping rye cultivars for the content of water-soluble pentosans in grain

    Determination of the Dependence of the Structure of the TiNi Alloy on the Conditions of Corrosion Tests

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    Коррозионный процесс протекал на всех образцах и во всех растворах в виде появления питтингов. При испытаниях в растворе 1М HCl заметно увеличение размера питтингов с 1,9 мкм в закаленном состоянии до 2,2 мкм в деформированном состоянии. С повышением концентрации раствора размеры питтингов растут: в закаленном состоянии — 2,3 мкм, а в деформированном — 3,5 мкм.The corrosion process proceeded in all samples and in all solutions in the form of pitting. When tested in a 1M HCl solution, an increase in the pitting size from 1.9 .m in the hardened state to 2.2 .m in the deformed state is noticeable. With an increase in the concentration of the solution, the dimensions of the pits grow: in the hardened state — 2.3 .m, and in the deformed state — 3.5 .m.Исследование поддержано средствами гранта Президента Российской Федерации для государственной поддержки молодых российских ученых — кандидатов наук (МК-6202.2021.1.2).The research was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists — candidates of sciences (MK‑6202.2021.1.2)