515 research outputs found

    A note on the Zassenhaus product formula

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    We provide a simple method for the calculation of the terms c_n in the Zassenhaus product ea+b=eaeb∏n=2∞ecne^{a+b}=e^a e^b \prod_{n=2}^{\infty} e^{c_n} for non-commuting a and b. This method has been implemented in a computer program. Furthermore, we formulate a conjecture on how to translate these results into nested commutators. This conjecture was checked up to order n=17 using a computer

    A constructive algorithm for the Cartan decomposition of SU(2^N)

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    We present an explicit numerical method to obtain the Cartan-Khaneja-Glaser decomposition of a general element G of SU(2^N) in terms of its `Cartan' and `non-Cartan' components. This effectively factors G in terms of group elements that belong in SU(2^n) with n<N, a procedure that can be iterated down to n=2. We show that every step reduces to solving the zeros of a matrix polynomial, obtained by truncation of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, numerically. All computational tasks involved are straightforward and the overall truncation errors are well under control.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, matlab file at http://cam.qubit.org/users/jiannis

    Manifolds with large isotropy groups

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    We classify all simply connected Riemannian manifolds whose isotropy groups act with cohomogeneity less than or equal to two.Comment: 21 page

    Exact solutions in Einstein-Yang-Mills-Dirac systems

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    We present exact solutions in Einstein-Yang-Mills-Dirac theories with gauge groups SU(2) and SU(4) in Robertson-Walker space-time R×S3R \times S^3 , which are symmetric under the action of the group SO(4) of spatial rotations. Our approach is based on the dimensional reduction method for gauge and gravitational fields and relates symmetric solutions in EYMD theory to certain solutions of an effective dynamical system. We interpret our solutions as cosmological solutions with an oscillating Yang-Mills field passing between topologically distinct vacua. The explicit form of the solution for spinor field shows that its energy changes the sign during the evolution of the Yang-Mills field from one vacuum to the other, which can be considered as production or annihilation of fermions. Among the obtained solutions there is also a static sphaleron-like solution, which is a cosmological analogue of the first Bartnik-McKinnon solution in the presence of fermions.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX 2

    A simple method for finite range decomposition of quadratic forms and Gaussian fields

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    We present a simple method to decompose the Green forms corresponding to a large class of interesting symmetric Dirichlet forms into integrals over symmetric positive semi-definite and finite range (properly supported) forms that are smoother than the original Green form. This result gives rise to multiscale decompositions of the associated Gaussian free fields into sums of independent smoother Gaussian fields with spatially localized correlations. Our method makes use of the finite propagation speed of the wave equation and Chebyshev polynomials. It improves several existing results and also gives simpler proofs.Comment: minor correction for t<

    SU(5) grand unification on a domain-wall brane from an E_6-invariant action

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    An SU(5) grand unification scheme for effective 3+1-dimensional fields dynamically localised on a domain-wall brane is constructed. This is achieved through the confluence of the clash-of-symmetries mechanism for symmetry breaking through domain-wall formation, and the Dvali-Shifman gauge-boson localisation idea. It requires an E_6 gauge-invariant action, yielding a domain-wall solution that has E_6 broken to differently embedded SO(10) x U(1) subgroups in the two bulk regions on opposite sides of the wall. On the wall itself, the unbroken symmetry is the intersection of the two bulk subgroups, and contains SU(5). A 4+1-dimensional fermion family in the 27 of E_6 gives rise to localised left-handed zero-modes in the 5^* + 10 + 1 + 1 representation of SU(5). The remaining ten fermion components of the 27 are delocalised exotic states, not appearing in the effective 3+1-dimensional theory on the domain-wall brane. The scheme is compatible with the type-2 Randall-Sundrum mechanism for graviton localisation; the single extra dimension is infinite.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Minor changes to text and references. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum simulations under translational symmetry

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    We investigate the power of quantum systems for the simulation of Hamiltonian time evolutions on a cubic lattice under the constraint of translational invariance. Given a set of translationally invariant local Hamiltonians and short range interactions we determine time evolutions which can and those that can not be simulated. Whereas for general spin systems no finite universal set of generating interactions is shown to exist, universality turns out to be generic for quadratic bosonic and fermionic nearest-neighbor interactions when supplemented by all translationally invariant on-site Hamiltonians.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, references added, minor change

    Centralizers of maximal regular subgroups in simple Lie groups and relative congruence classes of representations

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    In the paper we present a new, uniform and comprehensive description of centralizers of the maximal regular subgroups in compact simple Lie groups of all types and ranks. The centralizer is either a direct product of finite cyclic groups, a continuous group of rank 1, or a product, not necessarily direct, of a continuous group of rank 1 with a finite cyclic group. Explicit formulas for the action of such centralizers on irreducible representations of the simple Lie algebras are given.Comment: 27 page

    Characteristic Dynkin diagrams and W-algebras

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    We present a classification of characteristic Dynkin diagrams for the ANA_N, BNB_N, CNC_N and DND_N algebras. This classification is related to the classification of \cw(\cg,\ck) algebras arising from non-Abelian Toda models, and we argue that it can give new insight on the structure of WW algebras.Comment: 20 page

    On the spatial Markov property of soups of unoriented and oriented loops

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    We describe simple properties of some soups of unoriented Markov loops and of some soups of oriented Markov loops that can be interpreted as a spatial Markov property of these loop-soups. This property of the latter soup is related to well-known features of the uniform spanning trees (such as Wilson's algorithm) while the Markov property of the former soup is related to the Gaussian Free Field and to identities used in the foundational papers of Symanzik, Nelson, and of Brydges, Fr\"ohlich and Spencer or Dynkin, or more recently by Le Jan
