211 research outputs found

    A Teledentistry System for the Second Opinion

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    In this paper we present a teledentistry system aimed to the Second Opinion task. It make use of a particular camera called intra-oral camera, also called dental camera, in order to perform the photo shooting and real-time video of the inner part of the mouth. The pictures acquired by the Operator with such a device are sent to the Oral Medicine Expert (OME) by means of a current File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service and the real-time video is channeled into a video streaming thanks to the VideoLan client/server (VLC) application. It is composed by a HTML5 web-pages generated by PHP and allows to perform the Second Opinion both when Operator and OME are logged and when one of them is offline

    Generation of the Becker muscular dystrophy patient derived induced pluripotent stem cell line carrying the DMD splicing mutation c.1705-8 T>C

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    Becker Muscular dystrophy (BMD) is an X-linked syndrome characterized by progressive muscle weakness. BMD is generally less severe than Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. BMD is caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene that normally give rise to the production of a truncated but partially functional dystrophin protein. We generated an induced pluripotent cell line from dermal fibroblasts of a BMD patient carrying a splice mutation in the dystrophin gene (c.1705-8 T>C). The iPSC cell-line displayed the characteristic pluripotent-like morphology, expressed pluripotency markers, differentiated into cells of the three germ layers and had a normal karyotype

    Is BRCA1-5083del19, identified in breast cancer patients of Sicilian origin, a Calabrian founder mutation?

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    Various studies have been published in Italy regarding the different BRCA1 mutations, but only the BRCA1-5083del19 mutation is recurrent and specific to individuals of Italian descent with a founder effect on the Calabrian population. In our previous study, BRCA1-5083del19 mutation carriers were found in four index cases of 106 Sicilian patients selected for familial and/or hereditary breast/ovarian cancers. The high frequency rate of this mutation identified in the Sicilian population led us to perform haplotype analysis in all family carriers. Five highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were used (D17S1320, D17S932, D17S1323, D17S1326, D17S1325) to establish whether or not all these families had a common ancestor. This analysis showed that all mutation carriers of these families had a common allele. None of the non-carriers of the mutation or of the 50 healthy Sicilian controls showed this haplotype. This allelotype analysis highlighted the presence of a common allele (ancestor), thus suggesting the presence of a founder effect in the Sicilian population. Our results are in contrast with other studies but only the allelotype analysis of all the BRCA1-5083del19 mutation carriers of two neighboring regions of the south of Italy (Calabria and Sicily) will make it possible to identify the real ancestor of this mutation

    Lithium as a positive modulator of defective WNT pathway in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome models

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    The cohesin complex is a multimeric system, highly conserved in the course of cellular evolution from the most primitive life forms to human cells. Cohesins are essential Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC), protein-containing complexes that interact with chromatin and modulate chromatin organization and gene expression. Genetic variants that cause structural and/or functional alterations induce an array of congenital pathologies named "cohesinopathies". It is believed that such malformations arise from deregulation of pivotal developmental molecular pathways. Canonical WNT pathway has been shown to be perturbed in association with central nervous system malformation in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS), one of the most characterized cohesinopathy. In this study, we validated the relevance of canonical WNT pathway and assess the effect of LiCl-dependent activation of WNT pathway in three CdLS experimental models: Lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients, murine Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) and Drosophila melanogaster. Methods Lymphoblastoid cells (immortalized lines from CdLS patients) of patients carrying mutations of NIPBL or HDAC8 genes and healthy donors were used in these studies. These cells were treated with LiCl 1mM, 2,5mM and 5mM, and vehicle and proliferation rate were measured. Proliferation and differentiation capabilities were also assessed in CdLS NSCs upon LiCl treatment. Flies were grown upon food added with a different concentration of LiCl. Drosophila brains were analyzed for morphological evaluation. Results and conclusions Preliminary data on lymphoblastoid cells showed no effects on cell death rate in healthy donor following LiCl treatment. And, although with a patient-specific response, LiCl appeared to induce an increase in proliferation, especially in cell lines that were slow-growing compared to controls. NSCs showed reduced NSCs proliferation rate and differentiating capabilities. The presence of lithium could reduce the detrimental effects in a significant way. Drosophila mutants for nipped-B gene, the ortholog of human NIPBL, display malformations in mushroom bodies (MB), a structure involved in olfactory learning and memory. Treating subsequent generation of flies with 100mM of LiCl, MB morphology was restored in the offspring. All these data further confirm the hypothesis that in \u201ccohesinophaties\u201d is present an impairment of WNT pathway that could, in part, explain the typical neurodevelopmental alterations of this syndrome. Moreover, these studies could pave the way for future therapeutic strategies

    Laser Pressure Catapulting (LPC): Optimization LPC-System and Genotyping of Colorectal Carcinomas

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    Genotype analysis is becoming more and more useful in clinical practice, since specific mutations in tumors often correlate with prognosis and/or therapeutic response. Unfortunately, current molecular analytical techniques often require time-consuming and costly steps of analysis, thus making their routine clinical use difficult. Moreover, one of the most difficult problems arising during tumor research is that of their cell heterogeneity, which depends on their clear molecular heterogeneity. SSCP analysis discriminates by means of aberrant electrophoresis migration bands, mutated alleles which may represent as little as 15-20% of their total number. Nevertheless, in order to identify by sequencing the type of alteration revealed by this technique, only the mutated allele must be isolated. The advent of laser microdissection is a procedure which easily solves these problems of accuracy, costs, and time. The aims of this study were to perfect the system of laser pressure catapulting (LPC) laser microdissection for the assessment of the mutational status of p53 and k-ras genes in a consecutive series of 67 patients with colorectal carcinomas (CRC), in order to compare this technique with that involving hand-dissection and to demonstrate that since the LPC system guarantees more accurate biomolecular analyses, it should become part of clinical routine in this field. The LPC-system was perfected with the use of mineral oil and the LPC-membrane. To compare the techniques of hand- and LPC-microdissection, alcohol-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 67 cases of CRC were both hand- and laser-microdissected. In either case, dissected samples were analyzed by SSCP/sequencing and direct sequencing for k-ras and p53 gene mutations. LPC-microdissection made it possible to pick up mutations by direct sequencing or SSCP/sequencing, whereas hand-microdissection mutations were identified only by means of SSCP followed by sequencing; direct sequencing did not reveal any mutation. In the 67 patients examined by either method, 36% (24/67) showed p53 mutations, 32 of which identified. Seventy-eight percent (25/32) were found in the conserved areas of the gene, while 12% (4/32) were in the L2 loop, 50% (16/32) were in the L3 loop, and 12% (4/32) in the LSH motif of the protein. Moreover, of the 67 cases examined, 40% (27/67) showed mutations in k-ras, with a total of 29 mutations identified. Of these, 14 (48%) were found in codon 12 and 15 (52%) in codon 13. The modifications which we brought to the LPC system led to a vast improvement of the technique, making it an ideal substitution for hand-microdissection and guaranteeing a considerable number of advantages regarding facility, accuracy, time, and cost. Furthermore, the data obtained from the mutational analyses performed confirm that the LPC system is more efficient and rapid than hand-microdissection for acquiring useful information regarding molecular profile and can therefore be used with success in clinical routine

    Expanding the phenotype associated to KMT2A variants: overlapping clinical signs between Wiedemann–Steiner and Rubinstein–Taybi syndromes

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    Lysine-specific methyltransferase 2A (KMT2A) is responsible for methylation of histone H3 (K4H3me) and contributes to chromatin remodeling, acting as \u201cwriter\u201d of the epigenetic machinery. Mutations in KMT2A were first reported in Wiedemann\u2013Steiner syndrome (WDSTS). More recently, KMT2A variants have been described in probands with a specific clinical diagnosis comprised in the so-called chromatinopathies. Such conditions, including WDSTS, are a group of overlapping disorders caused by mutations in genes coding for the epigenetic machinery. Among them, Rubinstein\u2013Taybi syndrome (RSTS) is mainly caused by heterozygous pathogenic variants in CREBBP or EP300. In this work, we used next generation sequencing (either by custom-made panel or by whole exome) to identify alternative causative genes in individuals with a RSTS-like phenotype negative to CREBBP and EP300 mutational screening. In six patients we identified different novel unreported variants in KMT2A gene. The identified variants are de novo in at least four out of six tested individuals and all of them display some typical RSTS phenotypic features but also WDSTS specific signs. This study reinforces the concept that germline variants affecting the epigenetic machinery lead to a shared molecular effect (alteration of the chromatin state) determining superimposable clinical conditions

    Tackling amyloidogenesis in Alzheimer's disease with A2V variants of Amyloid-β

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    We developed a novel therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) exploiting the properties of a natural variant of Amyloid-β (Aβ) carrying the A2V substitution, which protects heterozygous carriers from AD by its ability to interact with wild-type Aβ, hindering conformational changes and assembly thereof. As prototypic compound we designed a six-mer mutated peptide (Aβ1-6A2V), linked to the HIV-related TAT protein, which is widely used for brain delivery and cell membrane penetration of drugs. The resulting molecule [Aβ1-6A2VTAT(D)] revealed strong anti-amyloidogenic effects in vitro and protected human neuroblastoma cells from Aβ toxicity. Preclinical studies in AD mouse models showed that short-term treatment with Aβ1-6A2VTAT(D) inhibits Aβ aggregation and cerebral amyloid deposition, but a long treatment schedule unexpectedly increases amyloid burden, although preventing cognitive deterioration. Our data support the view that the AβA2V-based strategy can be successfully used for the development of treatments for AD, as suggested by the natural protection against the disease in human A2V heterozygous carriers. The undesirable outcome of the prolonged treatment with Aβ1-6A2VTAT(D) was likely due to the TAT intrinsic attitude to increase Aβ production, avidly bind amyloid and boost its seeding activity, warning against the use of the TAT carrier in the design of AD therapeutics
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