50 research outputs found

    Fractional Chern insulator on a triangular lattice of strongly correlated t2gt_{2g} electrons

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    We discuss the low-energy limit of three-orbital Kondo-lattice and Hubbard models describing t2gt_{2g} orbitals on a triangular lattice near half-filling. We analyze how very flat bands with non-trivial topological character, a Chern number C=1, arise both in the limit of infinite on-site interactions as well as in more realistic regimes. Exact diagonalization is then used to investigate fractional filling of an effective one-band spinless-fermion model including nearest-neighbor interaction VV; it reveals signatures of fractional Chern insulators (FCIs) for several filling fractions. In addition to indications based on energies, e.g. flux insertion and fractional statistics of quasiholes, Chern numbers are obtained. It is shown that FCIs are robust against disorder in the underlying magnetic texture that defines the topological character of the band. We also investigate competition between FCI states and a charge density wave (CDW) and discuss particle-hole asymmetry as well as Fermi-surface nesting. FCI states turn out to be rather robust and do not require very flat bands, but can also arise when filling or an absence of Fermi-surface nesting disfavor the competing CDW. Nevertheless, very flat bands allow FCI states to be induced by weaker interactions than those needed for more dispersive bands.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Half-Metallic Ferromagnetism and the spin polarization in CrO2_2

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    We present electronic structure calculations in combination with local and non-local many-body correlation effects for the half-metallic ferromagnet CrO2_2. Finite-temperature Dynamical Mean Field Theory results show the existence of non-quasiparticle states, which were recently observed as almost currentless minority spin states near the Fermi energy in resonant scattering experients. At zero temperatures, Variational Cluster Approach calculations support the half-metallic nature of CrO2_2 as seen in superconducting point contact spectroscopy. The combination of these two techniques allowed us to qualitatively describe the spin-polarization in CrO2_2.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Macroscopic Degeneracy and Emergent Frustration in a Honeycomb Lattice Magnet

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    Using a hybrid method based on fermionic diagonalization and classical Monte Carlo, we investigate the interplay between itinerant and localized spins, with competing double- and super-exchange interactions, on a honeycomb lattice. For moderate superexchange, a geometrically frustrated triangular lattice of hexagons forms spontaneously. For slightly larger superexchange a dimerized groundstate is stable that has macroscopic degeneracy. The presence of these states on a non-frustrated honeycomb lattice highlights a novel phenomenon in this itinerant electron system: emergent geometrical frustration and degeneracy.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figures; published versio

    Properties of a two orbital model for oxypnictide superconductors: Magnetic order, B_2g spin-singlet pairing channel, and its nodal structure

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    A two orbital model for the new Fe-based superconductors is studied using the Lanczos method as well as pairing mean-field approximations. Our main goals are (i) to provide a comprehensive analysis of this model using numerical techniques with focus on half-filling and on the state with two more electrons than half-filling and (ii) to investigate the nodal structure of the mean-field superconducting state and compare the results with angle-resolved photoemission data. In particular, we provide evidence that at half-filling spin 'stripes', as observed experimentally, dominate over competing states. Depending on parameters, the state with two more electrons added to half filling is either triplet or singlet. Since experiments suggest spin singlet pairs, our focus is on this state. Under rotation, it transforms as the B_2g representation of the D_4h group. We also show that the s+/- pairing operator transforms as A_1g and becomes dominant only in an unphysical regime of the model where the undoped state is an insulator. For robust values of the effective electronic attraction producing the Cooper pairs, assumption compatible with recent angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) results that suggesting small Cooper-pair size, the nodes of the two-orbital model are found to be located only at the electron pockets. Since recent ARPES efforts have searched for nodes at the hole pockets or only in a few directions at the electron pockets, our results for the nodal distribution may help to guide future experiments. More in general, the investigations reported here aim to establish several of the properties of the two orbital model. Only a detailed comparison with experiments will clarify how far this simple model present a valid description of the Fe pnictides

    Absence of Hole Confinement in Transition Metal Oxides with Orbital Degeneracy

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    We investigate the spectral properties of a hole moving in a two-dimensional Hubbard model for strongly correlated t_2g electrons. Although superexchange interactions are Ising-like, a quasi-one-dimensional coherent hole motion arises due to effective three-site terms. This mechanism is fundamentally different from the hole motion via quantum fluctuations in the conventional spin model with SU(2) symmetry. The orbital model describes also propagation of a hole in some e_g compounds, and we argue that orbital degeneracy alone does not lead to hole self-localization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Orbital polarons versus itinerant e_g electrons in doped manganites

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    We study an effective one-dimensional (1D) orbital t-J model derived for strongly correlated e_g electrons in doped manganites. The ferromagnetic spin order at half filling is supported by orbital superexchange prop. to J which stabilizes orbital order with alternating x^2-y^2 and 3z^2-r^2 orbitals. In a doped system it competes with the kinetic energy prop. to t. When a single hole is doped to a half-filled chain, its motion is hindered and a localized orbital polaron is formed. An increasing doping generates either separated polarons or phase separation into hole-rich and hole-poor regions, and eventually polarizes the orbitals and gives a it metallic phase with occupied 3z^2-r^2 orbitals. This crossover, investigated by exact diagonalization at zero temperature, is demonstrated both by the behavior of correlation functions and by spectral properties, showing that the orbital chain with Ising superexchange is more classical and thus radically different from the 1D spin t-J model. At finite temperature we derive and investigate an effective 1D orbital model using a combination of exact diagonalization with classical Monte-Carlo for spin correlations. A competition between the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic spin order was established at half filling, and localized polarons were found for antiferromagnetic interactions at low hole doping. Finally, we clarify that the Jahn-Teller alternating potential stabilizes the orbital order with staggered orbitals, inducing the ferromagnetic spin order and enhancing the localized features in the excitation spectra. Implications of these findings for colossal magnetoresistance manganites are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure

    Doping dependence of spin and orbital correlations in layered manganites

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    We investigate the interplay between spin and orbital correlations in monolayer and bilayer manganites using an effective spin-orbital t-J model which treats explicitly the e_g orbital degrees of freedom coupled to classical t_{2g} spins. Using finite clusters with periodic boundary conditions, the orbital many-body problem is solved by exact diagonalization, either by optimizing spin configuration at zero temperature, or by using classical Monte-Carlo for the spin subsystem at finite temperature. In undoped two-dimensional clusters, a complementary behavior of orbital and spin correlations is found - the ferromagnetic spin order coexists with alternating orbital order, while the antiferromagnetic spin order, triggered by t_{2g} spin superexchange, coexists with ferro-orbital order. With finite crystal field term, we introduce a realistic model for La_{1-x}Sr_{1+x}MnO_4, describing a gradual change from predominantly out-of-plane 3z^2-r^2 to in-plane x^2-y^2 orbital occupation under increasing doping. The present electronic model is sufficient to explain the stability of the CE phase in monolayer manganites at doping x=0.5, and also yields the C-type antiferromagnetic phase found in Nd_{1-x}Sr_{1+x}MnO_4 at high doping. Also in bilayer manganites magnetic phases and the accompanying orbital order change with increasing doping. Here the model predicts C-AF and G-AF phases at high doping x>0.75, as found experimentally in La_{2-2x}Sr_{1+2x}Mn_2O_7.Comment: 23 pages, 21 figure

    Aspects of the FM Kondo Model: From Unbiased MC Simulations to Back-of-an-Envelope Explanations

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    Effective models are derived from the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model with classical corespins, which greatly reduce the numerical effort. Results for these models are presented. They indicate that double exchange gives the correct order of magnitude and the correct doping dependence of the Curie temperature. Furthermore, we find that the jump in the particle density previously interpreted as phase separation is rather explained by ferromagnetic polarons.Comment: Proceedings of Wandlitz Days of Magnetism 200