2,651 research outputs found

    Improving Predictions for Helium Emission Lines

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    We have combined the detailed He I recombination model of Smits with the collisional transitions of Sawey & Berrington in order to produce new accurate helium emissivities that include the effects of collisional excitation from both the 2 (3)S and 2 (1) S levels. We present a grid of emissivities for a range of temperature and densities along with analytical fits and error estimates. Fits accurate to within 1% are given for the emissivities of the brightest lines over a restricted range for estimates of primordial helium abundance. We characterize the analysis uncertainties associated with uncertainties in temperature, density, fitting functions, and input atomic data. We estimate that atomic data uncertainties alone may limit abundance estimates to an accuracy of 1.5%; systematic errors may be greater than this. This analysis uncertainty must be incorporated when attempting to make high accuracy estimates of the helium abundance. For example, in recent determinations of the primordial helium abundance, uncertainties in the input atomic data have been neglected.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Gate-bias assisted charge injection in organic field-effect transistors

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    The charge injection barriers in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) seem to be far less critical as compared to organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Counter intuitively; we show that the origin is image-force lowering of the barrier due to the gate bias at the source contact; although the corresponding gate field is perpendicular to the channel current. In coplanar OFETs; injection barriers up to 1 eV can be surmounted by increasing the gate bias; enabling extraction of bulk transport parameters in this regime. For staggered transistors; however; the injection is gate-assisted only until the gate bias is screened by the accumulation channel opposite to the source contact. The gate-assisted injection is supported by two-dimensional numerical charge transport simulations that reproduce the gate-bias dependence of the contact resistance and the typical S-shaped output curves as observed for OFETs with high injection barriers.

    Size of the Vela Pulsar's Radio Emission Region: 500 km

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    We use interstellar scattering of the Vela pulsar to determine the size of its emission region. From interferometric phase variations on short baselines, we find that radio-wave scattering broadens the source by 3.4+/-0.3 milliarcseconds along the major axis at position angle 81+/-3 degrees. The ratio of minor axis to major axis is 0.51+/-0.03. Comparison of angular and temporal broadening indicates that the scattering material lies in the Vela-X supernova remnant surrounding the pulsar. From the modulation of the pulsar's scintillation on very short baselines, we infer a size of 500 km for the pulsar's emission region. We suggest that radio-wave refraction within the pulsar's magnetosphere may plausibly explain this size.Comment: 14 pages, includes 2 figures. Also available at: http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu:80/people/cgwinn/cgwinn_group/cgwinn_group.htm

    Cochlear Implantation after Bacterial Meningitis in Infants Younger Than 9 Months

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    Objective. To describe the audiological, anesthesiological, and surgical key points of cochlear implantation after bacterial meningitis in very young infants. Material and Methods. Between 2005 and 2010, 4 patients received 7 cochlear implants before the age of 9 months (range 4–8 months) because of profound hearing loss after pneumococcal meningitis. Results. Full electrode insertions were achieved in all operated ears. The audiological and linguistic outcome varied considerably, with categories of auditory performance (CAP) scores between 3 and 6, and speech intelligibility rating (SIR) scores between 0 and 5. The audiological, anesthesiological, and surgical issues that apply in this patient group are discussed. Conclusion. Cochlear implantation in very young postmeningitic infants is challenging due to their young age, sequelae of meningitis, and the risk of cochlear obliteration. A swift diagnostic workup is essential, specific audiological, anesthesiological, and surgical considerations apply, and the outcome is variable even in successful implantations

    The Chemical Composition of the Small Magellanic Cloud H II Region NGC 346 and the Primordial Helium Abundance

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    Spectrophotometry in the 3400-7400 range is presented for 13 areas of the brightest H II region in the SMC: NGC 346. The observations were obtained at CTIO with the 4-m telescope. Based on these observations its chemical composition is derived. The helium and oxygen abundances by mass are given by: Y(SMC)=0.2405+-0.0018 and O(SMC)=0.00171+-0.00025. From models and observations of irregular and blue compact galaxies it is found that dY/dO=3.5+-0.9 and consequently that the primordial helium abundance by mass is given by: Yp=0.2345+-0.0026 (1-sigma). This result is compared with values derived from Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and with other determinations of Yp.Comment: 32 pages + 5 figures Referee Revised Versio

    Assembly of viral genomes from metagenomes

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    Viral infections remain a serious global health issue. Metagenomic approaches are increasingly used in the detection of novel viral pathogens but also to generate complete genomes of uncultivated viruses. In silico identification of complete viral genomes from sequence data would allow rapid phylogenetic characterization of these new viruses. Often, however, complete viral genomes are not recovered, but rather several distinct contigs derived from a single entity are, some of which have no sequence homology to any known proteins. De novo assembly of single viruses from a metagenome is challenging, not only because of the lack of a reference genome, but also because of intrapopulation variation and uneven or insufficient coverage. Here we explored different assembly algorithms, remote homology searches, genome-specific sequence motifs, k-mer frequency ranking, and coverage profile binning to detect and obtain viral target genomes from metagenomes. All methods were tested on 454-generated sequencing datasets containing three recently described RNA viruses with a relatively large genome which were divergent to previously known viruses from the viral families Rhabdoviridae and Coronaviridae. Depending on specific characteristics of the target virus and the metagenomic community, different assembly and in silico gap closure strategies were successful in obtaining near complete viral genomes.This work was partially funded by the Virgo Consortium, funded by the Dutch government project number FES0908, by Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI) project number 050-060-452 and ZonMW TOP project 91213058. A. Ruiz-Gonzalez holds a Post doc fellowship awarded by the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government (Ref. DKR-2012-64) and was partially supported by the Research group on "Systematics, Biogeography and Population Dynamics" (Basque Government; Ref. IT317-10; GIC10/76)

    Helium abundance in the most metal-deficient blue compact galaxies: I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052

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    We present high-quality spectroscopic observations of the two most-metal deficient blue compact galaxies known, I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052 to determine the helium abundance. The underlying stellar absorption strongly influences the observed intensities of He I emission lines in the brightest NW component of I Zw 18, and hence this component should not be used for primordial He abundance determination. The effect of underlying stellar absorption, though present, is much smaller in the SE component. Assuming all systematic uncertainties are negligible, the He mass fraction derived in this component is Y = 0.243+/-0.007. The high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum (> 100 in the continuum) of SBS 0335-052 allows us to measure the helium mass fraction with a precision better than 2% -- 5% in nine different regions along the slit. Assuming all systematic uncertainties are negligible, the weighted mean He mass fraction in SBS 0335-052 is Y = 0.2437+/-0.0014 when the three He I 4471, 5876 and 6678 emission lines are used, and is 0.2463+/-0.0015 when the He I 4471 emission line is excluded. The weighted mean helium mass fraction in the two most metal-deficient BCGs I Zw 18 and SBS 0335-052, Y=0.2462+/-0.0015, after correction for the stellar He production results in a primordial He mass fraction Yp = 0.2452+/-0.0015. The derived Yp leads to a baryon-to-photon ratio of (4.7+/-1.0) 10^{-10}, consistent with the values derived from the primordial D and 7Li abundances, and supporting the standard big bang nucleosynthesis theory. For the most consistent set of primordial D, 4He, and 7Li abundances we derive an equivalent number of light neutrino species 3.0+/-0.3 (95% C.L.).Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Ap

    Monolayer dual gate transistors with a single charge transport layer

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    A dual gate transistor was fabricated using a self-assembled monolayer as the semiconductor. We show the possibility of processing a dielectric on top of the self-assembled monolayer without deteriorating the device performance. The two gates of the transistor accumulate charges in the monomolecular transport layer and artifacts caused by the semiconductor thickness are negated. We investigate the electrical transport in a dual gate self-assembled monolayer field-effect transistor and present a detailed analysis of the importance of the contact geometry in monolayer field-effect transistors.

    SOS: A Screening Instrument to Identify Children with Handwriting Impairments

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    Poor handwriting has been shown to be associated with developmental disorders such as Developmental Coordination Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, autism, and learning disorders. Handwriting difficulties could lead to academic underachievement and poor self-esteem. Therapeutic intervention has been shown to be effective in treating children with poor handwriting, making early identification critical. The SOS test (Systematic Screening for Handwriting Difficulties) has been developed for this purpose. A child copies a sample of writing within 5 min. Handwriting quality is evaluated using six criteria and writing speed is measured. The Dutch SOS test was administered to 860 Flemish children (7-12 years). Inter-and intrarater reliability was excellent. Test-retest reliability was moderate. A correlation coefficient of 0.70 between SOS and "Concise Assessment Methods of Children Handwriting" test (Dutch version) confirmed convergent validity. The SOS allowed discrimination between typically developing children and children in special education, males and females, and different age groups