7,337 research outputs found

    Self-forces from generalized Killing fields

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    A non-perturbative formalism is developed that simplifies the understanding of self-forces and self-torques acting on extended scalar charges in curved spacetimes. Laws of motion are locally derived using momenta generated by a set of generalized Killing fields. Self-interactions that may be interpreted as arising from the details of a body's internal structure are shown to have very simple geometric and physical interpretations. Certain modifications to the usual definition for a center-of-mass are identified that significantly simplify the motions of charges with strong self-fields. A derivation is also provided for a generalized form of the Detweiler-Whiting axiom that pointlike charges should react only to the so-called regular component of their self-field. Standard results are shown to be recovered for sufficiently small charge distributions.Comment: 21 page

    Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of Conformal Formulations of the Einstein Constraints

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    The Einstein constraint equations have been the subject of study for more than fifty years. The introduction of the conformal method in the 1970's as a parameterization of initial data for the Einstein equations led to increased interest in the development of a complete solution theory for the constraints, with the theory for constant mean curvature (CMC) spatial slices and closed manifolds completely developed by 1995. The first general non-CMC existence result was establish by Holst et al. in 2008, with extensions to rough data by Holst et al. in 2009, and to vacuum spacetimes by Maxwell in 2009. The non-CMC theory remains mostly open; moreover, recent work of Maxwell on specific symmetry models sheds light on fundamental non-uniqueness problems with the conformal method as a parameterization in non-CMC settings. In parallel with these mathematical developments, computational physicists have uncovered surprising behavior in numerical solutions to the extended conformal thin sandwich formulation of the Einstein constraints. In particular, numerical evidence suggests the existence of multiple solutions with a quadratic fold, and a recent analysis of a simplified model supports this conclusion. In this article, we examine this apparent bifurcation phenomena in a methodical way, using modern techniques in bifurcation theory and in numerical homotopy methods. We first review the evidence for the presence of bifurcation in the Hamiltonian constraint in the time-symmetric case. We give a brief introduction to the mathematical framework for analyzing bifurcation phenomena, and then develop the main ideas behind the construction of numerical homotopy, or path-following, methods in the analysis of bifurcation phenomena. We then apply the continuation software package AUTO to this problem, and verify the presence of the fold with homotopy-based numerical methods.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Final revision for publication, added material on physical implication

    Observational evidence of spin-induced precession in active galactic nuclei

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    We show that it is possible to explain the physical origin of jet precession in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) through the misalignment between the rotation axes of the accretion disk and of the Kerr black hole. We apply this scenario to quasars, Seyfert galaxies and also to the Galactic Center black hole Sgr A*, for which signatures of either jet or disk precession have been found. The formalism adopted is parameterized by the ratio of the precession period to the black hole mass and can be used to put constraints to the physical properties of the accretion disk as well as to the black hole spin in those systems.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The brightest OH maser in the sky: a flare of emission in W75 N

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    A flare of maser radio emission in the OH-line 1665 MHz has been discovered in the star forming region W75 N in 2003, with the flux density of about 1000 Jy. At the time it was the strongest OH maser detected during the whole history of observations since the discovery of cosmic masers in 1965. The flare emission is linearly polarized with a degree of polarization near 100%. A weaker flare with a flux of 145 Jy was observed in this source in 2000 - 2001, which was probably a precursor of the powerful flare. Intensity of two other spectral features has decreased after beginning of the flare. Such variation of the intensity of maser condensation emission (increasing of one and decreasing of the other) can be explained by passing of the magneto hydrodynamic shock across regions of enhanced gas concentration.Comment: 9 pages with 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Letter

    Conversion of an Atomic Fermi Gas to a Long-Lived Molecular Bose Gas

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    We have converted an ultracold Fermi gas of 6^6Li atoms into an ultracold gas of 6^6Li2_2 molecules by adiabatic passage through a Feshbach resonance. Approximately 1.5×1051.5 \times 10^5 molecules in the least-bound, v=38v = 38, vibrational level of the X1Σg+^1 \Sigma ^+_g singlet state are produced with an efficiency of 50%. The molecules remain confined in an optical trap for times of up to 1 s before we dissociate them by a reverse adiabatic sweep.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Self-energy of a scalar charge near higher-dimensional black holes

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    We study the problem of self-energy of charges in higher dimensional static spacetimes. Application of regularization methods of quantum field theory to calculation of the classical self-energy of charges leads to model-independent results. The correction to the self-energy of a scalar charge due to the gravitational field of black holes of the higher dimensional Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime is calculated exactly. It proves to be zero in even dimensions, but it acquires non-zero value in odd dimensional spacetimes. The origin of the self-energy correction in odd dimensions is similar to the origin the conformal anomalies in quantum field theory in even dimensional spacetimes.Comment: 9 page

    Renyi Entropy of the XY Spin Chain

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    We consider the one-dimensional XY quantum spin chain in a transverse magnetic field. We are interested in the Renyi entropy of a block of L neighboring spins at zero temperature on an infinite lattice. The Renyi entropy is essentially the trace of some power α\alpha of the density matrix of the block. We calculate the asymptotic for LL \to \infty analytically in terms of Klein's elliptic λ\lambda - function. We study the limiting entropy as a function of its parameter α\alpha. We show that up to the trivial addition terms and multiplicative factors, and after a proper re-scaling, the Renyi entropy is an automorphic function with respect to a certain subgroup of the modular group; moreover, the subgroup depends on whether the magnetic field is above or below its critical value. Using this fact, we derive the transformation properties of the Renyi entropy under the map αα1\alpha \to \alpha^{-1} and show that the entropy becomes an elementary function of the magnetic field and the anisotropy when α\alpha is a integer power of 2, this includes the purity trρ2tr \rho^2. We also analyze the behavior of the entropy as α0\alpha \to 0 and \infty and at the critical magnetic field and in the isotropic limit [XX model].Comment: 28 Pages, 1 Figur

    Integrable discretizations of some cases of the rigid body dynamics

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    A heavy top with a fixed point and a rigid body in an ideal fluid are important examples of Hamiltonian systems on a dual to the semidirect product Lie algebra e(n)=so(n)Rne(n)=so(n)\ltimes\mathbb R^n. We give a Lagrangian derivation of the corresponding equations of motion, and introduce discrete time analogs of two integrable cases of these systems: the Lagrange top and the Clebsch case, respectively. The construction of discretizations is based on the discrete time Lagrangian mechanics on Lie groups, accompanied by the discrete time Lagrangian reduction. The resulting explicit maps on e(n)e^*(n) are Poisson with respect to the Lie--Poisson bracket, and are also completely integrable. Lax representations of these maps are also found.Comment: arXiv version is already officia

    Condensation and interaction range in harmonic boson traps: a variational approach

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    For a gas of N bosons interacting through a two-body Morse potential a variational bound of the free energy of a confined system is obtained. The calculation method is based on the Feynman-Kac functional projected on the symmetric representation. Within the harmonic approximation a variational estimate of the effect of the interaction range on the existence of many-particle bound states, and on the N-T phase diagram is obtained.Comment: 14 pages+4 figures, submitted to phys.rev.

    Elastic and inelastic collisions of 6Li in magnetic and optical traps

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    We use a full coupled channels method to calculate collisional properties of magnetically or optically trapped ultracold 6Li. The magnetic field dependence of the s-wave scattering lengths of several mixtures of hyperfine states are determined, as are the decay rates due to exchange collisions. In one case, we find Feshbach resonances at B=0.08 T and B=1.98 T. We show that the exact coupled channels calculation is well approximated over the entire range of magnetic fields by a simple analytical calculation.Comment: 4 pages revtex including 4 figures, submitted to PR