1,564 research outputs found

    Coping with refractory epilepsy

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    AbstractWe investigated the coping behaviour and its correlation with demographic and illness-related data, depression, locus of control and psychosocial adaptation in 40 patients with intractable epilepsy with primarily or secondarily generalized tonic–clonic seizures. Three standardized self-reporting questionnaires were applied, which are the Freiburg Questionnaire of Coping with Illness (FKV), the von Zerssen Depression Scale (D-S), and the IPC-questionnaire measuring generalized locus of control beliefs; the Social Interview Schedule (SIS), a semi-structured interview, was used to measure the psychosocial adaptation. Active, problem-focused and compliance strategies were predominantly used and regarded as most helpful. Hence, the epileptic patients use similar coping patterns reported in patients with other non life-threatening chronic diseases. The level of depression was moderate and in the range of other chronic somatic diseases. The use of coping patterns, which are regarded as maladaptive, was correlated with distinct depression, a small degree of internal locus of control beliefs and poor psychosocial adaption. These results indicate the possibility to improve psychosocial adjustment by supporting effective strategies

    Phosphorus Transformations in an Oxisol under contrasting land-use systems: The role of the soil microbial biomass

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    It is generally assumed that phosphorus (P) availability for plant growth on highly weathered and P-deficient tropical soils may depend more on biologically mediated organic P (Po) turnover processes than on the release of adsorbed inorganic P (Pi). However, experimental evidence showing the linkages between Po, microbial activity, P cycling and soil P availability is scarce. To test whether land-use systems with higher soil Po are characterized by greater soil biological activity and increased P mineralization, we analyzed the partitioning of P among various organic and inorganic P fractions in soils of contrasting agricultural land-use systems and related it to biological soil properties. Isotopic labeling was used to obtain information on the turnover of P held in the microbial biomass. Soil samples were taken from grass-legume pasture (GL), continuous rice (CR) and native savanna (SAV) which served as reference. In agreement with estimated P budgets (+277, +70 and 0 kg P ha−1 for CR, GL and SAV, respectively), available P estimated using Bray-2 and resin extraction declined in the order CR > GL > SAV. Increases in Bray-2 and resin Pi were greater in CR than GL relative to total soil P increase. Organic P fractions were significantly less affected by P inputs than inorganic fractions, but were a more important sink in GL than CR soils. Extractable microbial P (Pchl) was slightly higher in GL (6.6 mg P kg−1) than SAV soils (5.4 mg P kg−1), and significantly lowest in CR (2.6 mg P kg−1). Two days after labeling the soil with carrier free 33P, 25, 10 and 2% of the added 33P were found in Pchl in GL, SAV and CR soils, respectively, suggesting a high and rapid microbial P turnover that was highest in GL soils. Indicators of P mineralization were higher in GL than CR soils, suggesting a greater transformation potential to render Po available. Legume-based pastures (GL) can be considered as an important land-use option as they stimulate P cycling. However, it remains to be investigated whether crops planted in pasture-crop rotations could benefit from the enhanced Po cycling in grass-legume soils. Furthermore, there is need to develop and test a direct method to quantify Po mineralization in these system

    Managing a complex project using a Risk-Risk Multiple Domain Matrix

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    International audienceThis communication aims at presenting a clustering methodology applied to a complex project consisting of the delivery of three interdependent sub-systems. This enables small and complementary task forces to be constituted, enhancing the communication and coordination on transverse issues related to the complexity of the whole system. The problem is to gather and exploit data for such systems, with numerous and heterogeneous risks of different domains (product, process, organization). The method consists in regrouping actors through the clustering of the risks they own. The result is a highlight on important and transverse risk interdependencies, within and between projects. These should not be neglected in order to avoid potential severe issues, whether during the project or during the exploitation of its deliverable. An application on a real program of plant implementation in the CEA-DAM is presented, with a sensitivity analysis of the clustering results to the inputs and chosen configurations of the problem

    Influence of hepatitis G virus infection on liver disease

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    The influence of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection on disease activity in hepatitis C related and unrelated liver disease was investigated in 254 individuals using an EIA polymerase chain reaction assay for HGV. One hundred patients had chronic hepatitis C, 26 primary biliary cirrhosis, and 30 alcoholic liver cirrhosis. In addition, 51 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive and 47 anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV)-positive blood donors were screened. Hepatitis G virus was detected in 18% of patients with chronic hepatitis C, 13% of patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, 11 % of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, 10% of anti-HCV-positive blood donors, and 2% of HBsAg-positive blood donors. Virus load and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels did not differ significantly in patients with HCV alone versus patients coinfected with HCV and HGV. However, mild liver fibrosis correlated with HGV coinfection. Hepatitis G virus did not influence ALT levels or liver damage in liver disease unrelated to viral infectio

    Growth of Atlantic herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.) in response to climatic long term trends (NAO) and to hydrographical features in the Northern Sea in the period 1990-1997

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    Herring larvae were sampled during the lllLS in the ICES area IVa from 1990 to 1997. Larval growth was determined based on otolith microstructure analysis from larvae of 7-25mm standard length. The data were correlated to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the intlow of Atlantic water (AW) at the same period. The study showed a strong correlation between positive NAO years with a higher inflow of AW and subsequently higher larval growth rates. which could be an indication of favorable growth condition

    Thermodynamics of the quantum spin-S XXZ chain

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    The thermodynamics of the spin-SS anisotropic quantum XXZXXZ chain with arbitrary value of SS and unitary norm, in the high-temperature regime, is reported. The single-ion anisotropy term and the interaction with an external magnetic field in the zz-direction are taken into account. We obtain, for arbitrary value of SS, the β\beta-expansion of the Helmholtz free energy of the model up to order β6\beta^6 and show that it actually depends on 1S(S+1)\frac{1}{S(S+1)}. Its classical limit is obtained by simply taking S→∞S\to \infty. At h=0h=0 and D=0, our high temperature expansion of the classical model coincides with Joyce's exact solution\cite{joyce_prl}. We study, in the high temperature region, some thermodynamic quantities such as the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility as functions of spin and verify for which values of SS those thermodynamic functions behave classically. Their finite temperature behavior is inferred from interpolation of their high- and low-temperature behavior, and shown to be in good agreement with numerical results. The finite temperature behavior is shown for higher values of spin.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 - a Two Dimensional Spin Liquid

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    We study an extended Shastry-Sutherland model for SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 and analyze the low lying parts of the energy spectrum by means of a perturbative unitary transformation based on flow equations. The derivation of the 1-magnon dispersion (elementary triplets) is discussed. Additionally, we give a quantitative description (symmetries and energies) of bound states made from two elementary triplets. Our high order results allow to fix the model parameters for SrCu_2(BO_3)_2 precisely: J_1=6.16(10)meV, x:=J_2/J_1=0.603(3), J_\perp=1.3(2)meV. To our knowledge this is the first quantitative treatment of bound states in a true 2d model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceeding paper of the HFM2000 conference in Waterloo, Canada, Jun 200

    A general theorem on angular-momentum changes due to potential vorticity mixing and on potential-energy changes due to buoyancy mixing

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    An initial zonally symmetric quasigeostrophic potential-vorticity (PV) distribution q_i(y) is subjected to complete or partial mixing within some finite zone |y| < L, where y is latitude. The change in M, the total absolute angular momentum, between the initial and any later time is considered. For standard quasigeostrophic shallow-water beta-channel dynamics it is proved that, for any q_i(y) such that dq_i/dy > 0 throughout |y| < L, the change in M is always negative. This theorem holds even when "mixing" is understood in the most general possible sense. Arbitrary stirring or advective rearrangement is included, combined to an arbitrary extent with spatially inhomogeneous diffusion. The theorem holds whether or not the PV distribution is zonally symmetric at the later time. The same theorem governs Boussinesq potential-energy changes due to buoyancy mixing in the vertical. For the standard quasigeostrophic beta-channel dynamics to be valid the Rossby deformation length L_D >> \epsilon L where \epsilon is the Rossby number; when L_D = \infty the theorem applies not only to the beta-channel, but also to a single barotropic layer on the full sphere, as considered in the recent work of Dunkerton and Scott on "PV staircases". It follows that the M-conserving PV reconfigurations studied by those authors must involve processes describable as PV unmixing, or anti-diffusion, in the sense of time-reversed diffusion. Ordinary jet self-sharpening and jet-core acceleration do not, by contrast, require unmixing, as is shown here by detailed analysis. Mixing in the jet flanks suffices. The theorem extends to multiple layers and continuous stratification. A corollary is a new nonlinear stability theorem for shear flows.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; Final version, accepted by J. Atmos. Sci, in pres
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