940,875 research outputs found

    As memórias de D. Leonor López de Córdoba (1362/63-1430): uma poética do não esquecimento

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    The memoires of a Castilian lady Eleanor Lopez of Cordova consist on an unique document for three reasons: the female authorship within the context she was in, the autobiographic text and the support for the rightful faction defeated by the ascension of the Trastamara. Eleanor Lopez of Cordova is the daughter of Martin Lopez of Cordova, who was the Master of the Alcantara and Calatrava orders, and a rare survivor of the persecution that her family went through after her father’s death. With the marriage of Henry III and Catherine of Lancaster, she achieved a noteworthy prominence, which however, was once again dissembled by the complex royal and noble relations during the period of John II’s reing.As memórias da dama castelhana Leonor Lopez de Córdoba são um documento único por três razões que isoladas já garantiriam a sua excepcionalidade, mas que combinadas operam esse sentido do único: a autoria feminina no contexto, o texto autobiográfico e a defesa da facção legítima derrotada pela ascensão trastamarista. Leonor Lopez de Córdoba é filha de Martim Lopez de Córdoba, mestre das ordens de Alcântara e Calatrava, e rara sobrevivente da perseguição sofrida por sua família, depois da morte do pai. Com o casamento de Henrique III e Catarina de Lencastre, alcança notável proeminência, que, entretanto, é novamente solapada pelas intrincadas relações régio-nobiliárquicas do período da regência de Juan II

    Influence of upwelling conditions on feeding habits and trophic position of planktophagous fish

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    The effect of upwelling conditions on the trophic level of four planktofagous fish (Gadiculus argenteus, Capros aper and juveniles of Micromesistius poutassou and Merluccius merluccius) on the continental shelf off Northwestern Spain was assessed by coupling stomach content analyses and isotopic data. The study was performed during two consecutive years characterized by contrasting oceanographic conditions during the summer season; the first year (2012) had an intense and extended upwelling period, while the second (2013) had an intermittent and weak upwelling season. Sampling was carried out in autumn, after the summer upwelling, along a transect parallel to the coast on the continental shelf (130-180m depth), following the main upwelling gradient towards the Northeast. In addition to stomach content sampling and isotopic analyses of fish muscle, the isotopic signature of benthic detritus and sub- superficial phytoplankton were also indentified to characterize the basal isotopic level. We hypothesize that differences in isotopic ratios under these contrasting upwelling intensities possibly originate from both changes in the isotopic ratios of basal levels and shifts in the feeding habits of planktofagous species. Basal ratios of carbon and nitrogen in benthic detritus showed neither interannual variability nor relation with the upwelling gradient. However, particulate organic matter (POM) had significantly higher δ15N and δ13C during the first year. Isotopic signature of the four species was significantly different among years but followed different patterns, only related to POM basal levels in the case of C. aper. The ratio of 15N indicated that the four fish species considered had a trophic level of two, standing approximately 6 points over the basal levels and probably predating on consumer species. Stomach sampling evidenced that euphausiids constituted the majority of diet in G. gadiculus and juvenile M. merluccius and M.poutassou in both years. Euphausiid species would act then rather as consumers than predators, as a preliminary analysis of their isotopic signature confirmed (for the species Nyctiphanes couchii and Meganyctiphanes norvergica). While basal differences in isotopic ratios exist, our analyses suggest that shifts in feeding habits may have a major role in determining species isotopic positio

    A Computer Aided Detection system for mammographic images implemented on a GRID infrastructure

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    The use of an automatic system for the analysis of mammographic images has proven to be very useful to radiologists in the investigation of breast cancer, especially in the framework of mammographic-screening programs. A breast neoplasia is often marked by the presence of microcalcification clusters and massive lesions in the mammogram: hence the need for tools able to recognize such lesions at an early stage. In the framework of the GPCALMA (GRID Platform for Computer Assisted Library for MAmmography) project, the co-working of italian physicists and radiologists built a large distributed database of digitized mammographic images (about 5500 images corresponding to 1650 patients) and developed a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) system, able to make an automatic search of massive lesions and microcalcification clusters. The CAD is implemented in the GPCALMA integrated station, which can be used also for digitization, as archive and to perform statistical analyses. Some GPCALMA integrated stations have already been implemented and are currently on clinical trial in some italian hospitals. The emerging GRID technology can been used to connect the GPCALMA integrated stations operating in different medical centers. The GRID approach will support an effective tele- and co-working between radiologists, cancer specialists and epidemiology experts by allowing remote image analysis and interactive online diagnosis.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the 13th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference 2003, Montreal, Canada, May 18-23 200

    A Family of N=1 SU(N)^k Theories from Branes at Singularities

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    We obtain N=1 SU(N)^k gauge theories with bifundamental matter and a quartic superpotential as the low energy theory on D3-branes at singular points. These theories generalize that on D3-branes at a conifold point, studied recently by Klebanov and Witten. For k=3 the defining equation of the singular point is that of an isolated D_4 singularity. For k>3 we obtain a family of multimodular singularities. The considered SU(N)^k theories flow in the infrared to a non-trivial fixed point. We analyze the AdS/CFT correspondence for our examples.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, TeX; v2 minor change

    From UV/IR mixing to closed strings

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    It was shown in hep-th/0301099 that the leading UV/IR mixing effects in noncommutative gauge theories on D-branes are able to capture information about the closed string spectrum of the parent string theory. The analysis was carried out for D-branes on nonsupersymmetric C^3/Z_N orbifolds of Type IIB. In this paper we consider D-branes on twisted circles compactifications of Type II string theory. We find that the signs of the leading UV/IR mixing effects know about the mass gap between the lowest modes in NSNS and RR closed string towers. Moreover, the relevant piece of the field theory effective action can be reproduced purely in the language of closed strings. Remarkably this approach unifies in a single structure, that of a closed string exchange between D-branes, both the leading planar and nonplanar effects associated to the absence of supersymmetry.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, LaTex; v2 references added, misprints correcte

    Multiple-quasiparticle agglomerates at \nu=2/5

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    We investigate the dynamics of quasiparticle agglomerates in edge states of the Jain sequence for \nu=2/5. Comparison of the Fradkin-Lopez model with the Wen one is presented within a field theoretical construction, focusing on similarities and differences. We demonstrate that both models predict the same universal role for the multiple-quasiparticle agglomerates that dominate on single quasiparticles at low energy. This result is induced by the presence of neutral modes with finite velocity and is essential to explain the anomalous behavior of tunneling conductance and noise through a point contact.Comment: 6 pages, in press Physica E as proceedings of FQMT0

    Educação Matemática, Culturas e Linguagens.

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    International audienceEntrevista com Jean-Claude Régnier por Elisabete Zardo Búrigo e Samuel Edmundo Lopez Bello