17,409 research outputs found

    Use of hydraulic rating to set environmental flows in the Zhangxi River, China

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    Ningbo city, China, is a rapidly growing residential and industrial centre, with a current population of 4 million. Its development has required a major water supply expansion programme providing 400,000 m3 of water per day from the upper reaches of the Zhangxi River by means of a cascade of reservoirs. Water resources management is achieved through operation of two major reservoirs, Jiaokou (75 million m3) and Zhougongzhai (93 million m3). Water is released from the reservoirs, via turbines (generating hydropower), for local industry, irrigated agriculture and public supply along the lower reaches of the River and to maintain the river ecosystem. Surveys of local residents along the Zhangxi River showed its important role in aspects of life, social activity, culture and leisure. Analysis of ecological monitoring data demonstrated the diverse nature of fish, plants and invertebrates within the river. Some elements of the ecosystem have a high local economic value to local people. This paper reports an assessment of the environmental flow needed to support key species in the river ecosystem. It employs hydraulic ratings to define sections of the river where flow velocity reaches 0.5 ms-1, required to stimulate spawning of the moonlight fish, an economically important and indicator species in the river. In two out of 6 cross-sections studied, flow releases from the reservoirs meet the needs of fish. The reservoirs reduce flood flows, which may lead to a loss of deep pools that are essential for the fish to survive during winter month

    Hybrid Chaplygin gas and phantom divide crossing

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    Hybrid Chaplygin gas model is put forward, in which the gases play the role of dark energy. For this model the coincidence problem is greatly alleviated. The effective equation of state of the dark energy may cross the phantom divide w=−1w=-1. Furthermore, the crossing behaviour is decoupled from any gravity theories. In the present model, w<−1w<-1 is only a transient behaviour. There is a de Sitter attractor in the future infinity. Hence, the big rip singularity, which often afflicts the models with matter whose effective equation of state less than -1, is naturally disappear. There exist stable scaling solutions, both at the early universe and the late universe. We discuss the perturbation growth of this model. We find that the index is consistent with observations.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, V3: discussions on the perturbation growth added, V4: minor corrections, to match the published versio

    Sustainability of multi-field inflation and bound on string scale

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    We study the effects of the interaction terms between the inflaton fields on the inflationary dynamics in multi-field models. With power law type potential and interactions, the total number of e-folds may get considerably reduced and can lead to unacceptably short period of inflation. Also we point out that this can place a bound on the characteristic scale of the underlying theory such as string theory. Using a simple multi-field chaotic inflation model from string theory, the string scale is constrained to be larger than the scale of grand unified theory.Comment: (v1) 9 pages, 1 figure;(v2) 10 pages, references added; (v3) 15 pages, 4 figures, more discussions about parameters and observable quantities, references added, to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Control of Dynamical Localization

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    Control over the quantum dynamics of chaotic kicked rotor systems is demonstrated. Specifically, control over a number of quantum coherent phenomena is achieved by a simple modification of the kicking field. These include the enhancement of the dynamical localization length, the introduction of classical anomalous diffusion assisted control for systems far from the semiclassical regime, and the observation of a variety of strongly nonexponential lineshapes for dynamical localization. The results provide excellent examples of controlled quantum dynamics in a system that is classically chaotic and offer new opportunities to explore quantum fluctuations and correlations in quantum chaos.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Optimized Discretization of Sources Imaged in Heavy-Ion Reactions

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    We develop the new method of optimized discretization for imaging the relative source from two particle correlation functions. In this method, the source resolution depends on the relative particle separation and is adjusted to available data and their errors. We test the method by restoring assumed pp sources and then apply the method to pp and IMF data. In reactions below 100 MeV/nucleon, significant portions of the sources extend to large distances (r > 20 fm). The results from the imaging show the inadequacy of common Gaussian source-parametrizations. We establish a simple relation between the height of the pp correlation function and the source value at short distances, and between the height and the proton freeze-out phase-space density.Comment: 36 pages (inc. 9 figures), RevTeX, uses epsf.sty. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Acceleration from M theory and Fine-tuning

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    The compactification of M theory with time dependent hyperbolic internal space gives an effective scalar field with exponential potential which provides a transient acceleration in Einstein frame in four dimensions. Ordinary matter and radiation are present in addition to the scalar field coming from compactification. We find that we have to fine-tune the initial conditions of the scalar field so that our Universe experiences acceleration now. During the evolution of our Universe, the volume of the internal space increases about 12 times. The time variation of the internal space results in a large time variation of the fine structure constant which violates the observational constraint on the variation of the fine structure constant. The large variation of the fine structure constant is a generic feature of transient acceleration models.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, use iopart, v2; references updated, accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    Inclusive double-quarkonium production at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Based on the nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization formalism, we investigate inclusive productions of two spin-triplet S-wave quarkonia pp->2J/psi+X, 2Upsilon+X, and J/psi+Upsilon+X at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The total production rates integrated over the rapidity (y) and transverse-momentum (p_T) ranges |y|<2.4 and p_T<50 GGeV are predicted to be sigma[pp->2J/psi+X] = 22 (35) nb, sigma[pp->2Upsilon+X] = 24 (49) pb, and sigma[pp->J/psi+Upsilon+X] = 7 (13) pb at the center-of-momentum energy sqrt{s} = 7 (14) TeV. In order to provide predictions that can be useful in both small- and large-p_T regions, we do not employ the fragmentation approximation and we include the spin-triplet S-wave color-singlet and color-octet channels for each quarkonium final state at leading order in the strong coupling. The p_T distributions of pp->2J/psi+X and 2Upsilon+X in the low-p_T region are dominated by the color-singlet contributions. At leading order in the strong coupling, the color-singlet channel is absent for pp->J/psi+Upsilon+X. Therefore, the process pp->J/psi+Upsilon+X may provide a useful probe to the color-octet mechanism of NRQCD.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, version published in JHE

    Ergodic Properties of Classical SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    We investigate the relationship between the Lyapunov exponents of periodic trajectories, the average and fluctuations of Lyapunov exponents of ergodic trajectories, and the ergodic autocorrelation time for the two-dimensional hyperbola billiard. We then study the fluctuation properties of the ergodic Lyapunov spectrum of classical SU(2) gauge theory on a lattice. Our results are consistent with the notion that this system is globally hyperbolic. Among the many powerful theorems applicable to such systems, we discuss one relating to the fluctuations in the entropy growth rate.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Coherent Control of Quantum Chaotic Diffusion

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    Extensive coherent control over quantum chaotic diffusion using the kicked rotor model is demonstrated and its origin in deviations from random matrix theory is identified. Further, the extent of control in the presence of external decoherence is established. The results are relevant to both areas of quantum chaos and coherent control.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
