148 research outputs found

    Kvalitativna procjena eliminacije TCP-a i TAMORF-a iz organizma štakora metodom GC-MS

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    Nerve agents are highly toxic organophosphorus (OP) compounds. They inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE), an enzyme that hydrolyses acetycholine (ACh) in the nervous system. Pathophysiological changes caused by OP poisonings are primarily the consequence of surplus ACh on cholinergic receptors and in the central nervous system. Standard treatment of OP poisoning includes combined administration of carbamates, atropine, oximes and anticonvulsants. In order to improve therapy, new compounds have been synthesised and tested. Tenocyclidine (TCP) and its adamantane derivative 1-[2-(2-thienyl)-2-adamantyl] morpholine (TAMORF) have shown interesting properties against soman poisoning. In this study, we developed a qualitative GC-MS method to measure elimination of TCP and TAMORF through rat urine in order to learn more about the mechanisms through which TCP protects an organism from OP poisoning and to determine the duration of this protective effect. GC-MS showed that six hours after treatment with TCP, rat urine contained only its metabolite 1-thienylcyclohexene, while urine of rats treated with TAMORF contained both TAMORF and its metabolites.Živčani bojni otrovi po strukturi su organofosforni (OP) spojevi, čija je zajednička značajka ireverzibilna inhibicija acetilkolinesteraze (AChE), enzima koji hidrolizira acetilkolin (ACh) u živčanom sustavu. Patofi ziološka zbivanja koja nastaju pri otrovanju OP-spojevima primarno su posljedica akumuliranog ACh na kolinergičkim receptorima i u središnjem živčanom sustavu. Još uvijek nesavršen, standardni tretman liječenja otrovanja OP-spojevima uključuje kombiniranu primjenu estera karbamata, atropina, oksima i antikonvulziva. Kako bi se unaprijedila uobičajena terapija, osobito kod otrovanja somanom, ispituju se antidotski učinci mnogih spojeva. Tenociklidin (TCP) i njegov adamantanski derivat TAMORF pokazali su zanimljiva svojstva pomoćne terapije pri otrovanju somanom. Kako bi se proširile dosadašnje spoznaje o načinu na koji tenociklidini štite organizam od trovanja OP-spojevima te također o trajanju njihova antidotskog učinka, u ovom radu razvijena je GC-MS-metoda za praćenje eliminacije TCP-a i TAMORF-a iz organizma. Rezultati GC-MS-analize pokazali su da šest sati nakon tretiranja štakora TCP-om mokraće sadržavaju metabolit TCP-a 1-tienilcikloheksen, dok šest sati nakon tretiranja štakora TAMORF-om mokraće sadržavaju i TAMORF i njegove metabolite. Drugim riječima, šest sati nakon tretmana TCP se potpuno metabolizira, dok se TAMORF metabolizira djelomično, a djelomično ostaje nepromijenjen

    Pharmacoeconomic and clinical implications of sequential therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients in Central and Eastern Europe

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    Introduction: The incidence and mortality rates of kidney cancer in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region are among the highest in the world. Access to second and subsequent lines of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) therapies is highly varied in the region. Despite the increasing body of evidence supporting the clinical benefit of multiple lines of treatment, access to treatment beyond first line is restricted in many of these countries.Areas covered: The adoption of targeted therapies for the first-line treatment of mRCC in the region was slow and faced many obstacles. In order to evaluate the current status of treatment beyond the first-line setting in the CEE region, this review examines the availability and reimbursement of mRCC drugs and clinical practice in institutions that treat patients with mRCC.Expert opinion: This review highlights the need to raise awareness among physicians, payers and regulators on clinical trial and cost-effectiveness data regarding the treatment of mRCC beyond the first line. The obstacles to mRCC drug access highlighted in this review need to be overcome to ensure that patients are receiving the best treatment available

    Mehanizam toksičnosti i detoksikacije organofosfornih spojeva s naglaskom na istraživanja u Hrvatskoj

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    This review comprises studies on the mechanisms of toxicity and detoxication of organophosphorus (OP) compounds done in Croatia in different research areas. One area is the synthesis of antidotes against OP poisoning and their in vivo testing in experimental animals. In vitro studies included in this review focus on the mechanisms of reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), protection of cholinesterases from inhibition by OPs, and reactivation of phosphylated cholinesterases. The third area comprises distribution profiles of BChE and paraoxonase (PON) phenotypes in selected population groups and the detection of OPs and metabolites in humans. Finally, methods are described for the detection of OP compounds in human blood and other media by means of cholinesterase inhibitionPrikazana su istraživanja vođena u Hrvatskoj na različitim područjima mehanizma toksičnosti i detoksikacije organofosfornih (OP) spojeva. Jedno je područje sinteza antidota protiv otrovanja OP spojevima i testiranje in vivo antidota na eksperimentalnim životinjama. Istraživanja in vitro odnose se na mehanizam reverzibilne inhibicije acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) i buturilkolinesteraze (BChE), zaštitu kolinesteraza od inhibicije OP spojevima te reaktivaciju fosfiliranih kolinesteraza. Treće je područje distribucija fenotipova BChE i paraoksonaze (PON) u odabranim populacijama te detekcija OP spojeva i njihovih metabolita u ljudima. Na kraju su opisane metode detekcije OP spojeva u ljudskoj krvi i drugim medijima koje se osnivaju na inhibiciji kolinesteraza

    Odnos strukture i aktivnosti u reaktivaciji tabunom fosforilirane ljudske acetilkolinesteraze bispiridinijevim para-aldoksimima

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    We investigated interactions of bispyridinium para-aldoximes N,N’-(propano)bis(4-hydroxyiminomethyl) pyridinium bromide (TMB-4), N,N’-(ethano)bis(4-hydroxyiminomethyl)pyridinium methanosulphonate (DMB-4), and N,N’-(methano)bis(4-hydroxyiminomethyl)pyridinium chloride (MMB-4) with human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase phosphorylated by tabun. We analysed aldoxime conformations to determine the flexibility of aldoxime as an important feature for binding to the acetylcholinesterase active site. Tabun-inhibited human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase was completely reactivated only by the most flexible bispyridinium aldoxime - TMB-4 with a propylene chain between two rings. Shorter linkers than propylene (methylene or ethylene) as in MMB-4 and DMB-4 did not allow appropriate orientation in the active site, and MMB-4 and DMB-4 were not efficient reactivators of tabun-phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase. Since aldoximes are also reversible inhibitors of native acetylcholinesterase, we determined dissociation constants and their protective index against acetylcholinesterase inactivation by tabun.Proučavali smo interakcije bispiridinijevih para-oksima N,N’-(propano)bis(4-hidroksiiminometil)piridinijeva bromida (TMB-4), N,N’-(etanano)bis(4-hidroksiiminometil)piridinijeva metanosulfonata (DMB-4) i N,N’- (metano)bis(4-hidroksiiminometil)piridinijeva klorida (MMB-4) s ljudskom eritrocitnom acetilkolinesterazom fosforiliranom tabunom. Da bismo odredili fleksibilnosti aldoksima, što je važna osobina kod njihova vezanja u aktivno mjesto acetilkolinesteraze, analizirali smo i konformacijske odlike aldoksima. Ljudska acetilkolinesteraza inhibirana tabunom bila je potpuno reaktivirana samo najfleksibilnijim bispiridinijevim aldoksimom – TMB-4. Aldoksimi MMB-4 i DMB-4 nisu bili efikasni reaktivatori acetilkolinesteraze fosforilirane tabunom jer je kod tih spojeva lanac koji povezuje dva prstena kraći od propilena (metilen u MMB-4 i etilen u DMB-4), što ne dopušta povoljnu orijentaciju tih aldoksima unutar aktivnog mjesta enzima. S obzirom na to da su aldoksimi i reverzibilni inhibitori nativne acetilkolinesteraze, odredili smo njihove disocijacijske konstante, kao i zaštitu acetilkolinesteraze od inhibiranja tabunom reverzibilnim vezanjem aldoksima

    New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (December 2017)

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    The “New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records” series includes new records of marine species found in the Mediterranean basin and/or information on the spatial distribution of already established species of particular interest. The current article presents information on 20 marine taxa classified per country according to their geographic position in the Mediterranean, from west to east. The new records per ecoregion are as follows: Algeria: the first record of the fish Etrumeus golanii is reported along the Algerian coast. Tunisia: the alien jellyfish Phyllorhiza punctata is reported for the first time in the Gulf of Gabès. Italy: the first record of Siganus rivulatus in the Strait of Sicily and a new record of Katsuwonus pelamis from the central Tyrrhenian Sea are reported. The establishment of the isopod of the genus Mesanthura in the northern Tyrrhenian with some notes on its ecology are also included. Croatia: signs of establishment of the Lessepsian Siganus luridus and the occurrence of the alien mollusc Rapana venosa are reported. Albania: the first record of the elasmobranch Alopias superciliosus and a recent sighting of the rare monk seal Monachus monachus in Albanian waters are given. Greece: signs of the establishment of the fish Parupeneus forsskali and of the ascidian Hermania momus in Hellenic Aegean waters are reported. Turkey: a new record of the fish P. forsskali and of the Acarea of the genus Acaromantis and Simognathus are given, while the first case of Remora australis in association with delphinids and the occurrence of the sea star Coscinasterias tenuispina are reported. Also, the establishment of the two alien species Isognomon legumen and Viriola sp. [cf. corrugata] are presented. Egypt: the fish Bathygobius cyclopterus is reported for the first time in Mediterranean Sea waters. Also, a new record of Pagellus bogaraveo and a first record of Seriola fasciata in Egyptian Mediterranean waters are reported. Lebanon: the first record of Dondice banyulensis is presented

    Final results of the TANIA randomised phase III trial of bevacizumab after progression on first-line bevacizumab therapy for HER2-negative locally recurrent/metastatic breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The randomised phase III TANIA trial demonstrated that continuing bevacizumab with second-line chemotherapy for locally recurrent/metastatic breast cancer (LR/mBC) after progression on first-line bevacizumab-containing therapy significantly improved progression-free survival (PFS) compared with chemotherapy alone (hazard ratio [HR]=0.75, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.61-0.93). We report final results from the TANIA trial, including overall survival (OS) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with HER2-negative LR/mBC that had progressed on or after first-line bevacizumab plus chemotherapy were randomised to receive standard second-line chemotherapy either alone or with bevacizumab. At second progression, patients initially randomised to bevacizumab continued bevacizumab with their third-line chemotherapy but those randomised to chemotherapy alone were not allowed to cross over to receive third-line bevacizumab. The primary end point was second-line PFS; secondary end points included third-line PFS, combined second- and third-line PFS, OS, HRQoL and safety. RESULTS: Of the 494 patients randomised, 483 received second-line therapy; 234 patients (47% of the randomised population) continued to third-line study treatment. The median duration of follow-up at the final analysis was 32.1 months in the chemotherapy-alone arm and 30.9 months in the bevacizumab plus chemotherapy arm. There was no statistically significant difference between treatment arms in third-line PFS (HR=0.79, 95% CI 0.59-1.06), combined second- and third-line PFS (HR=0.85, 95% CI 0.68-1.05) or OS (HR=0.96, 95% CI 0.76-1.21). Third-line safety results showed increased incidences of proteinuria and hypertension with bevacizumab, consistent with safety results for the second-line treatment phase. No differences in HRQoL were detected. CONCLUSION: In this trial, continuing bevacizumab beyond first and second progression of LR/mBC improved second-line PFS but no improvement in longer-term efficacy was observed. The second-line PFS benefit appears to be achieved without detrimentally affecting quality of life. CLINICALTRIALSGOV: NCT01250379

    Microneedle Array Design Determines the Induction of Protective Memory CD8+ T Cell Responses Induced by a Recombinant Live Malaria Vaccine in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Vaccine delivery into the skin has received renewed interest due to ease of access to the immune system and microvasculature, however the stratum corneum (SC), must be breached for successful vaccination. This has been achieved by removing the SC by abrasion or scarification or by delivering the vaccine intradermally (ID) with traditional needle-and-syringes or with long microneedle devices. Microneedle patch-based transdermal vaccine studies have predominantly focused on antibody induction by inactivated or subunit vaccines. Here, our principal aim is to determine if the design of a microneedle patch affects the CD8(+) T cell responses to a malaria antigen induced by a live vaccine. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: Recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing a malaria antigen was percutaneously administered to mice using a range of silicon microneedle patches, termed ImmuPatch, that differed in microneedle height, density, patch area and total pore volume. We demonstrate that microneedle arrays that have small total pore volumes induce a significantly greater proportion of central memory T cells that vigorously expand to secondary immunization. Microneedle-mediated vaccine priming induced significantly greater T cell immunity post-boost and equivalent protection against malaria challenge compared to ID vaccination. Notably, unlike ID administration, ImmuPatch-mediated vaccination did not induce inflammatory responses at the site of immunization or in draining lymph nodes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates that the design of microneedle patches significantly influences the magnitude and memory of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cell responses and can be optimised for the induction of desired immune responses. Furthermore, ImmuPatch-mediated delivery may be of benefit to reducing unwanted vaccine reactogenicity. In addition to the advantages of low cost and lack of pain, the development of optimised microneedle array designs for the induction of T cell responses by live vaccines aids the development of solutions to current obstacles of immunization programmes

    Radiation induced CNS toxicity – molecular and cellular mechanisms

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    Radiotherapy of tumours proximal to normal CNS structures is limited by the sensitivity of the normal tissue. Prior to the development of prophylactic strategies or treatment protocols a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of radiation induced CNS toxicity is mandatory. Histological analysis of irradiated CNS specimens defines possible target structures prior to a delineation of cellular and molecular mechanisms. Several lesions can be distinguished: Demyelination, proliferative and degenerative glial reactions, endothelial cell loss and capillary occlusion. All changes are likely to result from complex alterations within several functional CNS compartments. Thus, a single mechanism responsible cannot be separated. At least four factors contribute to the development of CNS toxicity: (1) damage to vessel structures; (2) deletion of oligodendrocyte-2 astrocyte progenitors (O-2A) and mature oligodendrocytes; (3) deletion of neural stem cell populations in the hippocampus, cerebellum and cortex; (4) generalized alterations of cytokine expression. Several underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in radiation induced CNS toxicity have been identified. The article reviews the currently available data on the cellular and molecular basis of radiation induced CNS side effects.   http://www.bjcancer.com © 2001 Cancer Research Campaig