446 research outputs found

    Tilt Bearing Capacity of Single-Shear Bolted Connections without Washers

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    This paper examines the accuracy of design equations specified in the North American and European codes for cold-formed steel structures in determining the ultimate tilt bearing capacity of single-shear single-row bolted connections without washers in flat steel sheets. It points out that the code equations do not properly distinguish the tilt bearing failure mode from the conventional bearing failure mode, which is typical of double-shear connections and single-shear connections with washers. The tilt bearing capacity is affected by the width of the connected sheet, and its capacity does not vary linearly with either the sheet thickness or the bolt diameter. Based on the test results of 150 specimens composed of G2 and G450 sheet steels having various dimensional configurations, this paper proposes a design equation that is dimensionally consistent and that is considerably more accurate than all the code equations. The proposed equation was also verified against single-shear single-row bolted connections tested by independent researchers which failed in the tilt bearing mode. A resistance factor of 0.75 is recommended for use with the proposed equation for determining the ultimate tilt bearing capacity of single shear single-row bolted connections in cold-reduced steel sheets

    Block shear failure planes of bolted connections - direct experimental verifications

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    This paper presents direct experimental verifications of the active shear planes in bolted connections, previously identified by the first author for determining the block shear capacity. The laboratory test results were obtained by independent researchers for specimens where the applied loads were resisted by the block in shear only. The first set consists of five bolted connection specimens in the webs of wide flange sections where the tensile resistance planes had been sawn off. The second set consists of ten bolted connection specimens each in one leg of an angle section that had fractured completely along the net tensile plane through a block shear failure. Comparisons among the gross, net, and active shear planes against the independent laboratory test results showed that the critical shear planes of bolted connections were best represented by the active shear planes rather than either the gross or the net shear planes. It is also pointed out that full or almost full shear strain hardening was generally achieved at the ultimate limit state of block shear failure of bolted connections in hot-rolled steel plates or sections, irrespective of the connection length. Verification against independent laboratory test results of tee sections bolted at the web reinforces this point

    Developing a Community of Practice for Applied Uses of Future PACE Data to Address Marine Food Security Challenges

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    External interaction:The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission will include a hyperspectral imaging radiometer to advance ecosystem monitoring beyond heritage retrievals of the concentration of surface chlorophyll and other traditional ocean color variables, offering potential for novel science and applications. PACE is the first NASA ocean color mission to occur under the agency's new and evolving effort to directly engage practical end users prior to satellite launch to increase adoption of this freely available data toward societal challenges. Here we describe early efforts to engage a community of practice around marine food-related resource management, business decisions, and policy analysis. Obviously one satellite cannot meet diverse end user needs at all scales and locations, but understanding downstream needs helps in the assessment of information gaps and planning how to optimize the unique strengths of PACE data in combination with the strengths of other satellite retrievals, in situ measurements, and models. Higher spectral resolution data from PACE can be fused with information from satellites with higher spatial or temporal resolution, plus other information, to enable identification and tracking of new marine biological indicators to guide sustainable management. Accounting for the needs of applied researchers as well as non-traditional users of satellite data early in the PACE mission process will ultimately serve to broaden the base of informed users and facilitate faster adoption of the most advanced science and technology toward the challenge of mitigating food insecurity

    Tuning the structural and dynamical properties of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate: Ripples and instability islands

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    It is now well established that the stability of aligned dipolar Bose gases can be tuned by varying the aspect ratio of the external harmonic confinement. This paper extends this idea and demonstrates that a Gaussian barrier along the strong confinement direction can be employed to tune both the structural properties and the dynamical stability of an oblate dipolar Bose gas aligned along the strong confinement direction. In particular, our theoretical mean-field analysis predicts the existence of instability islands immersed in otherwise stable regions of the phase diagram. Dynamical studies indicate that these instability islands, which can be probed experimentally with present-day technology, are associated with the going soft of a Bogoliubov--de Gennes excitation frequency with radial breathing mode character. Furthermore, we find dynamically stable ground state densities with ripple-like oscillations along the radial direction. These structured ground states exist in the vicinity of a dynamical radial roton-like instability.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Neurovascular relationship between abducens nerve and anterior inferior cerebellar artery

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    We aimed to study the neurovascular relationships between the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) and the abducens nerve to help determine the pathogenesis of abducens nerve palsy which can be caused by arterial compression. Twenty-two cadaveric brains (44 hemispheres) were investigated after injected of coloured latex in to the arterial system. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery originated as a single branch in 75%, duplicate in 22.7%, and triplicate in 2.3% of the hemispheres. Abducens nerves were located between the AICAs in all hemispheres when the AICA duplicated or triplicated. Additionally, we noted that the AICA or its main branches pierced the abducens nerve in five hemispheres (11.4%). The anatomy of the AICA and its relationship with the abducens nerve is very important for diagnosis and treatment. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 4: 201-203

    Effect of Loading Direction on the Bearing Capacity of Cold-Reduced Steel Sheets

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    This study is concerned with double-shear bolted connections in cold-reduced steel sheets that undergo the pure bearing failure mode of the inside sheet. Compared to the published test results of bolted connections failing in the net section fracture, those involving the bearing failure mode had very wide scatter in the ultimate test loads of specimens having seemingly similar configurations. This technical note presents the laboratory test results of 51 specimens composed of G2 and G450 steel sheets, which have very different ductility properties. One new and significant finding is that the absolute bearing capacity can be considerably higher in the rolling direction of the cold-reduced steel sheet than in the perpendicular direction, even though the tensile strength has the opposite trend. Another result is that material ductility has a much greater effect on the bearing capacity than on the net section tension capacity. It was also found that snug tightening had little effect on the bearing capacity of specimens thicker than 1.5 mm. For the inside sheet of a double-shear bolted connection, the current American Iron and Steel Institute provision for bearing capacity is reasonably accurate if the load is applied in the rolling direction of G2 steel sheet, but is overoptimistic in the perpendicular direction

    Genetic relationship of wild einkorn based on geographical distribution in Anatolia and Thrace using AFLP markers

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    Triticum monococcum L. ssp boeoticum Boiss., is the wild progenitor of domesticated einkorn. High throughput AFLP genetic analysis showed that the domestication of einkorn started in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent, near the Karacadag Mountains, Southeastern Turkey [1]. This study assesses the genetic distribution and the diversity of wild einkorn throughout Turkey, using total of 59 accessions from 22 locations in four different geographical regions. In our study, the four selective combinations of AFLP markers (E+ACC/M+ACT, E+ACC/M+ATA, E+ACT/M+ATA, and E+ATC/M+AAG) resulted in 161 AFLP marker loci. Phylogenetic trees for individual accessions and populations based on geographical regions were obtained using 'PopGen-32' population genetic analysis software. East and Southeast samples were genetically closest to each other among the samples from other regions. The samples from West, Northwest, and Central Anatolia were clustered together