809 research outputs found

    Cherenkov radiation from fluxon in a stack of coupled long Josephson junctions

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    We present a systematic study of the Cherenkov radiation of Josephson plasma waves by fast moving fluxon in a stack of coupled long Josephson junctions for different fluxon modes. It is found that at some values of parameters current-voltage characteristic may exhibit a region of the back-bending on the fluxon step. In the opposite limit the emission of the Cherenkov radiation takes place. In the annular junctions of moderate length the interaction of the emitted waves with fluxon results in the novel resonances which emerge on the top of the fluxon step. We present more exact formulas which describe the position of such resonances taking into account difference between junction and non-linear corrections. The possibility of direct detection of the Cherenkov radiation in junctions of linear geometry is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, accepted to JLT

    Bunching of fluxons by the Cherenkov radiation in Josephson multilayers

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    A single magnetic fluxon moving at a high velocity in a Josephson multilayer (e.g., high-temperature superconductor such as BSCCO) can emit electromagnetic waves (Cherenkov radiation), which leads to formation of novel stable dynamic states consisting of several bunched fluxons. We find such bunched states in numerical simulation in the simplest cases of two and three coupled junctions. At a given driving current, several different bunched states are stable and move at velocities that are higher than corresponding single-fluxon velocity. These and some of the more complex higher-order bunched states and transitions between them are investigated in detail.Comment: 6 pages + 6 Figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B on July 1, 200

    Geometry-induced phase transition in fluids: capillary prewetting

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    We report a new first-order phase transition preceding capillary condensation and corresponding to the discontinuous formation of a curved liquid meniscus. Using a mean-field microscopic approach based on the density functional theory we compute the complete phase diagram of a prototypical two-dimensional system exhibiting capillary condensation, namely that of a fluid with long-ranged dispersion intermolecular forces which is spatially confined by a substrate forming a semi-infinite rectangular pore exerting long-ranged dispersion forces on the fluid. In the T-mu plane the phase line of the new transition is tangential to the capillary condensation line at the capillary wetting temperature, Tcw. The surface phase behavior of the system maps to planar wetting with the phase line of the new transition, termed capillary prewetting, mapping to the planar prewetting line. If capillary condensation is approached isothermally with T>Tcw, the meniscus forms at the capping wall and unbinds continuously, making capillary condensation a second-order phenomenon. We compute the corresponding critical exponent for the divergence of adsorption.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 5 movie

    Andreev reflection and strongly enhanced magnetoresistance oscillations in GaInAs/InP heterostructures with superconducting contacts

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    We study the magnetotransport in small hybrid junctions formed by high-mobility GaInAs/InP heterostructures coupled to superconducting (S) and normal metal (N) terminals. Highly transmissive superconducting contacts to a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) located in a GaInAs/InP heterostructure are realized by using a Au/NbN layer system. The magnetoresistance of the S/2DEG/N structures is studied as a function of dc bias current and temperature. At bias currents below a critical value, the resistance of the S/2DEG/N structures develops a strong oscillatory dependence on the magnetic field, with an amplitude of the oscillations considerably larger than that of the reference N/2DEG/N structures. The experimental results are qualitatively explained by taking Andreev reflection in high magnetic fields into account.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    AC induced damping of a fluxon in long Josephson junction

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    We present a theoretical and experimental study of Josephson vortex (fluxon) moving in the presence of spatially homogeneous dc and ac bias currents. By mapping this problem to the problem of calculating the current-voltage characteristic of a small Josephson junction, we derive the dependence of the average fluxon velocity on the dc bias current. In particular we find that the low frequency ac bias current results in an additional nonlinear damping of fluxon motion. Such ac induced damping crucially depends on the intrinsic damping parameter and increases drastically as this parameter is reduced. We find a good agreement of the analysis with both the direct numerical simulations and the experimentally measured current-voltage characteristics of a long annular Josephson junction with one trapped fluxon.Comment: Physical Review B, in pres

    Incommensurate dynamics of resonant breathers in Josephson junction ladders

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    We present theoretical and experimental studies of resonant localized resistive states in a Josephson junction ladder. These complex breather states are obtained by tuning the breather frequency into the upper band of linear electromagnetic oscillations of the ladder. Their prominent feature is the appearance of resonant steps in the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. We have found the resonant breather-like states displaying incommensurate dynamics. Numerical simulations show that these incommensurate resonant breathers persist for very low values of damping. Qualitatively similar incommensurate breather states are observed in experiments performed with Nb-based Josephson ladders. We explain the appearance of these states with the help of resonance-induced hysteresis features in the I-V dependence.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Progressive motion of an ac-driven kink in an annular damped system

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    A novel dynamical effect is presented: systematic drift of a topological soliton in ac-driven weakly damped systems with periodic boundary conditions. The effect is demonstrated in detail for a long annular Josephson junction. Unlike earlier considered cases of the ac-driven motion of fluxons (kinks), in the present case the long junction is_spatially uniform_. Numerical simulations reveal that progressive motion of the fluxon commences if the amplitude of the ac drive exceeds a threshold value. The direction of the motion is randomly selected by initial conditions, and a strong hysteresis is observed. An analytical approach to the problem is based on consideration of the interaction between plasma waves emitted by the fluxon under the action of the ac drive and the fluxon itself, after the waves complete round trip in the annular junction. The analysis predicts instability of the zero-average-velocity state of the fluxon interacting with its own radiation tails, provided that the drive's amplitude exceeds an explicitly found threshold. The predicted threshold amplitude strongly depends on the phase shift gained by the wave after the round trip. A very similar dependence is found in the simulations, testifying to the relevance of the analytical consideration.Comment: revtex text file and five eps figure files. Physical Review E, in pres