51 research outputs found

    Capacitacion y desarrollo para el personal de Forestal Celco S.A.. Un enfoque al 2000

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    53 p.La presente investigación tiene por objetivo la elaboración de un Plan de Capacitación y Desarrollo para la empresa Forestal Celco S.A. en la perspectiva del año 2000. En primer lugar se identificaron los conceptos fundamentales descritos por autores con enfoques futuristas, lo cual sirvió como cimiento teórico para el estudio y construir los Factores Críticos del Éxito, a partir del análisis de frecuencias sobre los términos mas relevantes citados por cada uno de ellos. Se crearon paquetes de variables que fueron contrastadas con las actividades desarrolladas por la empresa, por nivel jerárquico, de las cuales nació una comparación entre las actividades de la descripción de cargos y las actividades efectivamente realizadas, definiendo a partir de esta confrontación árboles de decisión que contienen paquetes de actividades integradas; constituidas por herramientas, fundamentos e implementación. El Plan de Capacitación y Desarrollo para Forestal Celco S.A., fue construido a partir de las actividades mismas de la empresa y acompañado de los fundamentos de la formación conceptual básica por tipo de materia tratada, enfocado con instrumentos que dicen relación con las técnicas y herramientas utilizadas para la aplicación de los conceptos aprendidos, e implementar de acuerdo con el aprendizaje individual del personal de la empresa y entrenamiento personal para los mismos. El estudio proporciona un Plan de Capacitación adecuado a los equerimientos de cada una de las Sub Gerencias, al mismo tiempo programas de entrenamientos transversales por nivel jerárquico, atendiendo a las necesidades de la empresa investigada. Entre los hallazgos que derivan de las hipótesis, se encuentran el de confirmar que las variables de gestión relevantes por nivel jerárquico son diferentes entre si, al analizar el estudio de frecuencias de la descripción de cargos de la empresa. También se comprobó que las variables relevantes por nivel jerárquico son diferentes de las identificadas por cada una de las Sub Gerencias, al analizar el estudio de frecuencias de las actividades efectivamente realizadas por Forestal Celco S.A. Por ultimo, del análisis de correlaciones de las variables de gestión de la empresa en estudio, se desprenden paquetes de actividades que poseen un sentido lógico técnico, para desarrollar un Plan de Capacitación, en conjunto con los requerimientos de Forestal Celco S.A

    Trasplante cardíaco

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    A heart transplant is at present considered the treatment of choice in cases of terminal cardiac insufficiency refractory to medical or surgical treatment. Due to factors such as the greater life expectancy of the population and the more efficient management of acute coronary syndromes, there is an increasing number of people who suffer from heart failure. It is estimated that the prevalence of the disease in developed countries is around 1%; of this figure, some 10% are in an advanced stage and are thus potential receptors of a heart transplant. The problem is that it is still not possible to offer this therapeutic form to all of the patients that require it. Consequently, it is necessary to optimise the results of the heart transplant through the selection of patients, selection and management of donors, perioperative management and control of the disease due to graft rejection. Since the first transplant carried out in 1967, numerous advances and changes have taken place, which has made it possible to increase survival and quality of life of those who have received a new heart. In this article we review the most relevant aspects of the heart transplant and the challenges that are currently faced

    Influence of elevated-CRP level-related polymorphisms in non-rheumatic Caucasians on the risk of subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Association between elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels and subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular (CV) events was described in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). CRP, HNF1A, LEPR, GCKR, NLRP3, IL1F10, PPP1R3B, ASCL1, HNF4A and SALL1 exert an influence on elevated CRP serum levels in non-rheumatic Caucasians. Consequently, we evaluated the potential role of these genes in the development of CV events and subclinical atherosclerosis in RA patients. Three tag CRP polymorphisms and HNF1A, LEPR, GCKR, NLRP3, IL1F10, PPP1R3B, ASCL1, HNF4A and SALL1 were genotyped in 2,313 Spanish patients by TaqMan. Subclinical atherosclerosis was determined in 1,298 of them by carotid ultrasonography (by assessment of carotid intima-media thickness-cIMT-and presence/absence of carotid plaques). CRP serum levels at diagnosis and at the time of carotid ultrasonography were measured in 1,662 and 1,193 patients, respectively, by immunoturbidimetry. Interestingly, a relationship between CRP and CRP serum levels at diagnosis and at the time of the carotid ultrasonography was disclosed. However, no statistically significant differences were found when CRP, HNF1A, LEPR, GCKR, NLRP3, IL1F10, PPP1R3B, ASCL1, HNF4A and SALL1 were evaluated according to the presence/absence of CV events, carotid plaques and cIMT after adjustment. Our results do not confirm an association between these genes and CV disease in RA

    HLA-DRB1 association with Henoch-Schonlein purpura

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    Objective: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is the most common vasculitis in children but it is not exceptional in adults. Increased familial occurrence supports a genetic predisposition for HSP. In this context, an association with the human leukocyte antigen-HLA-DRB1*01 phenotype has been suggested in Caucasian individuals with HSP. However, data on the potential association of HSP with HLA-DRB1*01 were based on small case series. To further investigate this issue, we performed HLA-DRB1 genotyping of the largest series of HSP patients ever assessed for genetic studies in Caucasians. Methods: 342 Spanish patients diagnosed with HSP fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology and the Michel et al classification criteria, and 303 sex and ethnically matched controls were assessed. HLA-DRB1 alleles were determined using a PCR-Sequence-Specific-Oligonucleotide Probe (PCR-SSOP) method. Results: A statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*01 in HSP patients when compared with controls was found (43% vs 7%, respectively; p<0.001; odds ratio-OR=2.03 [1.43-2.87]). It was due to the increased frequency of HLA-DRB1*0103 phenotype in HSP (14% vs 2%; p<0.001; OR=8.27 [3.46-23.9]). These results remained statistically significant after adjusting for Bonferroni correction. In contrast, a statistically significant decreased frequency of the HLA-DRB1*0301 phenotype was observed in patients compared to controls (5.6% vs 18.1%, respectively; p<0.001, OR=0.26 [0.14-0.47]), even after adjustment for Bonferroni correction. No HLA-DRB1 association with specific features of the disease was found. Conclusion: Our study confirms an association of HSP with HLA-DRB1*01 in Caucasians. Also, a protective effect against the development of HSP appears to exist in Caucasians carrying the HLA-DRB1*03 phenotype

    Protective Role of the Interleukin 33 rs3939286 Gene Polymorphism in the Development of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine whether the interleukin-33 (IL-33)-interleukin-1 receptor like 1 (IL-1RL1) signaling pathway is implicated in the risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: A total of 576 Spanish RA patients from Northern Spain were genotyped for 6 well-known IL33-IL1RL1 polymorphisms (IL33 rs3939286, IL33 rs7025417, IL33 rs7044343, IL1RL1 rs2058660, IL1RL1 rs2310173 and IL1RL1 rs13015714) by TaqMan genotyping assay. The presence of subclinical atherosclerosis was determined by the assessment of carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) by carotid ultrasound (US). RESULTS: RA patients carrying the TT genotype of the IL33 rs3939286 polymorphism had lower cIMT values than those homozygous for the CC genotype (mean ± standard deviation (SD): 0.71 ± 0.14 mm versus 0.76 ± 0.16 mm, respectively) while patients carrying the CT genotype had intermediate cIMT values (mean ± SD: 0.73 ± 0.17 mm). Moreover, RA patients carrying the mutant allele T of the IL33 rs3939286 polymorphism exhibited significantly lower cIMT values than those carrying the wild allele C (mean ± SD: 0.72 ± 0.16 mm versus 0.75 ± 0.18 mm respectively; p = 0.04). The association of both genotype and allele frequencies of IL33 rs3939286 and cIMT levels remained statistically significant after adjustment for sex, age at the time of US study, follow-up and center (p = 0.006 and p = 0.0023, respectively), evidencing that the potential effect conferred by IL33 rs3939286 may be independent of confounder factors. No association with other IL33-IL1RL1 genetic variants was observed. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, our results may suggest a potential protective effect of the IL33 rs3939286 allele T in the risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with RA

    Influencia del nivel de receptividad sexual y dosis de GnRH sobre la respuesta ovulatoria

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    [EN] One hundred and thirty does of the Californian x New Zealand breed were artificially inseminated on a fixed day of the week, during a thirteen months long study. All insemination were performed on Monday, using 1 mi diluted semen. Does with less than 8 youngs/litter (M1) were inseminated on day 3 or 4 post-partum (PP.), and rabbits with than 8 or more youngs/litter (M2) on day 1 O or 11 PP. All does found non pregnant were considered pseudopregnant and inseminated on day 24 PP. (M3). The first artificial insemination (A.I.) in nulliparous rabbits was performed at 4 months of age. 1679 A.I. were carried out during this experiment. Ovulation was induced with 20 μg of GnAH (Fertagyl, lntervet Lab.) in all rabbits, without considering their sexual receptivity. The overall conception rate (C.A.) obtained was 58.5 %. The lactation significatively influenced conception rate in animals inseminated in the post-partum period (P<0.001). Higher conception rate was observed in does inseminated after a first non-fertile insemination (type M3), (P<0.05). No difference between does M1 vs M2 was detected. C.R. in nulliparous does was higher compared to rabbits M2, and lower than rabbits M3 (P<0.05). Although rabbits were inseminated on a fixed day of the week, as a consequence of the pregnancy period variations, A.I. was finally performed between day 1 to 12 PP. Nevertheless, most of the inseminations were carried out on days 3, 4 and 10, 11 PP. Lower C.A. were obtained when comparing A.I. on days 3 to 5 and 9 to 12 PP., versus females inseminated on days 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 PP. (50.3 % and 48.9 % vs 69.5 % and 66.6 % respectively), (P<0.001). A significative interaction type of rabbit*lactation was detected when comparing non lactating rabbits inseminated on days 3 or 4, 1 O or 11, 24 or after PP., versus lactating does inseminated on the same days (71. 78 %, 68.9 %, 71.5 % vs 53.6 %, 48.7 %, 62.2 %, respectively, P<0.001). No influence on prolificacy was detected. The overall means obtained were : No. of youngs born/litter : 7.1 ± 0.1 ; No of youngs born dead/litter : 0.6 ± 0.05. Our results suggest a better reproductive management when A.I. was performed on one fixed day of the week. Practically all pregnancy diagnosis by abdominal palpation were carried out on Fridays (day 11 after A.1.), nest settings on Tuesdays (day 29 after A.1.), and parturition occurred on Thursdays and Fridays (day 31-32 after A.I.) of the same week. Nevertheless, the better C.A. observed in does A.I. on days 1 or 2 and 6 to 8 suggests that reproductive management could be organized on two fixed day of the week.[FR] Cent trente lapines Californiennes x Neo Zélandaises ont été artificiellement inséminées, un jour fixe de la semaine, durant une période d'étude de treize mois. Toutes les inséminations ont été pratiquées le Lundi, en utilisant 1 mi de semence diluée. Les lapines ayant moins de 8 lapereaux par portée (M1) ont été inséminees le 3 ou 4eme jour post partum (PP) et celles avec 8 lapereaux ou plus par portée (M2) le 1 O ou 11eme jour PP. Toutes les lapines reconnues non gestantes ont été considérées comme pseudo gestantes et inséminées le 24 eme jour PP (M3). La premiare insémination des lapines nullipares a été pratiquee a /'age de 4 mois. 1679 inséminations artificielles ont été pratiquées pendant cette expérimentation. L'ovulation était induite par 20μg de GnRH (Fertagyl, lntervet Lab.) pour toutes les lapines, sans tenir compte de leur réceptivité sexuelle. Le taux de fécondation globale a atteint 58.5 %. Le taux de fécondation était significativement influencé par la lactation pour les lapines inséminées PP (P<0.001). Le taux de fécondation le plus élevé a été observé chez les tapines inséminées apres un premiare insémination non fertile (type M3), (P<0.05). Entre les lapines M1 et M2 aucune différence n'a été détectée. Le taux de fécondation chez les tapines nullipares était supérieur comparé aux lapines M2 et inférieur comparé aux lapines M3 (P<0.05). A cause de la variation de la durée de gestation, et bien que les lapines aient été inséminées a jour fixe dans la semaine, - l'insémination artificielle a finalement été pratiquée entre le 1 er et le 12 eme jour PP.. Néanmoins, la majorité des inséminations ont ét pratiquées 3, 4 et 1O,11 jours PP.. Le taux de fécondation le plus bas concerne les inséminations 3 a 5 et 9 a 12 jours PP. comparés aux inséminations 1 a 2 et 6 a 8 jours PP. (50.53 % et 48.9 % vs 69.5 % et 66.6 % respectivement) (P<0.001). On remarque un interaction significative lapine/lactation lorsqu'on compare les tapines non allaitantes inséminées le 3, 4 et 1 Oeme jour ou les 11, 24eme jour et plus PP. et les tapines allaitantes inséminées les memes jours (71.7 %, 68.9 %, 71.5 % et 53.6 %, 48.7 %, 62.2 %, respectivement, P<0.001). Pas de différence de prolificité n'a été détectée. Les moyennes générales obtenues étaient : Nb de /apereaux nés / portée : 7. 1 ± O. 1 ; Nb de lapereaux morts / portée : 0.6 ± 0.05. Nos résultats suggerent une meilleur organisation de la reproduction lorsque l'insémination artificielle est pratiquée a jour fixe dans la semaine. Pratiquement tous les diagnostiques de gestation par palpation abdominale sont pratiqués le Vendredi (11 jours apres l.A. Les nids se font le Mardi (29 jours apres l.A.) et les mises bas surviennent le Jeudi ou le Vendredi (31 ou 32 jours apres l.A.) de la meme semaine. Néanmoins, le meilleur taux de fécondation étant observé chez les tapines inséminées le 1 er ou 2eme et les 6eme ou 8 eme jours, l'organisation de la reproduction peut etre envisagée sur deux jours fixes de la semaine.This work was supported by the CAYCIT (Madrid, Spain) as a part of the project GAN89-0127Rebollar, P.; Alvariño, J.; Ubilla, E. (1994). GROUPING OF RABBIT REPRODUCTION MANAGEMENT BY MEANS OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. World Rabbit Science. 2(3). https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.1994.222SWORD2