161 research outputs found
Psychic Distance and Country Image in Exporter–Importer Relationships
Conflicting evidence on the issue of psychic distance (PD) in international business relationships suggests the existence of misunderstood boundary conditions to its effect. This article argues that country image (CI) is a contingent factor to the effect of PD. Expectancy–value theory provides the theoretical foundations for this argument. Based on structural equation modeling, analyses for a sample of 358 exporter–importer relationships in the global wine industry provide empirical support. Product-related CI mitigates the negative impact of PD on the relational exchange orientation (REO) between firms. Specifically, a high level of PD dampens REO when product-related CI is poor, whereas a strong product-related CI helps firms facing such PD conditions to build REO irrespective. People-related CI has an indirect effect on REO through product-related CI. Our study contributes to explaining the paradox of distance and offers a fresh perspective on how to handle the issue of PD when relevant
Місце та роль конституційно-судової гілки влади в демократичному політичному процесі
Туркіна І. Є. Місце та роль конституційно-судової гілки влади в демократичному політичному процесі : автореф. дис. ... канд. політ. наук : 23.00.02 / І. Є. Туркіна; кер. роботи С. І. Тихоміров; Нац. ун.-т "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса, 2005. – 20 с.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук за спеціальністю 23.00.02 – політичні інститути та процеси. Одеська національна юридична академія, Одеса, 2005.
Встановлено, що місце конституційно-судових органів влади визначається їх спроможністю поєднати горизонтальну й вертикальну схеми політичного управління і відігравати роль владного суб'єкта стосовно інших гілок влади, як до об'єктів. Конституційно-судові інститути сприяють досягненню основної мети демократичної політичної системи – національної інтеграції за рахунок досягнення оптимального поєднання сил держави і громадянського суспільства. При цьому забезпечується самовідтворення демократичної системи і задоволення базових потреб суспільства. У перехідних системах конституційно-судові установи – це або особливий політичний інститут у системі поділу влади, або орган домінуючої партії, що виконують функції національної інтеграції, підвищення ступеня управління модернізаційним процесом і зміцнення соціальної складової активності держави.Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата политических наук по специальности 23.00.02 – политические институты и процессы. – Одесская национальная юридическая академия, Одесса, 2005.
Диссертация посвящена изучению роли и места институтов конституционно-судебной власти в демократических и переходных политических системах. Использованы системный подход, теоретические модели Г. Алмонда, Д. Истона, А. Дугина и Е. Седова.
Процессы демократического развития ведут к необходимости разграничения вертикальной и горизонтальной схем политического управления, разделения суверенитетов государства и личности.
В области гражданских отношений личность и государство находятся на одном иерархическом уровне (горизонтальная схема), в области государственных отношений государство имеет приоритет с целью проведения политики национальной интеграции. Механизмы конституционного контроля служат поддержанию этого баланса. Основные этапы формирования демократических институтов судебной власти связаны с необходимостью активизации горизонтальной схемы политического управления, в силу чего судебная власть является обязательным элементом механизма сдержек и противовесов.
В моменты неустойчивого состояния политической системы страны суд может взять на себя функцию балансира политической власти. Главной задачей демократической политической системы является обеспечение права человека на достойную жизнь. Поэтому институты конституционного контроля обязаны руководствоваться не только правовой моделью политической системы, но и гуманистическими принципами, на которых основывается эта модель, особенно на этапе модернизации. Настоятельно необходимо, чтобы институт Суда обладал непререкаемой легитимностью.
Максимальную политическую эффективность судебная власть имеет тогда, когда создано, подкрепленное ресурсно и организационно, “пространство компромисса”, в котором роль суда, как сильного посредника, подчас, становится определяющей. Признаком наличия такого пространства является наличие в обществе двух сил равной политической мощности, что имеет место в устойчивых двухпартийных (многопартийных с двумя доминирующими партиями) системах. В противном случае судебная власть превращается в элемент системы господства исполнительной и / или законодательной власти.
Из всех ветвей государственной власти судебные институты обладают наивысшей степенью децентрализации и специализации, они, в отличие от парламента и правительства, находятся на минимальном расстоянии от социальных групп и граждан, а значит – наилучшим образом воплощают горизонтальную схему политического управления. В силу этого конституционно-судебные институты играют роль властного субъекта по отношению к другим государственным институтам, как к объектам.
Политические системы большинства традиционно-демократических сообществ находятся в оптимальной зоне функционирования. Поэтому основной политической функцией конституционно-судебных институтов является поддержание активности всех политических агентов (индивидов, групп интересов, политических партий и государства) в “разрешенных” конституцией рамках.
Конституционный суд, как и другие ветви власти, не может стоять в стороне от политического процесса. Однако особая роль конституционного суда заключается в том, что он способен не только участвовать, но и определять границы и цели этого процесса. Вследствие этого роль конституционного суда в политических процессах неуклонно растет, а его функции адаптируются к национальным условиям переходных сообществ.
Существует два пути демократического развития незападных систем, приводящих к высокой эффективности и легитимности политической организации общества: управляя только политическим курсом; управляя как политической линией, так и политическим курсом. При этом роль института конституционного контроля может играть авторитарная партия.
Политическая система независимой Украины, в результате реализации вторичной модернизационной модели характеризуется состоянием модернизационного синдрома. В этой ситуации Конституционный Суд должен играть роль легального стабилизатора политической системы. Любое политическое решение должно проходить в Суде две экспертизы. Во-первых, оно оценивается с точки зрения его влияния на уровень и качество жизни граждан. И только, во-вторых, политическое решение проверяется на конституционность по критериям политического курса и экономической линии.
Усиление судебной власти в Украине и укрепление ее независимости в структуре системы разделения государственной власти, должны рассматриваться как части комплекса мер по укреплению всей демократической системы и предусматривать следующие политико-правовые действия всех участников политического процесса.Dissertation for the competition of scientific candidate degree of political sciences on specialty 23.00.02 – political institutions and processes. Odessa National Law Academy, Odessa, 2005.
It is established, that a place of constitutionally-judicial power bodies is determined by their property to combine the horizontal and vertical systems of political management and, consequently, to function as the imperious subject towards other power branches, as to objects. Constitutionally-judicial institutions assist to achievement the basic aim of the democratic political system – to get the national integration by means of achievement of the optimum combination of state forces combination and civil society. By this way the self renovation of democratic system and the satisfaction of the base society wants are provided. In transitional systems the constitutionally-judicial establishments – are may be a or special political institution in institution division system, or a body of a dominant party, carrying out the functions of the national integration, the rise of a divisibility degree of the modernized process and strengthening of a social putting status of the governments activity
New treatment options for a patient with chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Introduction. The number of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is increasing every year. In both CHF and COPD, secondary mitochondrial dysfunction is observed. In this regard, the attention of researchers is attracted by drugs that have their therapeutic effects at the level of mitochondria, one of which is meldonium. Meldonium has proven itself in the treatment of various diseases, however, the evaluation of the clinical efficacy of meldonium has not yet been carried out in comorbid patients with CHF and COPD.Aim. To study the effects of meldonium as part of basic therapy on the clinical condition, the main functional parameters of the heart and lungs, and the quality of life in patients with CHF and COPD.Materials and methods. The randomized open study included 60 patients with CHF II A stage, II–III FC (clinical recommendations of the RSC, OSSN 2020) and COPD I–III degree of airflow limitation (GOLD 2021 classification) in remission (age 45–70 years). The patients were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group – the main group (n = 30) with CHF and COPD took meldonium at a dosage of 1000 mg/day in addition to the basic therapy, the 2nd group – the control group (n = 30) was only on basic therapy for CHF and COPD. The observation period is 12 weeks.Results. In patients with CHF and COPD, in the dynamics of therapy with the inclusion of meldonium, as a result, the severity of clinical symptoms decreased, improvement was revealed in the main structural and functional parameters of the heart, external respiration function, and quality of life.Conclusions: a significant beneficial effect of combination therapy with the inclusion of meldonium on the clinical and functional parameters of the heart and lungs, indicators of quality of life in patients with CHF and COPD has been established, which makes it possible to recommend the use of meldonium as part of combination therapy in comorbid patients
Features of proinflammatory cytokine production in patients with allergic rhinitis combined with <i>Helicobacter pylori</i>-associated pathologies
Investigating a role for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in immune and inflammatory response represents one of the most pressing topics in current immunology. There have been accumulated a great body of data regarding the cytokine status during inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract. However, many issues remain poorly elucidated. Moreover, most of the studies were mainly aimed at examining biopsy material cytokines collected from various parts of the gastrointestinal tract or gastric juice. Here we present the data on investigating the features of cytokine production in patients with allergic rhinitis combined with H. pylori-associated diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. A total of 225 patients aged 18 to 40 years (mean age 29.5±6.74 years) were examined, among which 43 patients suffered from allergic rhinitis, 66 patients had inflammatory diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis/gastroduodenitis), and 69 patients — allergic rhinitis with concomitant inflammatory diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Patients were stratified to various study groups depending on diagnosed allergic rhinitis and H. pylori infection. Serum IL-6 and IL-8 level and complete blood cell count were measured. Statistical significance for difference in parameter frequencies between independent groups was assessed by using Fisher's exact test or χ2 criteria. It was shown that serum IL-6 level in H. pylori-negative patients was within the reference interval with single spikes, whereas its production was markedly increased in patients with H. pylori infection regardless of allergic pathology. Frequency of subjects with elevated serum IL-8 level was comparable between groups of patients with gastrointestinal diseases, but significantly higher than that one in the control group. An interdependence between serum IL-8 level and white blood cell count was found, which is of interest for predicting development of the inflammatory process. Thus, the serum IL-8 level during the upper gastrointestinal tract inflammatory diseases was increased regardless of verified of H. pylori infection and allergic rhinitis, whereas increased IL-6 serum level was observed solely in H. pylori-positive patients
Structure-antifouling activity relationship and molecular targets of bio-inspired(Thio)xanthones
The development of alternative ecological and effective antifouling technologies is still challenging. Synthesis of nature-inspired compounds has been exploited, given the potential to assure commercial supplies of potential ecofriendly antifouling agents. In this direction, the antifouling activity of a series of nineteen synthetic small molecules, with chemical similarities with natural products, were exploited in this work. Six (4, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 17) of the tested xanthones showed in vivo activity toward the settlement of Mytilus galloprovincialis larvae (EC50: 3.53–28.60 µM) and low toxicity to this macrofouling species (LC50 > 500 µM and LC50/EC50: 17.42–141.64), and two of them (7 and 10) showed no general marine ecotoxicity (<10% of Artemia salina mortality) after 48 h of exposure. Regarding the mechanism of action in mussel larvae, the best performance compounds 4 and 5 might be acting by the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity (in vitro and in silico studies), while 7 and 10 showed specific targets (proteomic studies) directly related with the mussel adhesive structure (byssal threads), given by the alterations in the expression of Mytilus collagen proteins (PreCols) and proximal thread proteins (TMPs). A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model was built with predictive capacity to enable speeding the design of new potential active compounds.This research was supported by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020 and under the project PTDC/AAG-TEC/0739/2014 (reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016793) supported through national funds provided by FCT and ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC) programme and RIDTI - Reforçar a Investigação, o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Inovação (project 9471) and the project NASCEM PTDC/BTA-BTA/31422/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031422) also financed by FCT, COMPETE2020 and PORTUGAL2020
The EUTOS long-term survival (ELTS) score is superior to the Sokal score for predicting survival in chronic myeloid leukemia
Prognostic scores support clinicians in selecting risk-adjusted treatments and in comparatively assessing different results. For patients with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), four baseline prognostic scores are commonly used. Our aim was to compare the prognostic performance of the scores and to arrive at an evidence-based score recommendation. In 2949 patients not involved in any score development, higher hazard ratios and concordance indices in any comparison demonstrated the best discrimination of long-term survival with the ELTS score. In a second step, of 5154 patients analyzed to investigate risk group classification differences, 23% (n = 1197) were allocated to high-risk by the Sokal score. Of the 1197 Sokal high-risk patients, 56% were non-high-risk according to the ELTS score and had a significantly more favorable long-term survival prognosis than the 526 high-risk patients according to both scores. The Sokal score identified too many patients as high-risk and relatively few (40%) as low-risk (versus 60% with the ELTS score). Inappropriate risk classification jeopardizes optimal treatment selection. The ELTS score outperformed the Sokal score, the Euro, and the EUTOS score regarding risk group discrimination. The recent recommendation of the European LeukemiaNet for preferred use of the ELTS score was supported with significant statistical evidence.Peer reviewe
Differential Phosphorylation of Ribosomal Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants during Day and Night
Protein synthesis in plants is characterized by increase in the translation rates for numerous proteins and central metabolic enzymes during the day phase of the photoperiod. The detailed molecular mechanisms of this diurnal regulation are unknown, while eukaryotic protein translation is mainly controlled at the level of ribosomal initiation complexes, which also involves multiple events of protein phosphorylation. We characterized the extent of protein phosphorylation in cytosolic ribosomes isolated from leaves of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana harvested during day or night. Proteomic analyses of preparations corresponding to both phases of the photoperiod detected phosphorylation at eight serine residues in the C-termini of six ribosomal proteins: S2-3, S6-1, S6-2, P0-2, P1 and L29-1. This included previously unknown phosphorylation of the 40S ribosomal protein S6 at Ser-231. Relative quantification of the phosphorylated peptides using stable isotope labeling and mass spectrometry revealed a 2.2 times increase in the day/night phosphorylation ratio at this site. Phosphorylation of the S6-1 and S6-2 variants of the same protein at Ser-240 increased by the factors of 4.2 and 1.8, respectively. The 1.6 increase in phosphorylation during the day was also found at Ser-58 of the 60S ribosomal protein L29-1. It is suggested that differential phosphorylation of the ribosomal proteins S6-1, S6-2 and L29-1 may contribute to modulation of the diurnal protein synthesis in plants
A Protein Phosphorylation Threshold for Functional Stacking of Plant Photosynthetic Membranes
Phosphorylation of photosystem II (PSII) proteins affects macroscopic structure of thylakoid photosynthetic membranes in chloroplasts of the model plant Arabidopsis. In this study, light-scattering spectroscopy revealed that stacking of thylakoids isolated from wild type Arabidopsis and the mutant lacking STN7 protein kinase was highly influenced by cation (Mg++) concentrations. The stacking of thylakoids from the stn8 and stn7stn8 mutants, deficient in STN8 kinase and consequently in light-dependent phosphorylation of PSII, was increased even in the absence of Mg++. Additional PSII protein phosphorylation in wild type plants exposed to high light enhanced Mg++-dependence of thylakoid stacking. Protein phosphorylation in the plant leaves was analyzed during day, night and prolonged darkness using three independent techniques: immunoblotting with anti-phosphothreonine antibodies; Diamond ProQ phosphoprotein staining; and quantitative mass spectrometry of peptides released from the thylakoid membranes by trypsin. All assays revealed dark/night-induced increase in phosphorylation of the 43 kDa chlorophyll-binding protein CP43, which compensated for decrease in phosphorylation of the other PSII proteins in wild type and stn7, but not in the stn8 and stn7stn8 mutants. Quantitative mass spectrometry determined that every PSII in wild type and stn7 contained on average 2.5±0.1 or 1.4±0.1 phosphoryl groups during day or night, correspondingly, while less than every second PSII had a phosphoryl group in stn8 and stn7stn8. It is postulated that functional cation-dependent stacking of plant thylakoid membranes requires at least one phosphoryl group per PSII, and increased phosphorylation of PSII in plants exposed to high light enhances stacking dynamics of the photosynthetic membranes
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