13 research outputs found
The Behaviour of Cobalt in Concentrated Nitric Acid Solutions
In our previous investigation it has been established that cobalt, unlike iron or nickel, does not passivate in concentrated or even fumic nitric acid. The dissolution of cobalt in this aggressive medium is, however, significantly reduced by the formation of a hydrated nitrate salt layer adhering tightly to the metal surface. On the basis of the open-circuit corrosion potential measurements of cobalt electrode, in a wide range of nitric acid concentrations, and polarization curves, obtained in 11 mol dm-3 nitric acid using a regulating device with negative output resistance, along with electrode impedance results, it was proved that the hydration number of nitrate salt plays the crucial role in the electrochemical behaviour of cobalt in concentrated nitric acid solutions. The importance of the free water released through a decrease in the hydration number was clearly observed
History of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fiftieth Anniversary of the Foundation of Postgraduate Study on Corrosion and Protection of Materials at the Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb
Prvi poslijediplomski studij na Kemijsko-tehnološkom odjelu Tehnološkog fakulteta (današnjem Fakultetu kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu odnosio se na područje "Korozija i zaštita materijala", a osnovan je ak. god. 1960/61. na poticaj akademika Miroslava Karšulina. Studij je obuhvaćao 3 semestra a završavao je izradom i obranom magistarskog rada. Godine 1980. provedena je reorganizacija kojom su svi poslijediplomski studiji ujedinjeni u poslijediplomski studij "Inženjerska kemija" s 11 smjerova. Tako je poslijediplomski studij "Korozija i zaštita materijala" postao smjer "Konstrukcijski materijali i zaštita od korozije". Nakon osamostaljenja Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije 1992. izdvaja se iz poslijediplomskog studija "Inženjerska kemija" dotadašnji smjer "Kemijsko inženjerstvo" u samostalni poslijediplomski studij na kojem se i nadalje mogao steći stupanj magistra znanosti u području "Korozije i zaštite materijala". Promjenama nastavnog plana u skladu s bolonjskim reformama sustava visokog obrazovanja početkom se novog milenija na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu ukidaju svi poslijediplomski studiji za dobivanje stupnja magistra znanosti, a uvode doktorski i specijalistički poslijediplomski studiji. Na Fakultetu kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije 2004. započinje trogodišnji doktorski studij, čijim se završetkom i obranom doktorske disertacije stječe akademski stupanj doktora znanosti. Znanja iz područja korozije i zaštite materijala uključena su u programe sadašnjih doktorskih studija "Inženjerska kemija" i "Kemijsko inženjerstvo". Godine 2006. pokrenut je i jednogodišnji specijalistički poslijediplomski studij "Korozija i zaštita", u čiju je organizaciju uključeno pet tehničkih fakulteta Zagrebačkog sveučilišta. Nositelj studija je Sveučilište u Zagrebu, a koordinator Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije koji zajedno s Fakultetom strojarstva i brodogradnje, Građevinskim fakultetom, Metalurškim fakultetom i Rudarsko-geološko-naftnim fakultetom organizira i provodi nastavu. Završetkom Sveučilišnog interdisciplinarnog poslijediplomskog specijalističkog studija "Korozija i zaštita" stječe se akademski naziv Sveučilišni specijalist korozije i zaštite. Iz ovog prikaza proizlazi da se na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu već 50 godina uspješno provodi poslijediplomska nastava iz korozije i zaštite materijala, što dokazuje da u Hrvatskoj postoji trajna potreba visokog obrazovanja na ovom području.The first postgraduate study at the Department for Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Technology (nowadays: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology) of the University of Zagreb concerning the field "Corrosion and Protection of Materials" was founded in the academic year of 1960/61 on the initiative of academician Miroslav Karšulin. The study comprised three semesters and finished by defending a master\u27s thesis. During two decades, 19 generations of attendants were registered and 108 of them reached the scientific degree of MSc. In this period, several new postgraduate studies were introduced that were indispensable, but provoked organizational difficulties. Therefore, in 1980 reorganization took place by merging all postgraduate studies into "Engineering Chemistry" with 11 sections. Thus, the postgraduate study "Corrosion and Protection of Materials" transformed into the section "Structural Materials and Corrosion Control". After the establishment of the "Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology" from the Department for Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Technology in 1992, the "Chemical Engineering" section of former postgraduate study "Engineering Chemistry" separated as an autonomous study that also enabled receiving the Master\u27s degree in the field of "Corrosion and Protection of Materials" by choice of adequate optional courses. At the beginning of the new millennium, changes of curricula in accordance with the Bologna process of reforms took place at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology as well as in the entire system of high education
in Croatia. All postgraduate studies leading to MSc degree were eliminated in 2003. Simultaneously, doctoral and specialists postgraduate studies were introduced. Doctoral studies lasting three years lead to PhD degree. Today, the knowledge from the field of corrosion and material protection is mainly included into programs of actual doctoral studies "Engineering Chemistry" and "Chemical Engineering". In 2006, one-year specialists postgraduate study "Corrosion and Protection" was initiated, in which organization and realization were included five technical faculties of the Zagreb University. Study guide is University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology co-ordinate the study and together with Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Metallurgy and Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering perform the study. By graduating the University Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Specialists Study "Corrosion and Protection" the title: University specialist for Corrosion and Protection is acquired. As obvious from this presentation, successful education on the postgraduate level in the field Corrosion and Protection has been performed continuously since 1960, which proves the existence of the permanent need for high education in the mentioned field
Electrochemical and AFM Study of Corrosion Inhibition with Respect to Application Method
The aim of this work was to investigate how the efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor and the mechanism of its inhibiting action depend on the inhibitor application method. Studies were performed on copper in 0.5 M NaCl solution for two imidazole derivatives.
Studied compounds were either added to the corrosive solution or the inhibitor film was formed prior to immersion in the corrosive solution. The investigations were conducted by means of electrochemical methods and atomic force microscopy.
The results obtained indicate that the method of inhibitor application may determine the mechanism of inhibition and the efficiency of an inhibitor. When the inhibitors were adsorbed on the metal surface from the organic solvent, they acted primarily as cathodic corrosion inhibitors. On the other hand, when they were added to the aqueous solution, both anodic and cathodic reaction rates slowed down.
AFM studies have also confirmed changes in the inhibition mechanism due to the application method. All experimental methods have confirmed that the studied imidazole compounds can control the corrosion processes more efficiently when they are dissolved
in a chloride solution than when used in nanolayers
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Foundation of Postgraduate Study on Corrosion and Protection of Materials at the Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb
The first postgraduate study at the Department for Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Technology (nowadays: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology) of the University of Zagreb concerning the field "Corrosion and Protection of Materials" was founded in the academic year of 1960/61 on the initiative of academician Miroslav Karšulin. The study comprised three semesters and finished by defending a master's thesis. During two decades, 19 generations of attendants were registered and 108 of them reached the scientific degree of MSc. In this period, several new postgraduate studies were introduced that were indispensable, but provoked organizational difficulties. Therefore, in 1980 reorganization took place by merging all postgraduate studies into "Engineering Chemistry" with 11 sections. Thus, the postgraduate study "Corrosion and Protection of Materials" transformed into the section "Structural Materials and Corrosion Control". After the establishment of the "Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology" from the Department for Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Technology in 1992, the "Chemical Engineering" section of former postgraduate study "Engineering Chemistry" separated as an autonomous study that also enabled receiving the Master's degree in the field of "Corrosion and Protection of Materials" by choice of adequate optional courses. At the beginning of the new millennium, changes of curricula in accordance with the Bologna process of reforms took place at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology as well as in the entire system of high educationin Croatia. All postgraduate studies leading to MSc degree were eliminated in 2003. Simultaneously, doctoral and specialists postgraduate studies were introduced. Doctoral studies lasting three years lead to PhD degree. Today, the knowledge from the field of corrosion and material protection is mainly included into programs of actual doctoral studies "Engineering Chemistry" and "Chemical Engineering". In 2006, one-year specialists postgraduate study "Corrosion and Protection" was initiated, in which organization and realization were included five technical faculties of the Zagreb University. Study guide is University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology co-ordinate the study and together with Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Metallurgy and Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering perform the study. By graduating the University Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Specialists Study "Corrosion and Protection" the title: University specialist for Corrosion and Protection is acquired. As obvious from this presentation, successful education on the postgraduate level in the field Corrosion and Protection has been performed continuously since 1960, which proves the existence of the permanent need for high education in the mentioned field