1,516 research outputs found

    The shared learning journey: effective partnerships to deliver health promotion

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    Health promotion is a key role for healthcare professionals. It is based on effective collaboration between the healthcare professional and the public. Healthcare education has the challenge of future-proofing its curricula to meet the challenges laid out in health promotion strategies. However, engaging students in health promotion has traditionally been challenging within the delivery of an academic and largely theoretical module.This paper provides a practice example of an initiative in which partnerships between students, academic staff and community partners are key to the effective delivery of a health promotion module within a pre-registration healthcare programme.The partnerships were developed in two stages and use a social constructivist and assets-based approach to create a shared learning journey. Working in partnership has led to positive student engagement and has been beneficial to all those involved. It has led to positive changes within the module and beyond

    Trans-genders in Literature

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    We all know that the human race appeared thousands of years ago. Transgenders also appeared at the time when the human race appeared.  What would they have been like?  What is their history?  All these things can be known through literature. Our literary sources, which tell the history of the human race, also talks about the history of transsexuals. An epic is a genre of narrative that states the four things of virtue, wealth, pleasure, and family.  In these epics we find references to transgender people and can learn that the trans-genders have been helping the king in the palaces and serving as servants

    Strain behaviour in composite plate girders with imperfect shear connection

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    This paper is concerned with the experimental study on the behaviour of strain in steel-concrete composite plate girders having imperfect shear connection. A number of slender girders of practical size were loaded to failure under shear applied at the mid-span. The main variables considered in this study are the longitudinal spacing of stud connector, diameter of stud shank, number of studs along the upper flange and concrete strength. Strains were measured extensively at specified load levels and locations across the concrete slab width and across the whole depth of the girder. The test results have shown variations of strain from girder to girder due to effects of reaction at supports, compression and tension parts of the girders as well as imperfection in the shear connection. Strains across the slab width show arbitrary respond with maximum tension and compression values of 4284μɛ and 4622μɛ, respectively. Across the girder depth, girders with low degree of shear connection display high step change to the extent of 736μɛ due to incompatibility between two strains at the interface. Slip strain is found maximum near the mid-span of the girders in all cases

    Determination of fruit quality of calcium carbide induced ripening in mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Alphonso) by physiological, biochemical, bio-enzymatic and elemental composition analysis (EDX)

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    205-213The aim of the study was to determine the postharvest fruit quality of mango cv. Alphonso treated with the laboratory grade (LG) and commercial grade (CG) Calcium Carbide (CaC2) at the reported highest acceptable dose, and elemental composition analysis (EDX) results to support the statements for traceability of hazardous trace elements in CaC2, which can serve as a basis towards developing sensors for identifying CaC2 treated mangoes through detection of trace elements. Physical, physiological, biochemical and EDX of mango cv. Alphonso harvested from farmers’ field of Santur village in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu, India were used for the study. All studied physical characteristics except fruit firmness of CG CaC2 treated fruits did not correlate to desirable fruit characteristics like total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titrable acidity, total sugars and ascorbic acid. Besides, these parameters were only in control fruits, though a number of days taken to reach fruit consumption stage was relatively more compared to CaC2 treatment. In vitro, free radical scavenging potential of DPPH was comparatively higher in control fruits than CaC2 treated fruits of both grades. Lab grade (LG) CaC2 treated fruits were non-significant in modifying physical, physiological and biochemical properties of mango cv. Alphonso except for TSS. However, at the end of the experimental period, CG CaC2 treated fruits recorded higher TSS than LG CaC2 treated fruits. Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) results confirmed traceability of health hazardous chemical substances of arsenic (As) and phosphorous (P) in both LG and CG CaC2 lumps. Calcium carbide when used as an artificial ripening agent was not in contact with the fruit surface, the presence of arsenic and phosphorus were not detected in the EDX spectrum, a novel finding of our study

    Composition and Structure of the Inorganic Core of Relaxed Intermediate

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    Activation of the diferrous center of the β2 (R2) subunit of the class 1a Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductases by reaction with O2 followed by one-electron reduction yields a spin-coupled, paramagnetic Fe(III)/Fe(IV) intermediate, denoted X, whose identity has been sought by multiple investigators for over a quarter of a century. To determine the composition and structure of X, the present study has applied 57Fe, 14,15N, 17O, and 1H electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements combined with quantitative measurements of 17O and 1H electron paramagnetic resonance line-broadening studies to wild-type X, which is very short-lived, and to X prepared with the Y122F mutant, which has a lifetime of many seconds. Previous studies have established that over several seconds the as-formed X(Y122F) relaxes to an equilibrium structure. The present study focuses on the relaxed structure. It establishes that the inorganic core of relaxed X has the composition [(OH–)FeIII–O–FeIV]: there is no second inorganic oxygenic bridge, neither oxo nor hydroxo. Geometric analysis of the 14N ENDOR data, together with recent extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements of the Fe–Fe distance (Dassama, L. M.; et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 16758), supports the view that X contains a “diamond-core” Fe(III)/Fe(IV) center, with the irons bridged by two ligands. One bridging ligand is the oxo bridge (OBr) derived from O2 gas. Given the absence of a second inorganic oxygenic bridge, the second bridging ligand must be protein derived, and is most plausibly assigned as a carboxyl oxygen from E238.United States. National Institutes of Health (GM 111097)United States. National Institutes of Health (GM 29595

    Lower Extremity Ulcers in Systemic Sclerosis: Features and Response to Therapy

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    Nondigital lower extremity ulcers are a difficult to treat complication of scleroderma, and a significant cause of morbidity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of nondigital lower extremity ulcers in scleroderma and describe the associations with autoantibodies and genetic prothrombotic states. A cohort of 249 consecutive scleroderma patients seen in the Georgetown University Hosptial Division of Rheumatology was evaluated, 10 of whom had active ulcers, giving a prevalence of 4.0%. Patients with diffuse scleroderma had shorter disease duration at the time of ulcer development (mean 4.05 years ± 0.05) compared to those with limited disease (mean 22.83 years ± 5.612, P value .0078). Ulcers were bilateral in 70%. In the 10 patients with ulcers, antiphospholipid antibodies were positive in 50%, and genetic prothrombotic screen was positive in 70% which is higher than expected based on prevalence reports from the general scleroderma population. Of patients with biopsy specimens available (n = 5), fibrin occlusive vasculopathy was seen in 100%, and all of these patients had either positive antiphospholipid antibody screen, or positive genetic prothrombotic profile. We recommend screening scleroderma patients with lower extremity ulcers for the presence of anti-phospholipid antibodies and genetic prothrombotic states

    Industrial fisheries off Saurashtra coast based on exploratory survey during 1985-'88

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    In Saurashtra waters, where fishery resource is currently being well exploited by private sector, exploratory survey programmes are being conducted by Government of India. The analysis, based on 4 year survey (1985-'88), with a view to provide information and to extend our knowledge about the spatial and seasonal distribution of various industrially important fishes along the Saurashtra coast. Ribbon fish and sciaenids which constituted the bulk of the catch together formed more than 60% of the total catch and catch rate were 14.7 and 14.5 kg/hr respectively. Area-wise analysis of data revealed that maximum effort was expended in 21° 69 0 and the effort was very low in 21° 70° and 23° 68° Depth wise analysis revealed that the maximum catch rate of ribbon fish and other sciaenids was obtained at 21-30 m depth. The catch rate of elasmobranch, carangid and Lactarius lactarius was maximum at 41-50 m, cat fish, pomfret and perch at 51-60 m and carangid and cephalopod at 61-70 m depth

    Kansas environmental and resource study: A Great Plains model, tasks 1-6

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    There are no author identified significant results in this report. Environmental and resources investigations in Kansas utilizing ERTS-1 imagery are summarized for the following areas: (1) use of feature extraction techniqued for texture context information in ERTS imagery; (2) interpretation and automatic image enhancement; (3) water use, production, and disease detection and predictions for wheat; (4) ERTS-1 agricultural statistics; (5) monitoring fresh water resources; and (6) ground pattern analysis in the Great Plains