16 research outputs found
(Table 1) Age determination of sediment core HLY0503-08JPC
Sediment core HLY0503-8JPC raised by the HOTRAX'05 expedition from the Mendeleev Ridge was analyzed for multiple lithological, paleontological, and stable-isotopic proxies to reconstruct paleoceanographic conditions in the western Arctic Ocean during the Late Quaternary. The core, extensively sampled in the upper 5 m, reveals pronounced changes in sedimentary environments during the ca. 250 kyr interval encompassing Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 1 to 7. An estimated average resolution of 500 yr/sample, at least for the last glacial cycle including the last interglacial, provides more detail than seen in other sedimentary records from the western Arctic Ocean. The age control is provided by 14C and amino acid racemization measurements on planktonic foraminifers and correlations with the stratigraphy developed for the central Lomonosov Ridge and with glacial events at the Eurasian Arctic margin. Cyclic variations in lithology combined with foraminiferal abundance and stable-isotopic composition indicate profound changes in hydrographic and depositional environments between interglacial-type and glacial-type periods apparently reflecting a combination of 100-kyr and precessional time scales. This periodicity is complicated by abrupt iceberg- and/or meltwater-discharge events with variable (Laurentide vs. Eurasian) provenance. The proxy record from the interval identified as the last interglacial (MIS 5e), which may aid in understanding the future state of the Arctic Ocean, indicates low ice conditions and possibly enhanced stratification of the water column
Sediment record from the western Arctic Ocean with an improved Late Quaternary age resolution: HOTRAX core HLY0503-8JPC, Mendeleev Ridge
Sediment core HLY0503-8JPC raised by the HOTRAX'05 expedition from the Mendeleev Ridge was analyzed for multiple lithological, paleontological, and stable-isotopic proxies to reconstruct paleoceanographic conditions in the western Arctic Ocean during the Late Quaternary. The core, extensively sampled in the upper 5 m, reveals pronounced changes in sedimentary environments during the ca. 250 kyr interval encompassing Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 1 to 7. An estimated average resolution of 500 yr/sample, at least for the last glacial cycle including the last interglacial, provides more detail than seen in other sedimentary records from the western Arctic Ocean. The age control is provided by 14C and amino acid racemization measurements on planktonic foraminifers and correlations with the stratigraphy developed for the central Lomonosov Ridge and with glacial events at the Eurasian Arctic margin. Cyclic variations in lithology combined with foraminiferal abundance and stable-isotopic composition indicate profound changes in hydrographic and depositional environments between interglacial-type and glacial-type periods apparently reflecting a combination of 100-kyr and precessional time scales. This periodicity is complicated by abrupt iceberg- and/or meltwater-discharge events with variable (Laurentide vs. Eurasian) provenance. The proxy record from the interval identified as the last interglacial (MIS 5e), which may aid in understanding the future state of the Arctic Ocean, indicates low ice conditions and possibly enhanced stratification of the water column
Middle to late Quaternary grain size variations and sea-ice rafting on the Lomonosov Ridge
Sea ice and icebergs are the dominant transport agents for sand-sized material to the central Arctic Ocean. However, few studies have investigated concurrent changes in the silt-sized fraction of Arctic sediments. Here we present an analysis of the coarse fraction content and silt grain size composition from middle and late Quaternary sediments recovered from the Lomonosov Ridge, in the central Arctic Ocean. A significant shift in the grain size record occurs at the marine isotope stage (MIS) 6/7 boundary, where larger amplitude variability in the sand fraction is seen in glacial and stadial periods. Below the MIS6/7 boundary, variations in the coarse fraction content are less pronounced, but prominent changes in the silt size fraction appear to define glacial and interglacial periods. Throughout the record, the percent weight of sortable silt in the fine fraction (SS % wtfines), sortable silt mean size, and coarse silt content all increase as the >63 µm % wt content increases. This is consistent with observations of grain size spectra obtained from modern sea-ice samples, and indicates a strong overprint from sea ice on the silt distribution. The mechanism by which this sea-ice signal is preserved in the sediments across glacial and interglacial periods remains unclear. We suggest that the coarsening of silt-sized material during glacial periods could be attributed to either the entrainment of larger size fractions during suspension/anchor ice formation when sea levels are lowered, or diminished input and advection of fine fraction material during glacial periods