59 research outputs found

    MMN and Differential Waveform

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    A mismatch negativity response (MMN) and a new differential waveform were derived in an effort to evaluate a neural refractory or recovery effect in adult listeners. The MMN was elicited using oddball test runs in which the standard and deviant stimuli differed in frequency. To derive the differential waveform, the same standard and deviant stimuli were presented alone. MMN responses were obtained by subtracting the averaged responses to standards from the deviants. The differential waveforms were obtained by subtracting the averaged responses to standards presented alone from deviants presented alone. Scalp topography for the MMN and differential waveforms were similar. A significant (p < .05) positive and negative correlation was found between the earlier and later components of the bimodal MMN and the N1 and P2 component of the differential waveform, respectively. Further, N1 and P2 of the differential waveform were significant (p < .05) predictor variables of early and late peak amplitudes of the MMN. These results suggest that refractory effects may overlay/modify the morphology of the MMN waveform

    Cue Reactivity in Active Pathological, Abstinent Pathological, and Regular Gamblers

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    Twenty-one treatment-seeking pathological gamblers, 21 pathological gamblers in recovery, and 21 recreational gamblers watched two video-taped exciting gambling scenarios and an exciting roller-coaster control scenario while their arousal (heart rate and subjective excitement) and urge to gamble were being measured. The gamblers did not differ significantly in cue-elicited heart rate elevations or excitement. However, the active pathological gamblers reported significantly greater urges to gamble across all cues compared to the abstinent pathological gamblers and, with marginal significance (p = 0.06), also compared to the social gamblers. Further exploration of these findings revealed that active pathological gamblers experience urges to gamble in response to exciting situations, whether or not they are gambling related, whereas abstinent and social gamblers only report urges to an exciting gambling-related cue. This suggests that for pathological gamblers excitement itself, irrespective of its source, may become a conditioned stimulus capable of triggering gambling behavior. Implications for treatment and future research are discussed

    Voice-selective prediction alterations in nonclinical voice hearers

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    Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) are a cardinal symptom of psychosis but also occur in 6-13% of the general population. Voice perception is thought to engage an internal forward model that generates predictions, preparing the auditory cortex for upcoming sensory feedback. Impaired processing of sensory feedback in vocalization seems to underlie the experience of AVH in psychosis, but whether this is the case in nonclinical voice hearers remains unclear. The current study used electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate whether and how hallucination predisposition (HP) modulates the internal forward model in response to self-initiated tones and self-voices. Participants varying in HP (based on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale) listened to self-generated and externally generated tones or self-voices. HP did not affect responses to self vs. externally generated tones. However, HP altered the processing of the self-generated voice: increased HP was associated with increased pre-stimulus alpha power and increased N1 response to the self-generated voice. HP did not affect the P2 response to voices. These findings confirm that both prediction and comparison of predicted and perceived feedback to a self-generated voice are altered in individuals with AVH predisposition. Specific alterations in the processing of self-generated vocalizations may establish a core feature of the psychosis continuum.The Authors gratefully acknowledge all the participants who collaborated in the study, and particularly Dr. Franziska Knolle for feedback on stimulus generation, Carla Barros for help with scripts for EEG time-frequency analysis, and Dr. Celia Moreira for her advice on mixed linear models. This work was supported by the Portuguese Science National Foundation (FCT; grant numbers PTDC/PSI-PCL/116626/2010, IF/00334/2012, PTDC/MHCPCN/0101/2014) awarded to APP

    A transition from unimodal to multimodal activations in four sensory modalities in humans: an electrophysiological study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To investigate the long-latency activities common to all sensory modalities, electroencephalographic responses to auditory (1000 Hz pure tone), tactile (electrical stimulation to the index finger), visual (simple figure of a star), and noxious (intra-epidermal electrical stimulation to the dorsum of the hand) stimuli were recorded from 27 scalp electrodes in 14 healthy volunteers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results of source modeling showed multimodal activations in the anterior part of the cingulate cortex (ACC) and hippocampal region (Hip). The activity in the ACC was biphasic. In all sensory modalities, the first component of ACC activity peaked 30–56 ms later than the peak of the major modality-specific activity, the second component of ACC activity peaked 117–145 ms later than the peak of the first component, and the activity in Hip peaked 43–77 ms later than the second component of ACC activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The temporal sequence of activations through modality-specific and multimodal pathways was similar among all sensory modalities.</p

    Endogenous covert spatial orienting in audition cost-benefit analyses of reaction times and event related potentials

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    The present study examines mechanisms of endogenous covert spatial orienting in audition as revealed by event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and reaction times (RTs). In one experimental condition, subjects were instructed to respond to any target tone irrespective of whether it was presented in a valid (spatially predictive cue), neutral (uninformative cue), or invalid (misleading cue) trial. In another experimental condition, only target tones presented at a cued position required a response—that is, subjects could completely ignore tones presented at the uncued ear. Cue validity had an effect on RT, which consisted in benefits for valid trials and in costs for invalid trials relative to the RTs in neutral trials. There were also distinct ERP effects of cue validity in the 100–300 msec time range. These ERP effects were enlarged in the condition in which uncued tones could be ignored. The effects of cue validity on RTs and ERPs demonstrated covert orienting in audition both for stimuli requiring an overt response and also for stimuli that did not require a behavioural response. It is argued that this attentional selection is located at intermediate stages of information processing, rather than at peripheral stages such as basic sensory-specific processing or response selection

    The location of preceding stimuli affects selective processing in a sustained attention situation

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    Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to visual and auditory stimuli in a situation where subjects were required to attend selectively to the left or right side for an entire experimental block and to detect occasional target stimuli at attended locations. Stimuli were presented randomly at attended and unattended locations. In exp. 1, visual and auditory stimuli were presented in separate blocks, while in exp. 2, they were presented together and subjects had to detect visual targets at attended locations. Stimuli at attended positions elicited enlarged sensory-evoked potentials and an enhanced negativity at midline electrodes as compared with unattended stimuli. The latter effect was, however, modulated by the location of the preceding stimulus. At frontocentral electrodes, it was larger for stimuli that were preceded by stimuli at the contralateral side as compared with stimuli preceded by stimuli at the same location. It is argued that this effect may be due to a different amount of processing required for the preceding stimulus. When the predecessor is at a to-be-attended location, it has to be processed more intensively which may interfere with the processing of the next stimulus

    ERP effects of intermodal attention and cross-modal links in spatial attention

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    Effects of intermodal attention and of cross‐modal links in spatial attention on visual and auditory event‐related potentials (ERPs) were investigated in two experiments where participants had to attend to one stimulus modality (audition or vision) to respond to infrequently presented targets whenever these were presented at a relevant location (indicated by a cue). The ERP effects of intermodal attention (measured by comparing the ERPs elicited by visual and auditory stimuli when the respective modality was relevant or irrelevant) were differently distributed in vision and audition, suggesting that intermodal attention operates by a selective modulation of modality‐specific areas. Similar ERP effects of spatial attention (measured by comparing the ERPs to stimuli at cued and uncued locations) were elicited at midline electrodes in vision and audition. With one notable exception, these effects were also present when attention was directed within the other modality, suggesting the existence of cross‐modal links between vision and audition in the control of transient spatial attention

    Effects of lateralized cues on the processing of lateralized auditory stimuli

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    We examined the influence of auditory spatial cues on the processing of subsequently presented lateralized auditory target stimuli. In three experiments, effects of the position of the cue on event-related potentials (ERPs) and reaction times (RTs) to the target, which could occur at the same or at a different position to the cue, were examined. In Experiments I and II, stimulus-pairs were delivered via loudspeakers 13 ° to the right or left of fixation. The cue was task-irrelevant in the sense that it never required a response, whereas the target was task-relevant. In Experiment I, the cue was not informative about the position of the succeeding target, that is, the target was presented at the same or at a different position to the cue with equal probability. In Experiment II, the cue predicted a target with high validity, occurring at the position opposite to the cue. In both experiments, the ERPs to targets presented at the same position as the preceding cue were negatively modulated compared with the ERPs to targets presented at a different position. This negative difference (Nd) between the ERPs to same and different position stimuli occurring between 200–300 ms relative to target onset was also obtained in situations where no overt behavior was required. Effects of cue position on RTs to the target were only observed in Experiment II, being shorter for validly predicted targets. These Nd effects either reflect refractoriness of location-specific exogeneous ERP components or involuntary attentional selection. In order to decide between these alternatives, a third experiment was performed, in which stimulus-pairs were presented via headphones to the left and right ear in attend and ignore condition. An Nd effect was obtained in the attend condition only. The absence of Nd effects in the ignore condition suggests that the Nd obtained in attend condition cannot completely be explained by refractoriness of exogeneous ERP components and thus reflects attentional processes

    Aria Isoletta

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