21 research outputs found

    Hori-mological projective duality

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    Kuznetsov has conjectured that Pfaffian varieties should admit noncommutative crepant resolutions which satisfy his Homological Projective Duality. We prove half the cases of this conjecture by interpreting and proving a duality of nonabelian gauged linear sigma models proposed by Hori

    A Synchronous undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma and infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast successfully treated with induction chemotherapy followed by local control of both tumours: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Multiple primary cancers have a low incidence particularly when cancers are synchronous. Few cases of synchronous head and neck cancer and breast carcinoma are reported in the literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report here an exceptional case of a 47 years old Moroccan woman presenting two synchronous cancers, the first in the nasopharynx and the second in the breast. The patient was treated successfully with a combined strategy associating chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. She remains disease free after 27 months of follow up.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Treatment strategy in the case of multiple primary cancers remains controversial because of the variety of presentations; initial aggressive treatment reports good results.</p

    Dynamic temporary blood facility location-allocation during and post-disaster periods

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    The key objective of this study is to develop a tool (hybridization or integration of different techniques) for locating the temporary blood banks during and post-disaster conditions that could serve the hospitals with minimum response time. We have used temporary blood centers, which must be located in such a way that it is able to serve the demand of hospitals in nearby region within a shorter duration. We are locating the temporary blood centres for which we are minimizing the maximum distance with hospitals. We have used Tabu search heuristic method to calculate the optimal number of temporary blood centres considering cost components. In addition, we employ Bayesian belief network to prioritize the factors for locating the temporary blood facilities. Workability of our model and methodology is illustrated using a case study including blood centres and hospitals surrounding Jamshedpur city. Our results shows that at-least 6 temporary blood facilities are required to satisfy the demand of blood during and post-disaster periods in Jamshedpur. The results also show that that past disaster conditions, response time and convenience for access are the most important factors for locating the temporary blood facilities during and post-disaster periods

    A new focus on risk reduction: an ad hoc decision support system for humanitarian relief logistics

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    Particularly in the early phases of a disaster, logistical decisions are needed to be made quickly and under high pressure for the decision‐makers, knowing that their decisions may have direct consequences on the affected society and all future decisions. Proactive risk reduction may be helpful in providing decision‐makers with optimal strategies in advance. However, disasters are characterized by severe uncertainty and complexity, limited knowledge about the causes of the disaster, and continuous change of the situation in unpredicted ways. Following these assumptions, we believe that adequate proactive risk reduction measures are not practical. We propose strengthening the focus on ad hoc decision support to capture information in almost real time and to process information efficiently to reveal uncertainties that had not been previously predicted. Therefore, we present an ad hoc decision support system that uses scenario techniques to capture uncertainty by future developments of a situation and an optimization model to compute promising decision options. By combining these aspects in a dynamic manner and integrating new information continuously, it can be ensured that a decision is always based on the best currently available and processed information. And finally, to identify a robust decision option that is provided as a decision recommendation to the decision‐makers, methods of multi‐attribute decision making (MADM) are applied. Our approach is illustrated for a facility location decision problem arising in humanitarian relief logistics where the objective is to identify robust locations for tent hospitals to serve injured people in the immediate aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake 2010.Frank Schätter, Marcus Wiens and Frank Schultman

    Hvilken kompetanse anser sykepleiere som viktig i palliativ omsorg for pasienter med annen etnisitet?

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    Bakgrunn: Innvandring til Norge har økt kraftig de siste ti årene, og vi forventer av den grunn at det vil være flere pasienter med annen etnisitet som vil ha behov for palliativ omsorg i det norske helsevesenet i årene fremover. Vi mener at sykepleiere må være forberedt på det, og at kompetansen på området derfor må økes. Forskning peker på behov for mer kunnskap hos sykepleiere for å forstå hva som er viktig for en pasient med annen etnisitet i livets sluttfase. Hensikt: Finne ut av hva sykepleiere anser som viktig kompetanse i palliativ omsorg til pasienter med annen etnisitet. Metode: Vi har gjort et litteraturstudie hvor vi har tatt utgangspunkt i forskning gjort de siste fem årene. Det er i tillegg brukt annen relevant faglitteratur for å belyse oppgavens tema. Resultat: Basert på fellesnevnere i artiklene har vi funnet tre kompetanseområder som sykepleiere ser på som vesentlig for å utøve palliativ omsorg for pasienter med annen etnisitet. Sykepleiere opplever det å ha kunnskap om familiens betydning, kommunikasjon og åndelighet/religion som svært viktig. Likevel opplever de usikkerhet på grunn av lite kunnskap når det gjelder å imøtekomme pasientenes behov knyttet til disse områdene. Konklusjon: Familiens betydning, kommunikasjon og åndelige/eksistensielle behov er områder som blir sett på som av størst betydning å ha kunnskaper om for å kunne gi god palliativ omsorg til pasienter med annen etnisitet. Det er også behov for mer forskning om hvordan man skal tilegne seg kulturell kompetanse i palliativ omsorg

    Causes of death of patients with laryngeal cancer.

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    Contains fulltext : 127549.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Despite remarkable advances in the care of patients with laryngeal cancer over the past several decades, including a growing awareness of therapeutic complications and attention to quality of life, little is known about the causes of mortality in this population. In addition to the laryngeal malignancy itself, acute and late or chronic treatment-associated causes, second primary cancers, intercurrent disease and psychosocial factors are all responsible for patient morbidity and mortality. We examine the current literature related to the causes of death in patients with laryngeal cancer, in the hope of guiding future interventions to improve the longevity and quality of life of individuals with this cancer.1 maart 201