421 research outputs found

    Organochlorine compounds (Polychlorinated biphenyls and Pesticides) and Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in populations of Hexaplex trunculus affected by imposex in the lagoon of Venice, Italy

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    Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in gastropods from the Lagoon of Venice, Italy. The visceral coil and the rest of the soft body of organisms (Hexaplex trunculus) sampled at two stations inside the lagoon and three stations on the seaward side were analyzed to evaluate their contamination levels. Preferential accumulation of PCBs and pesticides in the visceral coil (>80%) compared with the rest of the soft body was observed, whereas on average, PAHs showed no preferential partitioning. Differences between levels of organochlorine contaminants in the gastropods highlighted a gradient of pollution from the stations inside the lagoon (PCBs, 45-363 ng/g; pesticides, 4-51 ng/g) to the sea (PCBs, 13-131 ng/g; pesticides, 2-29 ng/g). The possible role of the three classes of contaminants, in addition to that of organotin compounds (OTCs), previously analyzed in the same samples, in causing one of the anatomic modifications because of imposex in this gastropod also was studied. A modeling approach by partial least squares (PLS) in latent variables was applied to explain the penis length of imposex-affected females with concentrations of organic pollutants. The synergistic role of PCBs, pesticides, and OTCs was evidenced, whereas the contribution of PAHs appeared to be very low

    Evasion of Gaseous Elemental Mercury from Forest and Urban Soils Contaminated by Historical and Modern Ore Roasting Processes (Idrija, Slovenia)

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    Considerable amounts of gaseous elemental mercury (Hg-0) can be released into the atmosphere from Hg-enriched substrates, such as those from former mining areas, posing a potential environmental threat. In this work, Hg-0 fluxes at the soil-air interface under natural vegetation covers were measured in various locations within the Idrija Hg mining area (Slovenia) and its surroundings. Sites were selected in order to compare Hg-0 fluxes from both forest soils heavily impacted by historical ore roasting and urban soils characterised by a different degree of Hg enrichment due to the natural occurrence of Hg in rocks or recent mining and roasting processes. Replicate measurements at each site were conducted using a non-steady state flux chamber coupled with a real-time Hg-0 analyser (Lumex RA-915M). Moreover, topsoil samples (0-2 cm) were analysed for Hg total concentration and speciation. Cinnabar was the predominant Hg form in almost all the sites. Despite Hg-0 being undetectable in soils using thermo-desorption, substantial emissions were observed (70.7-701.8 ng m(-2) h(-1)). Urban soils in a naturally enriched area showed on average the highest Hg-0 fluxes, whereas relatively low emissions were found at the historical roasting site, which is currently forested, despite the significantly high total Hg content in soils (up to 219.0 and 10,400 mg kg(-1), respectively). Overall, our findings confirm that shading by trees or litter may effectively limit the amount of Hg-0 released into the atmosphere even from extremely enriched soils, thus acting as a natural mitigation

    Fluxes and fate of particulate mercury in a contaminated coastal environment (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea)

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    As the result of historical mining activity in Idrija (western Slovenia), mercury (Hg) contamination in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) still represents an environmental issue of great concern for the local authorities. The element has been conveyed into the marine-coastal area by the Isonzo/Soča River freshwater inputs for centuries, mainly in association with the suspended particulate matter (SPM) during periods of medium-high discharge often corresponding to river plume events. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of Hg bound to SPM (particulate Hg, PHg) in the coastal water twentyfive years after the mine closure and to assess sedimentary Hg fluxes in the northernmost sector of the Gulf, a shallow and sheltered embayment where the accumulation of fine sediments is promoted Sediment traps were placed both at the surface and at bottom water layers at four different sites and settling particles accumulated into each trap were collected approximately every 15 days during 6 sampling campaigns. In terms of grain size composition, the SPM consisted predominantly of silt (77.7 ± 10.1 %) and differences were observed among sites, water layers and sampling campaigns Concentrations of PHg were consistent with previous studies focused on the sediment compartment and ranged overall between 0.61 and 6.87 ÎŒg g-1 showing slightly higher values at the bottom (1.50 ± 0.52 and 2.31 ± 1.58 ÎŒg g-1 in surface and bottom water layers, respectively) most likely due to resuspension of fine particles enriched in Hg from bottom sediments. The estimated daily Hg fluxes associated with settling particles showed a notable variability, up to an order of magnitude, both in the surface water layer (3.07 – 94.6 ÎŒg m-2 d-1) and at the bottom (11.3 – 245 ÎŒg m-2 d-1) Moreover, a significant correlation (r = 0.762) was observed between Hg and SPM daily fluxes thus confirming that, still nowadays, periods of high PHg concentrations in the water column as well as of Hg sedimentary fluxes at the sea bottom roughly corresponds to higher SPM inputs from the Isonzo River

    Cadmium and other hazardous elements in phosphatic fertilizers in conformity to the new European Regulation 2019/1009

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    The current European Fertilizers Regulation EC n. 2003/2003 does not include any direction for the content in cadmium [1]. On 25 June 2019, the new EU Fertilizing Products and Amending Regulation (EU-FPR) 2019/1009 was promulgated by the European Parliament and the Council, fixing an initial and temporary limit for Cd content in inorganic macronutrient fertilizer to 60 mgCd ∙ kgP2O5-1 [2]. The new European limit for Cd would be the most stringent in the world and only 15% of the phosphorite deposits currently exploited exhibits a low cadmium content complying with the new standard once processed to fertilizer. Since there are no substitutes for phosphate rock in phosphatic fertilizer production [3,4], the outcome of the new standard application would make unsustainable the supply of phosphatic fertilizers. This will result in a short-term measure that goes beyond the long-term sustainability objective of the proposal. In addition, the new standard will inevitably and disproportionately penalise some producers, mainly from developing countries in North Africa. It is therefore important to investigate for Cd and other hazardous elements content in fertilizers used for food production. The present research has analysed a total of 41 samples of fertilizers both for hobby and professional use obtained from the Italian market. Producers of Western and Middle Eastern Europe use the same phosphorite deposits to obtain fertilizers, thus the results of this investigation can be extended to the whole area. Obtained samples were initially pulverized in a ball mill and subjected to acid digestion in a microwave oven. Different acid digestion methods (HNO3 - HF - aqua regia - H2O2) were developed and tested for processing phosphate rock, inorganic and organo-mineral fertilizers to optimize the dissolution of different matrices. Standard reference materials, NIST SRM-695 (NPK fertilizer) and BCR-032 (Morocco phosphate rock) were processed using the same methods. Elemental analyses were performed in ICP-OES (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Fe, Se, Hg) and ICP-MS (Li, Be, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb, Bi, U). The first results showed very low Cd concentrations in hobby products. This commercial sector is known to import low-cost phosphate rock from Russia or Cola Peninsula, with a lower nutrient quality, but also a lower Cd content in comparison with professional products. Uranium content was found in relatively high concentrations and a radioactivity study has been considered as a logical extension of this research. The next analysis of more samples collected in spring will account for different fertilizer types used in distinct agricultural phases. [1] European Union. Off. J. Eur. Union. 2003, EUR-Lex - 32003R2003. [2] European Union. Off. J. Eur. Union. 2019, EUR-Lex - 32019R1009. [3] Mar, S.S., Okazaki, M. Microchem. J. 2012, 104, 17–21. [4] Ulrich, A.E. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 650(1), 541–545

    Long-term trends of PM10-bound arsenic, cadmium, nickel, and lead across the Veneto region (NE Italy)

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    Since the mid-90s, the European Community has adopted increasingly stringent air quality standards. Consequently, air quality has generally improved across Europe. However, current EU standards are still breached in some European hotspots. The Veneto region (NE Italy) lies in the eastern part of the Po Valley, a major European hotspot for air pollution, where EU standards for particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and ozone are still breached at some sites. This study aims to analyse the PM10-bound arsenic, cadmium, nickel, and lead concentrations over a 10 years-long period (2010-2020) in the Veneto Region by using data collected by the local environmental protection agency (ARPAV) in 20 sampling stations mostly distributed across the plain areas of the region and categorized as rural (RUR), urban (URB), and suburban (SUB) background, industrial (IND) and traffic (TRA) hotspots (Figure 1). The comprehensive dataset discussed in this study was statistically investigated to detect the seasonal trends, their relationship with other air pollutants and meteorological parameters and their spatial variations at a regional scale. This study completes previous air quality studies over the Veneto region for gaseous pollutants and bulk PM10 (Masiol et al. 2017). Samplings were carried out according to CEN EN 12341:1998 standard on quartz fibre filters and were continuous for 24 h, starting at midnight. The gravimetric determination of PM10 mass was measured following the CEN EN 12341:2014 standard. The elemental analysis was performed using an ICP-MS (Agilent 7700) after acid digestion (EN 14902:2005). The trends were analysed using different approaches on the monthly-averaged data. The shape of trends and their seasonal variations were assessed through the seasonal-trend decomposition time series procedure based on “Loess” (STL). The linear trends were computed by the Mann-Kendall trend test (p < 0.05) and the Theil-Sen nonparametric estimator of slope (MK-TS). Since this latter analysis assumes monotonic linear trends and does not consider the shape of trends, the presence of possible breakpoints was investigated using the piecewise regression. Generally, monthly patterns of all analysed elements show higher concentrations during winter, following PM10 concentrations. Some exceptions were detected and discussed. Results of trend analysis indicate statistically significant negative (decreasing) or null linear trends in almost all stations. A few positive (increasing) but not statistically significant trends were also detected. Some sites showed rapid decreases occurred in short periods and linked to peculiar events or local causes. Among others, several sites across the Venice area showed significant drops of arsenic concentrations after the REACH (Registration Evaluation Authorisation of Chemicals) implementation (Formenton et al., 2021). Data used in this study are provided by ARPAV (Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto, https://www.arpa.veneto.it/)

    The Natural Compound Fucoidan From New Zealand Undaria Pinnatifida Synergizes With the ERBB Inhibitor Lapatinib Enhancing Melanoma Growth Inhibition

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    Melanoma remains one of the most aggressive and therapy-resistant cancers. Finding new treatments to improve patient outcomes is an ongoing effort. We previously demonstrated that melanoma relies on the activation of ERBB signaling, specifically of the ERBB3/ERBB2 cascade. Here we show that melanoma tumor growth is inhibited by 60% over controls when treated with lapatinib, a clinically approved inhibitor of ERBB2/EGFR. Importantly, tumor growth is further inhibited to 85% when the natural compound fucoidan from New Zealand U. pinnatifida is integrated into the treatment regimen. Fucoidan not only enhances tumor growth inhibition, it counteracts the morbidity associated with prolonged lapatinib treatment. Fucoidan doubles the cell killing capacity of lapatinib. These effects are associated with a further decrease in AKT and NFÎșB signaling, two key pathways involved in melanoma cell survival. Importantly, the enhancing cell killing effects of fucoidan can be recapitulated by inhibiting ERBB3 by either a specific shRNA or a novel, selective ERBB3 neutralizing antibody, reiterating the key roles played by this receptor in melanoma. We therefore propose the use of lapatinib or specific ERBB inhibitors, in combination with fucoidan as a new treatment of melanoma that potentiates the effects of the inhibitors while protecting from their potential side effects

    Feasibility and effectiveness assessment of sars-cov-2 antigenic tests in mass screening of a pediatric population and correlation with the kinetics of viral loads

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    The gold standard for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection has been nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT). However, rapid antigen detection kits (Ag-RDTs), may offer advantages over NAAT in mass screening, generating results in minutes, both as laboratory-based test or point-of-care (POC) use for clinicians, at a lower cost. We assessed two different POC Ag-RDTs in mass screening versus NAAT for SARS-CoV-2 in a cohort of pediatric patients admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Unit of IRCCS—Polyclinic of Sant’Orsola, Bologna (from November 2020 to April 2021). All patients were screened with nasopharyngeal swabs for the detection of SARS-CoV-2-RNA and for antigen tests. Results were obtained from 1146 patients. The COVID-19 Ag FIA kit showed a baseline sensitivity of 53.8% (CI 35.4–71.4%), baseline specificity 99.7% (CI 98.4–100%) and overall accuracy of 80% (95% CI 0.68–0.91); the AFIAS COVID-19 Ag kit, baseline sensitivity of 86.4% (CI 75.0–93.9%), baseline specificity 98.3% (CI 97.1–99.1%) and overall accuracy of 95.3% (95% CI 0.92– 0.99). In both tests, some samples showed very low viral load and negative Ag-RDT. This disagreement may reflect the positive inability of Ag-RDTs of detecting antigen in late phase of infection. Among all cases with positive molecular test and negative antigen test, none showed viral loads > 106 copies/mL. Finally, we found one false Ag-RDTs negative result (low cycle thresholds; 9 × 105 copies/mL). Our results suggest that both Ag-RDTs showed good performances in detection of high viral load samples, making it a feasible and effective tool for mass screening in actively infected children

    Hyperlipidemia control using the innovative association of lupin proteins and chitosan and α-cyclodextrin dietary fibers: food supplement formulation, molecular docking study, and in vivo evaluation

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    A dietary supplement potentially employed for the treatment and/or prevention of hyperlipidemia was developed. The proposed product is composed of a combination of natural macromolecules as chitosan (CH), α-cyclodextrin (α-CD), and lupin proteins (LP). First, the anti-hyperlipidemic effect of the α-CD and LP binary mixture was assessed and compared to that of the extensively utilized anti-hyperlipidemic CH, using a hyperlipidemic rat model. The anti-hyperlipidemic effect of their combination was also demonstrated. Additionally, ligand–target and protein–protein docking studies were performed. The in vivo results displayed that on intergroup comparison, blending CH, α-CD, and LP promised a superior therapeutic effect over α-CD and LP mixture, CH, and the marketed atorvastatin, potentiating a considerable reduction of serum lipid profile and the calculated atherogenic risk predictor indices. Molecular docking study revealed a weak hydrophobic cholesterol–CH and cholesterol–α-CD interactions, while protein–protein docking study showed a good lipase–LP interaction, involving eight hydrogen bonds. Then, on the base of the in vivo and docking study results, a tablet formulation was produced aimed to overcome the negative technological effects of the anti-hyperlipidemic macromolecules: long disintegration time and tablets mechanical resistance. The optimized tablet formulation has a disintegration time shorter than 15 min and a weight loss from friability test lower than 1%, which are in line with the regulatory specifications for uncoated tablets. Overall, this anti-hyperlipidemic formulation is attractive for the dietary and nutraceutical market, despite further clinical studies are required to assess the efficacy, possible side effects, and product compliance
