4,075 research outputs found

    High-Ampacity Power Cables of Tightly-Packed and Aligned Carbon Nanotubes

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    We characterize the current-carrying capacity (CCC), or ampacity, of highly-conductive, light, and strong carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers by measuring their failure current density (FCD) and continuous current rating (CCR) values. We show, both experimentally and theoretically, that the CCC of these fibers is determined by the balance between current-induced Joule heating and heat exchange with the surroundings. The measured FCD values of the fibers range from 107^7 to 109^9 A/m2^2 and are generally higher than the previously reported values for aligned buckypapers, carbon fibers, and CNT fibers. To our knowledge, this is the first time the CCR for a CNT fiber has been reported. We demonstrate that the specific CCC (i.e., normalized by the linear mass density) of our CNT fibers are higher than those of copper.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Technetium nitrido-peroxo complexes: An unexplored class of coordination compounds

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    The purpose of this work was to further expand the chemistry of mixed technetium nitrido-peroxo complexes, a still poorly explored class of compounds containing the Tc(VII) moiety, [99gTc][Tc(N)(O2)2]. A number of novel complexes of the formula [99gTc][Tc(N)(O2)2(L)] with bidentate ligands (L) (where L = deprotonated alanine, glycine, proline) were prepared by reacting a solution of nitrido-technetic(VI) acid with L in the presence of a source of H2O2. Alternatively, the complex [99gTc][Tc(N)(O2)2X]- (X = Cl, Br) was used as a precursor for substitution reactions where the halogenide ion was replaced by the bidentate ligand. The new complexes were characterized by elemental analysis and mass spectroscopy. The preparation of the analogous [99mTc][Tc(N)(O2)2] moiety, radiolabeled with the metastable isomer Tc-99m, was also studied at a no-carrier-added level, using S-methyl-N-methyl-dithiocarbazate as the donor of the nitrido nitrogen atoms

    Elevated cerebral spinal fluid biomarkers in children with mucopolysaccharidosis I-H.

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type-IH is a lysosomal storage disease that results from mutations in the IDUA gene causing the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Historically, children with the severe phenotype, MPS-IH (Hurler syndrome) develop progressive neurodegeneration with death in the first decade due to cardio-pulmonary complications. New data suggest that inflammation may play a role in MPS pathophysiology. To date there is almost no information on the pathophysiologic changes within the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) of these patients. We evaluated the CSF of 25 consecutive patients with MPS-IH. While CSF glucose and total protein were within the normal range, we found a significantly mean elevated CSF opening pressure at 24 cm H2O (range 14-37 cm H2O). We observed a 3-fold elevation in CSF heparan sulfate and a 3-8 fold increase in MPS-IH specific non-reducing ends, I0S0 and I0S6. Cytokine analyses in CSF of children with MPS-IH showed significantly elevated inflammatory markers including: MCP-1 SDF-1a, IL-Ra, MIP-1b, IL-8, and VEGF in comparison to unaffected children. This is the largest report of CSF characteristics in children with MPS-IH. Identification of key biomarkers may provide further insight into the inflammatory-mediated mechanisms related to MPS diseases and perhaps lead to improved targeted therapies

    A High-Resolution Multiband Survey of Westerlund 2 With the Hubble Space Telescope I: Is the Massive Star Cluster Double?

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    We present first results from a high resolution multi-band survey of the Westerlund 2 region with the Hubble Space Telescope. Specifically, we imaged Westerlund 2 with the Advanced Camera for Surveys through the F555WF555W, F814WF814W, and F658NF658N filters and with the Wide Field Camera 3 in the F125WF125W, F160WF160W, and F128NF128N filters. We derive the first high resolution pixel-to-pixel map of the color excess E(B−V)gE(B-V)_g of the gas associated with the cluster, combining the Hα\alpha (F658NF658N) and Paβ\beta (F128NF128N) line observations. We demonstrate that, as expected, the region is affected by significant differential reddening with a median of E(B−V)g=1.87E(B-V)_g=1.87~mag. After separating the populations of cluster members and foreground contaminants using a (F814W−F160W)(F814W-F160W) vs. F814WF814W color-magnitude diagram, we identify a pronounced pre-main-sequence population in Westerlund 2 showing a distinct turn-on. After dereddening each star of Westerlund 2 individually in the color-magnitude diagram we find via over-plotting PARSEC isochrones that the distance is in good agreement with the literature value of ∼4.16±0.33\sim4.16 \pm 0.33~kpc. With zero-age-main-sequence fitting to two-color-diagrams, we derive a value of total to selective extinction of RV=3.95±0.135R_V=3.95 \pm 0.135. A spatial density map of the stellar content reveals that the cluster might be composed of two clumps. We estimate the same age of 0.5-2.0 Myr for both clumps. While the two clumps appear to be coeval, the northern clump shows a ∼20%\sim 20 \% lower stellar surface density.Comment: 24 pages, 27 figures, 7 tables; Accepted for publication to The Astronomical Journa

    Innovative nanomaterials for fuel cells fed with biogas

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    Challenges on sustainability promote research policy focused on renewable-energy technology development in order to enhance global energy security, local energy independence, environmental protection and economic growth. Biomass resources offer renewable energies that can play a key role in the current global strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by partially replacing fossil fuels. The conversion of biomass chemical energy into electrical energy and cogenerated heat can be obtained by fuel cells. In particular, molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) is the most suitable device for bioenergy production because it can be fed directly with biogas, whose primary constituents all improve the performance of the cell. However hydrogen sulfide, which is the main biogas impurity, poisons the traditional nickel based anode, affecting the power and the endurance of the cell. In order to overcome this problem, an innovative anode material that resists against the sulfide corrosions has been developed. This material, made of a nanostructured and porous nickel support covered with a thin layer of ceria, exhibits high sulfur tolerance and recovering capability

    Reanalysis of the FEROS observations of HIP 11952

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    Aims. We reanalyze FEROS observations of the star HIP 11952 to reassess the existence of the proposed planetary system. Methods. The radial velocity of the spectra were measured by cross-correlating the observed spectrum with a synthetic template. We also analyzed a large dataset of FEROS and HARPS archival data of the calibrator HD 10700 spanning over more than five years. We compared the barycentric velocities computed by the FEROS and HARPS pipelines. Results. The barycentric correction of the FEROS-DRS pipeline was found to be inaccurate and to introduce an artificial one-year period with a semi-amplitude of 62 m/s. Thus the reanalysis of the FEROS data does not support the existence of planets around HIP 11952.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Innovative nanomaterials for fuel cells fed with biogas

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    Challenges on sustainability promote research policy focused on renewable-energy technology development in order to enhance global energy security, local energy independence, environmental protection and economic growth. Biomass resources offer renewable energies that can play a key role in the current global strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by partially replacing fossil fuels. The conversion of biomass chemical energy into electrical energy and cogenerated heat can be obtained by fuel cells. In particular, molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) is the most suitable device for bioenergy production because it can be fed directly with biogas, whose primary constituents all improve the performance of the cell. However hydrogen sulfide, which is the main biogas impurity, poisons the traditional nickel based anode, affecting the power and the endurance of the cell. In order to overcome this problem, an innovative anode material that resists against the sulfide corrosions has been developed. This material, made of a nanostructured and porous nickel support covered with a thin layer of ceria, exhibits high sulfur tolerance and recovering capability

    Deep near-infrared imaging of W3 Main: constraints on stellar cluster formation

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    Embedded clusters like W3 Main are complex and dynamically evolving systems that represent an important phase of the star formation process. We aim at the characterization of the entire stellar content of W3 Main in a statistical sense to identify possible differences in evolutionary phase of the stellar populations and find clues about the formation mechanism of this massive embedded cluster. Methods. Deep JHKs imaging is used to derive the disk fraction, Ks-band luminosity functions and mass functions for several subregions in W3 Main. A two dimensional completeness analysis using artificial star experiments is applied as a crucial ingredient to assess realistic completeness limits for our photometry. We find an overall disk fraction of 7.7 ±\pm 2.3%, radially varying from 9.4 ±\pm 3.0 % in the central 1 pc to 5.6 ±\pm 2.2 % in the outer parts of W3 Main. The mass functions derived for three subregions are consistent with a Kroupa and Chabrier mass function. The mass function of IRSN3 is complete down to 0.14 Msun and shows a break at M ∼\sim 0.5 Msun. We interpret the higher disk fraction in the center as evidence for a younger age of the cluster center. We find that the evolutionary sequence observed in the low-mass stellar population is consistent with the observed age spread among the massive stars. An analysis of the mass function variations does not show evidence for mass segregation. W3 Main is currently still actively forming stars, showing that the ionizing feedback of OB stars is confined to small areas (∼\sim 0.5 pc). The FUV feedback might be influencing large regions of the cluster as suggested by the low overall disk fraction.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted by A&
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