363 research outputs found

    Charging of highly resistive granular metal films

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    We have used the Scanning Kelvin probe microscopy technique to monitor the charging process of highly resistive granular thin films. The sample is connected to two leads and is separated by an insulator layer from a gate electrode. When a gate voltage is applied, charges enter from the leads and rearrange across the sample. We find very slow processes with characteristic charging times exponentially distributed over a wide range of values, resulting in a logarithmic relaxation to equilibrium. After the gate voltage has been switched off, the system again relaxes logarithmically slowly to the new equilibrium. The results cannot be explained with diffusion models, but most of them can be understood with a hopping percolation model, in which the localization length is shorter than the typical site separation. The technique is very promising for the study of slow phenomena in highly resistive systems and will be able to estimate the conductance of these systems when direct macroscopic measurement techniques are not sensitive enough.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Las islas y archipiĆ©lagos espaƱoles en la delimitaciĆ³n de espacios marinos

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    Quantitative analysis of multi-spectral fundus images

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    We have developed a new technique for extracting histological parameters from multi-spectral images of the ocular fundus. The new method uses a Monte Carlo simulation of the reflectance of the fundus to model how the spectral reflectance of the tissue varies with differing tissue histology. The model is parameterised by the concentrations of the five main absorbers found in the fundus: retinal haemoglobins, choroidal haemoglobins, choroidal melanin, RPE melanin and macular pigment. These parameters are shown to give rise to distinct variations in the tissue colouration. We use the results of the Monte Carlo simulations to construct an inverse model which maps tissue colouration onto the model parameters. This allows the concentration and distribution of the five main absorbers to be determined from suitable multi-spectral images. We propose the use of "image quotients" to allow this information to be extracted from uncalibrated image data. The filters used to acquire the images are selected to ensure a one-to-one mapping between model parameters and image quotients. To recover five model parameters uniquely, images must be acquired in six distinct spectral bands. Theoretical investigations suggest that retinal haemoglobins and macular pigment can be recovered with RMS errors of less than 10%. We present parametric maps showing the variation of these parameters across the posterior pole of the fundus. The results are in agreement with known tissue histology for normal healthy subjects. We also present an early result which suggests that, with further development, the technique could be used to successfully detect retinal haemorrhages

    Fuzzy synchronization of chaotic systems with hidden attractors

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    Chaotic systems are hard to synchronize, and no general solution exists. The presence of hidden attractors makes finding a solution particularly elusive. Successful synchronization critically depends on the control strategy, which must be carefully chosen considering system features such as the presence of hidden attractors. We studied the feasibility of fuzzy control for synchronizing chaotic systems with hidden attractors and employed a special numerical integration method that takes advantage of the oscillatory characteristic of chaotic systems. We hypothesized that fuzzy synchronization and the chosen numerical integration method can successfully deal with this case of synchronization. We tested two synchronization schemes: complete synchronization, which leverages linearization, and projective synchronization, capitalizing on parallel distributed compensation (PDC). We applied the proposal to a set of known chaotic systems of integer order with hidden attractors. Our results indicated that fuzzy control strategies combined with the special numerical integration method are effective tools to synchronize chaotic systems with hidden attractors. In addition, for projective synchronization, we propose a new strategy to optimize error convergence. Furthermore, we tested and compared different Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy models obtained by tensor product (TP) model transformation. We found an effect of the fuzzy model of the chaotic system on the synchronization performance

    Unobtrusive inference of affective states in virtual rehabilitation from upper limb motions: a feasibility study

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    Virtual rehabilitation environments may afford greater patient personalization if they could harness the patient's affective state. Four states: anxiety, pain, engagement and tiredness (either physical or psychological), were hypothesized to be inferable from observable metrics of hand location and gripping strength -relevant for rehabilitation-. Contributions are; (a) multiresolution classifier built from Semi-NaĆÆve Bayesian classifiers, and (b) establishing predictive relations for the considered states from the motor proxies capitalizing on the proposed classifier with recognition levels sufficient for exploitation. 3D hand locations and gripping strength streams were recorded from 5 post-stroke patients whilst undergoing motor rehabilitation therapy administered through virtual rehabilitation along 10 sessions over 4 weeks. Features from the streams characterized the motor dynamics, while spontaneous manifestations of the states were labelled from concomitant videos by experts for supervised classification. The new classifier was compared against baseline support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) with all three exhibiting comparable performances. Inference of the aforementioned states departing from chosen motor surrogates appears feasible, expediting increased personalization of virtual motor neurorehabilitation therapies

    Neisseria gonorrhoeae Pilus Attenuates Cytokine Response of Human Fallopian Tube Explants

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    Background. A role for pilus during attachment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to epithelia of the female reproductive tract is currently assumed. However, Pilāˆ’ gonococci have been observed during infection of the reproductive tract, which prompted us to examine the effect of pili on the dynamics of infection and the inflammatory responses of mucosal explants of the human Fallopian tube. Methods. Mucosal explants were infected in vitro with Opa negative Pilāˆ’ and Pil+N. gonorrhoeae strains. Results. Piliation enhanced gonococcal adherence to the epithelium within 3ā€‰h of infection (P < 0.05) but thereafter did not offer advantage to gonococci to colonize the epithelial cell surface (P > 0.05). No differences were found between the strains in numbers of gonococci inside epithelial cells. Pilāˆ’ bacteria induced higher levels (P < 0.05) of IL-1Ī², TNF-Ī±, GM-CSF, MCP-1, and MIP-1Ī² than Pil+ bacteria. There were no differences between both strains in LOS pattern, and Pil expression did not change after coincubation with mucosal strips. Conclusions. Results show that gonococcal invasion of the human Fallopian tube can occur independently of pilus or Opa expression, and suggest that pilus, by inhibition of several key elements of the initial inflammatory response, facilitates sustained infection of this organ

    Compactness in Banach space theory - selected problems

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    We list a number of problems in several topics related to compactness in nonseparable Banach spaces. Namely, about the Hilbertian ball in its weak topology, spaces of continuous functions on Eberlein compacta, WCG Banach spaces, Valdivia compacta and Radon-Nikod\'{y}m compacta

    Pneumococcal Gene Complex Involved in Resistance to Extracellular Oxidative Stress

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a Gram-positive bacterium which is a member of the normal human nasopharyngeal flora but can also cause serious disease such as pneumonia, bacteremia, and meningitis. Throughout its life cycle, S. pneumoniae is exposed to significant oxidative stress derived from endogenously produced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and from the host through the oxidative burst. How S. pneumoniae, an aerotolerant anaerobic bacterium that lacks catalase, protects itself against hydrogen peroxide stress is still unclear. Bioinformatic analysis of its genome identified a hypothetical open reading frame belonging to the thiol-specific antioxidant (TlpA/TSA) family, located in an operon consisting of three open reading frames. For all four strains tested, deletion of the gene resulted in an approximately 10-fold reduction in survival when strains were exposed to external peroxide stress. However, no role for this gene in survival of internal superoxide stress was observed. Mutagenesis and complementation analysis demonstrated that all three genes are necessary and sufficient for protection against oxidative stress. Interestingly, in a competitive index mouse pneumonia model, deletion of the operon had no impact shortly after infection but was detrimental during the later stages of disease. Thus, we have identified a gene complex involved in the protection of S. pneumoniae against external oxidative stress, which plays an important role during invasive disease.

    Transcriptional Regulation of the Capsular Polysaccharide Biosynthesis Locus of Streptococcus Pneumoniae: a Bioinformatic Analysis

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    The polysaccharide capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main virulence factor, which makes the bacterium resistant to phagocytosis. Expression of capsular polysaccharide must be adjusted at different stages of pneumococcal infection, thus, their transcriptional regulation appears to be crucial. To get insight into the existence of regulatory mechanisms common to most serotypes, a bioinformatic analysis of the DNA region located upstream of the capsular locus was performed. With the exception of serotype 37, the capsular locus is located between dexB and aliA on the pneumococcal chromosome. Up to 26 different sequence organizations were found among pneumococci synthesizing their capsule through a Wzy-polymerase-dependent mechanism, mostly varying according to the presence/absence of distinct insertion elements. As a consequence, only āˆ¼250 bp (including a 107 bp RUP_A element) was conserved in 86 sequences, although only a short (ca. 87 bp) region located immediately upstream of cpsA was strictly conserved in all the sequences analyzed. An exhaustive search for possible operator sequences was done. Interestingly, although the promoter region of serotype 3 isolates completely differs from that of other serotypes, most of the proteins proposed to regulate transcription in serotype 3 pneumococci were also predicted to function as possible regulators in non-serotype 3 S. pneumoniae isolates
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