492 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Short-Term Prediction of Available Bikes on Bike-Sharing Stations

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    Bike-sharing is adopted as a valid option replacing traditional public transports since they are eco-friendly, prevent traffic congestions, reduce any possible risk of social contacts which happen mostly on public means. However, some problems may occur such as the irregular distribution of bikes on related stations/racks/areas, and the difficulty of knowing in advance what the rack status will be like, or predicting if there will be bikes available in a specific bike-station at a certain time of the day, or if there will be a free slot to leave the rented bike. Thus, providing predictions can be useful to improve the service quality, especially in those cases where bike racks are used for e-bikes, which need to be recharged. This paper compares the state-of-the-art techniques to predict the number of available bikes and free bike-slots in bike-sharing stations (i.e., bike racks). To this end, a set of features and predictive models were compared to identify the best models and predictors for short-term predictions, namely of 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. The study has demonstrated that deep learning and in particular Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory networks (Bi-LSTM) offers a robust approach for the implementation of reliable and fast predictions of available bikes, even with a limited amount of historical data. This paper has also reported an analysis of feature relevance based on SHAP that demonstrated the validity of the model for different cluster behaviours. Both solution and its validation were derived by using data collected in bike-stations in the cities of Siena and Pisa (Italy), in the context of Sii-Mobility National Research Project on Mobility and Transport and Snap4City Smart City IoT infrastructure

    Results from a meta-analysis of immune checkpoint inhibitors in first-line renal cancer patients: does PD-L1 matter?

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    Background: The aim of this study was to perform a literature-based meta-analysis to assess the efficacy of the novel immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in first-line metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC), focusing on the predictive role of PD-L1 expression. Methods: The primary outcome was overall survival, and secondary outcomes were progression-free survival (PFS) and objective response. We planned a subgroup analysis for overall survival according to PD-L1 status. Results: Five studies were included in the analysis for a total of 4063 cases. Overall survival was greater in PD-L1 positive tumours (HR = 0.49, 95% CI: 0.36\u20130.67; p < 0.001). The pooled analysis of the unselected cases showed a statistically significative improvement in PFS with the use of ICIs (HR = 0.85, 95% CI: 0.72\u20130.99; p = 0.04) and we found a greater PFS benefit (HR = 0.65, 95% CI: 0.57\u20130.74; p < 0.001) in patients with PD-L1 positive tumours. Conclusions: This study supports the efficacy of ICIs and, although a significant clinical benefit has been reported in PD-L1 negative patients, a greater efficacy of ICIs was observed in PD-L1 positive patients. More prospective randomized studies are needed to clarify the role of PDL-1 status in metastatic RCC treated with ICIs

    New aspects of genetics and molecular mechanisms on thyroid morphogenesis for the understading of thyroid dysgenesia

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    The elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the very early steps of thyroid organogenesis and the etiology of most cases of thyroid dysgenesis are poorly understood. Many genes have been identified as important contributors to survival, proliferation and migration of thyroid cells precursors, acting as an integrated and complex regulatory network. Moreover, by generation of mouse mutants, the studies have provided better knowledge of the role of these genes in the thyroid morphogenesis. In addition, it is likely that a subset of patients has thyroid dysgenesis as a result of mutations in regulatory genes expressed during embryogenesis. This review summarizes molecular aspects of thyroid development, describes the animal models and phenotypes known to date and provides information about novel insights into the ontogeny and pathogenesis of human thyroid dysgenesis.A organogênese da tiróide ainda não está completamente elucidada, assim como também não se conhece o mecanismo patogenético da maioria dos casos de disgenesias tiroidianas. Vários genes têm sido identificados como importantes para a sobrevivência, a proliferação e a migração dos precursores das células tiroidianas e tem-se demonstrado que eles atuam de modo integrado. Além disso, por meio da geração de camundongos geneticamente modificados, diversos estudos têm trazido melhor entendimento para o papel destes genes na morfogênese tiroidiana. Finalmente, tem-se também evidenciado que mutações em alguns destes genes são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de disgenesias tiroidianas em crianças com hipotiroidismo congênito. O objetivo desta revisão é sumarizar os aspectos moleculares do desenvolvimento tiroidiano, descrever os modelos animais e respectivos fenótipos e oferecer novas informações sobre a ontogenia e a patogênese das disgenesias tiroidianas humanas.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUniversidade Federal do Paraná Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Clínica MédicaUniversidade Federal do Paraná Faculdade de Medicina Unidade de Endocrinologia PediátricaFundação Ecumênica de Proteção ao ExcepcionalUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    A new tow maneuver of a damaged boat through a swarm of autonomous sea drones

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    Given the huge rising interest in autonomous drone swarms to be employed in actual marine applications, the present paper explores the possibility to recover a distressed vessel by means of the other agents belonging to the swarm itself. Suitable approaches and control strategies are developed and tested to find the highest performance algorithms. Different rules are exploited to obtain a correct behaviour in terms of swarm interaction, namely collective and coordinated, and individual. An innovative feedback control strategy is adopted and demonstrated its effectiveness. Extensive simulation runs have been conducted, whose results validate the approach

    Phonon distributions of a single bath mode coupled to a quantum dot

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    The properties of an unconventional, single mode phonon bath coupled to a quantum dot, are investigated within the rotating wave approximation. The electron current through the dot induces an out of equilibrium bath, with a phonon distribution qualitatively different from the thermal one. In selected transport regimes, such a distribution is characterized by a peculiar selective population of few phonon modes and can exhibit a sub-Poissonian behavior. It is shown that such a sub-Poissonian behavior is favored by a double occupancy of the dot. The crossover from a unequilibrated to a conventional thermal bath is explored, and the limitations of the rotating wave approximation are discussed.Comment: 21 Pages, 7 figures, to appear in New Journal of Physics - Focus on Quantum Dissipation in Unconventional Environment

    An analysis of formal errors in a corpus of l2 English produced by Chinese students

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    This paper describes the investigation of a small corpus of writing of English for academic purposes produced by L1 speakers of Mandarin. The investigation involved the development of a tagset for the identification of formal errors in the corpus, and the subsequent analysis of these errors with a view to creating remedial grammar materials for Chinese students studying in the medium of English. Some past approaches to error analysis are discussed, the process of developing the tagging system is described, and error types are identified, categorised, quantified, described and (as far as possible) explained

    Primary carcinoid tumour of the common bile duct

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    Background Carcinoid tumours of the extrahepatic biliary tree are exceedingly rare. We report a case of primary carcinoid tumour arising in the distal portion of the common bile duct. Case outline A 30-year-old man was admitted with watery diarrhoea and symptoms of biliary obstruction. Abdominal ultrasound scan showed a normal gallbladder without stones, mild dilatation of the intra- and extrahepatic biliary tree and a 2 cm solid lesion in the head of pancreas compressing the distal common bile duct. Computed tomography confirmed these findings and showed that the tumour was hypervascular. Gastrointestinal hormone screening showed an increase in plasma serotonin. The patient underwent a standard pylorus-preserving proximal pancreatoduodenectomy (PPPD). Results Pathological examination showed a neuroendocrine tumour (carcinoid) of the distal bile duct. The postoperative plasma serotonin decreased to normal levels. One year later the patient is well without evidence of disease. Discussion Primary carcinoid tumours of the extrahepatic biliary tree are rare, accounting for 0.2–2% of all digestive carcinoids. This is the fifth report of a tumour arising from the distal common bile duct. Surgical treatment for neoplasms of the distal common bile duct can be problematic because of the site of the lesion and the difficulty in differentiating them from periampullary neoplasms lesions. Pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) is therefore the treatment of choice