480 research outputs found

    A study of religious drama as a resource of the church, illustrated by an original biblical drama

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    The main purpose of this study is to determine the place of religious drama in the church. Data of information were secured from personal letters and interviews with pastors and lay-people in Omaha, Nebraska; Council Bluffs, Sioux City and Des Moines, Iowa; St. Louis, Missouri; Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota; Idaho Falls, Iowa; and Monrovia, California. A questionnaire was used as a guiding basis for the interviews. The case method and survey method were used. An original Biblical drama is presented to illustrate what the possibilities are in this field of activity. Drama is one of the most interesting of the present day leisure-time activities both from the standpoint of the spectator and the performer. It is conceded by all the authorities that society in general loves the drama and has from the beginning of time preferred this form of entertainment, worship, or leisure-time activity, depending on the viewpoint. The church has many valuable resources, but few which have the power of compelling society and the individual to view real life situations in the manner which the drama exacts of an audience

    III-V-on-silicon anti-colliding pulse-type mode-locked laser

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    An anti-colliding pulse-type III–V-on-silicon passively mode-locked laser is presented for the first time based on a III–V-on-silicon distributed Bragg reflector as outcoupling mirror implemented partially underneath the III–V saturable absorber. Passive mode-locking at 4.83 GHz repetition rate generating 3 ps pulses is demonstrated. The generated fundamental RF tone shows a 1.7 kHz 3 dB linewidth. Over 9 mW waveguide coupled output power is demonstrated

    Экспериментальные исследования интенсификации процессов теплообмена в энергетических котлах

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    Запропонована конструктивна схема удосконалення газорозподільних решітки, створено лабораторний стенд і проведені експериментальні дослідження в результаті яких отримані умови, які сприяють збільшенню відносної швидкості руху часток і середовища, створенню додаткової турбулентності потоку середовища, збільшенню кратності оновлення і формування міжфазної поверхні, що може привести до значного прискорення тепло- і масо переносу.The propose a design scheme to improve the gas distribution grid, established a laboratory bench and experimental studies have been obtained as a result of conditions that contribute to an increase in the relative velocity of the particles and the environment, creating more turbulence of flow, increasing the multiplicity of updating and the formation of the interphase surface, which can lead to a significant acceleration heat and mass transfer

    Influence of flock treatment with the antibiotic tylosin on poultry meat quality: results of a preliminary experiment

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    The veterinary antibiotic tylosin was administered to broilers at sub-therapeutic and therapeutic levels to study its effect on the quality of poultry breast meat. No statistically significant differences were observed in moisture content, pH, drip loss, colour and extent of lipid oxidation between the breast meat from treated and not treated birds. However, the cooking loss of the meat from the birds administered tylosin was significantly higher than that from the not treated ones. Additionally, the mean shear force of the breast meat was significantly lower for the sub-therapeutically treated broilers than for the not treated and the therapeutically treated ones. It was concluded that the level at which tylosin was administered to the broilers affected the quality of the breast meat, particularly its textural properties

    Impact of Experimental Human Pneumococcal Carriage on Nasopharyngeal Bacterial Densities in Healthy Adults

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    Colonization of the nasopharynx by Streptococcus pneumoniae is a necessary precursor to pneumococcal diseases that result in morbidity and mortality worldwide. The nasopharynx is also host to other bacterial species, including the common pathogens Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. To better understand how these bacteria change in relation to pneumococcal colonization, we used species-specific quantitative PCR to examine bacterial densities in 52 subjects 7 days before, and 2, 7, and 14 days after controlled inoculation of healthy human adults with S. pneumoniae serotype 6B. Overall, 33 (63%) of subjects carried S. pneumoniae post-inoculation. The baseline presence and density of S. aureus, H. influenzae, and M. catarrhalis were not statistically associated with likelihood of successful pneumococcal colonization at this study’s sample size, although a lower rate of pneumococcal colonization in the presence of S. aureus (7/14) was seen compared to that in the presence of H. influenzae (12/16). Among subjects colonized with pneumococci, the number also carrying either H. influenzae or S. aureus fell during the study and at 14 days post-inoculation, the proportion carrying S. aureus was significantly lower among those who were colonized with S. pneumoniae (p = 0.008) compared to non-colonized subjects. These data on bacterial associations are the first to be reported surrounding experimental human pneumococcal colonization and show that co-colonizing effects are likely subtle rather than absolute

    A comparison of the digits-in-noise test and extended high frequency response between formally trained musicians and non-musicians

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM : Musical training has been hypothesised to result in enhanced Speech Perception in Noise (SPIN) abilities, but prolonged exposure to music also increases the risk for Music-Induced Hearing Loss (MIHL). The Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNR) and the Extended High Frequency (EHF) thresholds between formally trained musicians and non- musicians were compared to determine the effect of musical training on musicians’ SPIN and hearing abilities. METHODS : This cross-sectional study included 40 musicians and 39 non-musicians 18–30 years, with mean age (SD) 22.43(2.71) years. EHF audiometry and the Digits-in-Noise (DIN) test were conducted via a smartphone. RESULTS : Differences found between the two groups regarding the DIN test and EHF thresholds were statistically insignificant. Musicians displayed early signs of MIHL as the musicians reported significantly more (p=0.004) instances of tinnitus than non-musicians. A statistically significant correlation was found only for the non-musician group between the 12.5 kHz threshold left and the SNR obtained in the diotic listening condition (rs=-0.465; p=0.003). CONCLUSION : The results suggested that musicians did not display a significant advantage for SPIN and did not appear to have significantly poorer EHF hearing sensitivity. However, slight trends were noticeable in the musicians which gravitated more towards studies that found enhanced SPIN abilities and elevated EHF thresholds in the musician population. In the future, it may be useful to include additional speech tests (open-set) alongside the DIN test (closed-set). The present study suggests that EHF audiometry may be used for the early detection of MIHL.https://avr.tums.ac.ir/index.php/avrhj2023Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    The use of the Feather Squadron to identify auditory processing disorders in South African children : a comparative study

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    OBJECTIVE : Development of the Feather Squadron (FS) has created a cost-effective, accessible form of assessment through tele-audiology. As accessibility to reliable, cost-effective assessment of auditory processing (AP) skills is limited in South Africa (SA), this study aims to establish whether there is correlation between the FS and traditional tests of AP viz. Frequency Pattern and Dichotic Digits Test, and to establish its relevance to the SA population. DESIGN : Retrospective, within-subject, comparative design used to compare performance on the FS and the traditional tests. Data were considered in two ways: Firstly, using the traditional −2SD cut-off on some subtests of the FS compared to the same traditional tests, and secondly, by comparing the Z-scores obtained on the FS compared to Z-scores on the same traditional tests obtained by applying a double arcsine transformation. STUDY SAMPLE : Sixty-six subjects (35 males, 31 females) aged between 8.08 and 9.75 years (mean = 8.73; SD = 0.51) seen for AP assessments between 2016 and 2019. RESULTS : −2SD criteria yielded no significant association (p > 0.05). Z-score comparison suggested a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION : A statistically significant correlation between certain subtests of FS with traditional tests of AP to merit its use in the SA population is suggested.https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iija20hj2023Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiolog

    Effects of language experience on selective auditory attention and speech-in-noise perception among English second language learners : preliminary findings

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    OBJECTIVE : The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of language experience on selective auditory attention and speech-in-noise perception in English Second Language (ESL) learners aged seven to eight years. METHOD : A quantitative, descriptive, comparative cross-sectional research design was used to determine the effect of age of exposure to English on the selective auditory attention abilities and speech-in-noise perception skills of 40 children with normal hearing in first or second grade (aged seven to eight years). The control group comprised of 20 English first language (EFL) learners (mean age = 7.35 years ±0.49) and the research group included 20 s language learners (mean age = 7.70 years ±0.47). In order to compare the control and research groups with respect to the age of exposure to English through various sources, the Mann Whitney test was used. Information regarding the age of exposure was gathered by a case history questionnaire, completed by the parents/guardians of the participants. The Selective Auditory Attention Test (SAAT) and Digits-in-Noise (DIN) test were performed in one sitting. RESULTS : No statistically significant differences between the EFL and ESL groups were found for the SAAT and DIN. However, a statistically significant difference was obtained between the SAAT lists 1 and 3 & the DIN: diotic listening condition for the ESL group only (rs = −0.623; p = 0.003). The difference between the EFL and ESL groups in the mean age of exposure to English was statistically significant (p = 0,019), with mean age of exposure to English in the ESL group (mean age = 2.82 ± 0.53) being higher than the mean age of exposure in the EFL group (mean age = 1.81 ± 1.53). However, this difference did not influence the results of the SAAT and DIN significantly. CONCLUSION : The main finding was that selective auditory attention and speech-in-noise perception were not significantly affected in the ESL learners who participated in the study – learners who were recruited from private schools located in an urban area and thus from higher socio-economic status (SES) households. There is a need for additional research with a larger sample size to determine the selective auditory attention abilities and speech-in-noise perception skills of ESL learners in government-funded schools located in rural areas and from various socio-economic backgrounds.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijporlhj2023Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationSpeech-Language Pathology and Audiolog