669 research outputs found

    Inspection of the Laboratory.

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    Harmonisation Initiatives of Copernicus Data Quality Control

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    The Copernicus Space Component Data Access system (CSCDA) incorporates data contributions from a wide range of satellite missions. Through EO data handling and distribution, CSCDA serves a set of Copernicus Services related to Land, Marine and Atmosphere Monitoring, Emergency Management and Security and Climate Change. The quality of the delivered EO products is the responsibility of each contributing mission, and the Copernicus data Quality Control (CQC) service supports and complements such data quality control activities. The mission of the CQC is to provide a service of quality assessment on the provided imagery, to support the investigation related to product quality anomalies, and to guarantee harmonisation and traceability of the quality information. In terms of product quality control, the CQC carries out analysis of representative sample products for each contributing mission as well as coordinating data quality investigation related to issues found or raised by Copernicus users. Results from the product analysis are systematically collected and the derived quality reports stored in a searchable database. The CQC service can be seen as a privileged focal point with unique comparison capacities over the data providers. The comparison among products from different missions suggests the need for a strong, common effort of harmonisation. Technical terms, definitions, metadata, file formats, processing levels, algorithms, cal/val procedures etc. are far from being homogeneous, and this may generate inconsistencies and confusion among users of EO data. The CSCDA CQC team plays a significant role in promoting harmonisation initiatives across the numerous contributing missions, so that a common effort can achieve optimal complementarity and compatibility among the EO data from multiple data providers. This effort is done in coordination with important initiatives already working towards these goals (e.g. INSPIRE directive, CEOS initiatives, OGC standards, QA4EO etc.). This paper describes the main actions being undertaken by CQC to encourage harmonisation among space-based EO systems currently in service

    Antarctic Zoology

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    Long-term parental distress after pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases

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    Background: Survival rates have continued to increase for pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for nonmalignant diseases. Despite the crucial role of caregivers in this high-intensity treatment, knowledge about long-term parental impact is lacking. Procedure: This cross-sectional study assessed parental distress and everyday problems in parents of patients 2 years and older after pediatric HSCT for a nonmalignant disease using Distress Thermometer for Parents (DT-P), and compared outcomes to matched Dutch parents of healthy children and Dutch parents of children with a chronic condition (CC). Results: Median follow-up was 5.3 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 2.9–8.6). Underlying diseases were inborn errors of immunity (N = 30), hemoglobinopathies (N = 13), and bone marrow failure (N = 27). Mothers of pediatric HSCT recipients (N = 70) reported comparable overall distress levels to mothers of healthy children, but experienced more distress related to parenting problems, specifically managing their child's emotions, discussing disease consequences, and fostering independence. Fathers of HSCT recipients (N = 45) reported higher overall distress levels and had more emotional distress compared to fathers of healthy children. Conclusions: Overall, parental distress and everyday problems of parents of HSCT recipients are comparable to those of parents of children with CC. However, there is ongoing parental burden, both emotional and in parenting, long-term after HSCT compared to parents of healthy children, and the type of burden differs between mothers and fathers. These results indicate that individualized parental supportive care should not remain restricted to the acute hospitalization phase, but also be actively offered during long-term follow-up after pediatric HSCT.</p

    Characterization of human mesenchymal stem cells from Ewing sarcoma patients. Pathogenetic implications

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    Ewing Sarcoma (EWS) is a mesenchymal-derived tumor that generally arises in bone and soft tissue. Intensive research regarding the pathogenesis of EWS has been insufficient to pinpoint the early events of Ewing sarcomagenesis. However, the Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) is currently accepted as the most probable cell of origin

    Population pharmacokinetics of treosulfan in paediatric patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Aims: Treosulfan is an alkylating agent increasingly used prior to haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The aim of this study was to develop a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model of treosulfan in paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients and to explore the effect of potential covariates on treosulfan PK. Also, a limited sampling model (LSM) will be developed to accurately predict treosulfan exposure suitable for a therapeutic drug monitoring setting. Methods: In this multicentre study, 91 patients, receiving a total dose of 30, 36 or 42&nbsp;g/m2 treosulfan, administered over 3 consecutive days, were enrolled. A population PK model was developed and demographic factors, as well as laboratory parameters, were included as potential covariates. In addition, a LSM was developed using data from 28 patients. Results: A 2-compartment model with first order elimination best described the data. Bodyweight with allometric scaling and maturation function were identified as significant predictors of treosulfan clearance. Treosulfan clearance reaches 90% of adult values at 4 postnatal years. A model-based dosing table is presented to target an exposure of 1650&nbsp;mg*h/L (population median) for different weight and age groups. Samples taken at 1.5, 4 and 7&nbsp;hours after start of infusion resulted in the best limited sampling strategy. Conclusions: This study provides a treosulfan population PK model in children and captures the developmental changes in clearance. A 3-point LSM allows for accurate and precise estimation of treosulfan exposure

    The value of using patient-reported outcomes for health screening during long-term follow-up after paediatric stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases

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    Introduction: The assessment of using patient-reported outcomes (PROs) within comprehensive care follow-up programmes, specifically focused on health screening, remains largely unexplored. PROs were implemented in our late effects and comprehensive care programme after paediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for nonmalignant diseases. The programme focuses solely on screening of physical and mental health and on discussing PROs during the consultation. Methods: The primary method of this study was semistructured interviews to explore the perspective of both patients and healthcare providers' (HCP) on the use of PROs, which were thematically analyzed. Additionally, an explorative quantitative approach with patient-reported experience measures (PREMS) was used, with a pretest–posttest design, to assess whether the use of PROs was accompanied by more patient-centred care. Results: From the patient-interviews (N = 15) four themes were extracted: use of PROs (1) help to discuss topics; (2) make the patients feel understood; (3) create a moment of self-reflection; and (4) make consultations more efficient. Pre- and postimplementation analysis of PREMs (N = 40) did not show significant differences in terms of patient-centeredness. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate the added value of integrating PROs for health screening purposes within the long-term follow-up programme after paediatric HSCT, as perceived by both patient and HCP. With the active use of PROs, patients are stimulated to consciously assess their health status. Patient Contribution: This study included patients as participants. Caregivers were approached if patients were below a certain age. Additionally, preliminary results were shared with all patients (including nonparticipants) during a patient conference day.</p

    Second-line treatment for acute graft-versus-host disease with mesenchymal stromal cells. a decision model

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    Objective: No standard second-line treatment exists for acute graft-versus-host disease steroid-refractory (SR-aGvHD), and long-term outcomes remain poor. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been evaluated as treatment, but no disease model (DM) exists that integrates and extrapolates currently available evidence. The aim of this study was to develop such a DM to describe the natural history of SR-aGvHD and to predict long-term outcomes. Method: The DM was developed in collaboration with experts in haematology-oncology. Subsequently, a model simulation was run. Input parameters for transition and survival estimates were informed by published data of clinical trials on MSC treatment for SR-aGvHD. Parametric distributions were used to estimate long-term survival rates after MSCs. Results: The newly developed DM is a cohort model that consists of eight health states. For the model simulation, we obtained data on 327 patients from 14 published phase II trials. Due to limited evidence, DM structure was simplified and several assumptions had to be made. Median overall survival was 3.2 years for complete response and 0.5 years for no complete response. Conclusion: The DM provides a comprehensive overview on the second-line treatment pathway for aGvHD and enables long-term predictions that can be used to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing any treatment for SR-aGvHD
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