755 research outputs found

    The solubilization of deoxyhemoglobin S.

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    The Last of the Finite Loop Amplitudes in QCD

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    We use on-shell recursion relations to determine the one-loop QCD scattering amplitudes with a massless external quark pair and an arbitrary number (n-2) of positive-helicity gluons. These amplitudes are the last of the unknown infrared- and ultraviolet-finite loop amplitudes of QCD. The recursion relations are similar to ones applied at tree level, but contain new non-trivial features corresponding to poles present for complex momentum arguments but absent for real momenta. We present the relations and the compact solutions to them, valid for all n. We also present compact forms for the previously-computed one-loop n-gluon amplitudes with a single negative helicity and the rest positive helicity.Comment: 45 pages, revtex, 7 figures, v2 minor correction

    Two-Loop Iteration of Five-Point N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Amplitudes

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    We confirm by explicit computation the conjectured all-orders iteration of planar maximally supersymmetric N=4 Yang-Mills theory in the nontrivial case of five-point two-loop amplitudes. We compute the required unitarity cuts of the integrand and evaluate the resulting integrals numerically using a Mellin--Barnes representation and the automated package of ref.~[1]. This confirmation of the iteration relation provides further evidence suggesting that N=4 gauge theory is solvable.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Three-jet cross sections in hadron-hadron collisions at next-to-leading order

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    We present a new QCD event generator for hadron collider which can calculate one-, two- and three-jet cross sections at next-to-leading order accuracy. In this letter we study the transverse energy spectrum of three-jet hadronic events using the kT algorithm. We show that the next-to-leading order correction significantly reduces the renormalization and factorization scale dependence of the three-jet cross section.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTEX

    Expansion around half-integer values, binomial sums and inverse binomial sums

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    I consider the expansion of transcendental functions in a small parameter around rational numbers. This includes in particular the expansion around half-integer values. I present algorithms which are suitable for an implementation within a symbolic computer algebra system. The method is an extension of the technique of nested sums. The algorithms allow in addition the evaluation of binomial sums, inverse binomial sums and generalizations thereof.Comment: 21 page

    Maximally Supersymmetric Planar Yang-Mills Amplitudes at Five Loops

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    We present an ansatz for the planar five-loop four-point amplitude in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in terms of loop integrals. This ansatz exploits the recently observed correspondence between integrals with simple conformal properties and those found in the four-point amplitudes of the theory through four loops. We explain how to identify all such integrals systematically. We make use of generalized unitarity in both four and D dimensions to determine the coefficients of each of these integrals in the amplitude. Maximal cuts, in which we cut all propagators of a given integral, are an especially effective means for determining these coefficients. The set of integrals and coefficients determined here will be useful for computing the five-loop cusp anomalous dimension of the theory which is of interest for non-trivial checks of the AdS/CFT duality conjecture. It will also be useful for checking a conjecture that the amplitudes have an iterative structure allowing for their all-loop resummation, whose link to a recent string-side computation by Alday and Maldacena opens a new venue for quantitative AdS/CFT comparisons.Comment: 52 pages, 20 figures, revte

    General Split Helicity Gluon Tree Amplitudes in Open Twistor String Theory

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    We evaluate all split helicity gluon tree amplitudes in open twistor string theory. We show that these amplitudes satisfy the BCFW recurrence relations restricted to the split helicity case and, hence, that these amplitudes agree with those of gauge theory. To do this we make a particular choice of the sextic constraints in the link variables that determine the poles contributing to the contour integral expression for the amplitudes. Using the residue theorem to re-express this integral in terms of contributions from poles at rational values of the link variables, which we determine, we evaluate the amplitudes explicitly, regaining the gauge theory results of Britto et al.Comment: 30 pages, minor misprints correcte

    Antenna subtraction for gluon scattering at NNLO

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    We use the antenna subtraction method to isolate the double real radiation infrared singularities present in gluonic scattering amplitudes at next-to-next-to-leading order. The antenna subtraction framework has been successfully applied to the calculation of NNLO corrections to the 3-jet cross section and related event shape distributions in electron-positron annihilation. Here we consider processes with two coloured particles in the initial state, and in particular two-jet production at hadron colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We construct a subtraction term that describes the single and double unresolved contributions from the six-gluon tree-level process using antenna functions with initial state partons and show numerically that the subtraction term correctly approximates the matrix elements in the various single and double unresolved configurations.Comment: 71 pages, JHEP3 class; corrected typos, equivalent but more compact version of eq. (5.12), results unchange

    Two-Loop g -> gg Splitting Amplitudes in QCD

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    Splitting amplitudes are universal functions governing the collinear behavior of scattering amplitudes for massless particles. We compute the two-loop g -> gg splitting amplitudes in QCD, N=1, and N=4 super-Yang-Mills theories, which describe the limits of two-loop n-point amplitudes where two gluon momenta become parallel. They also represent an ingredient in a direct x-space computation of DGLAP evolution kernels at next-to-next-to-leading order. To obtain the splitting amplitudes, we use the unitarity sewing method. In contrast to the usual light-cone gauge treatment, our calculation does not rely on the principal-value or Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescriptions, even though the loop integrals contain some of the denominators typically encountered in light-cone gauge. We reduce the integrals to a set of 13 master integrals using integration-by-parts and Lorentz invariance identities. The master integrals are computed with the aid of differential equations in the splitting momentum fraction z. The epsilon-poles of the splitting amplitudes are consistent with a formula due to Catani for the infrared singularities of two-loop scattering amplitudes. This consistency essentially provides an inductive proof of Catani's formula, as well as an ansatz for previously-unknown 1/epsilon pole terms having non-trivial color structure. Finite terms in the splitting amplitudes determine the collinear behavior of finite remainders in this formula.Comment: 100 pages, 33 figures. Added remarks about leading-transcendentality argument of hep-th/0404092, and additional explanation of cut-reconstruction uniquenes
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