5,679 research outputs found

    Kjøli gruve. Avrenning 1995-1996

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    Det er gjennomført en fornyet beregning av forurensningstransport fra den nedlagte Kjøli gruve i Holtålen kommune. Etter at de siste forurensningsbegrensende tiltak ble gjennomført i 1989, har tungmetalltransporten hele tiden vært avvikende. Endringene fra år til år er nå beskjedne 7 år etter at tiltaket ble gjennomført. Årlig transport av kobber til Gaula utgjorde i 1995/96 0,4 tonn/år. Bidraget fra den delvis vannfylte gruva utgjorde i samme tidsperiode ca 50 % av samlet transport fra området til Gaula

    Oppfølging av forurensningssituasjonen i Sulitjelma gruvefelt, Fauske kommune Undersøkelser i 2011-2012

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    De siste forurensningsbegrensende tiltakene i Nordgruvefeltet ble avsluttet i november 2004 og fikk sin virkning våren 2005 da det vannfylte gruvesystemet fikk overløp. I tiden etter har pH-verdiene i overløpsvannet sunket noe, mens konsentrasjonene for kobber og aluminium har vist en økende tendens. Da vannmengdene ut av gruva de to siste år var betydelig høyere enn i de foregående 3 år, har dette ført til økt metallbelastning på Langvann. En har ennå ikke kunnet observere noen vesentlige endringer i forurensningstilstanden ved utløpet av Langvann. Siste år ble transporten fra det vannfylte Nordgruvefeltet anslått til ca. 15 tonn kobber og 17 tonn sink, mens transporten ved utløpet av Langvann ble anslått til 22 tonn kobber og 24 tonn sink

    Some impressions of British farming

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    Reports by sponsored delegates to the 8th International Grassland Congress.My main impression from a visit to Britain in 1960 is that British farming is acquiring a “new look”. This new look is not universal and does not apply to a large number of small, poor farms, but the upper strata of British farmers are making so much headway that New Zealanders could learn a great deal from them. The basic factor in this new look is money, mainly from subsidies

    Tree Study Keys

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    Our Trees by Professor H. S. Conard, Grinnell College, was used in the Mason City junior college biology in its first tree study of that city with its surrounding area. In the laboratory class study of the early fall, students were directed in the use of the key. Later each one was responsible for the study of trees on his home lot, or an equivalent territory, collecting, pressing, mounting, labeling, and giving tree locations. Next, each student mapped his home block, adding to the leaf collections, and tree locations. Material was thus collected not only from Mason City hut from surrounding home towns of students in several years\u27 biology classes

    Introduction du cocotier dans les systèmes culturaux de la Moyenne Côte-d'Ivoire : analyse d'une opération de développement de 1976 à 1980

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    Kontrollundersøkelsene i Follavassdraget i 1988 viste at forurensningssituasjonen er stabil. Påbyggingen av slamdammen i 1988 har hittil ikke ført til noen endringer av betydning i tilførslene fra deponeringsområdet. Avgangsdeponeringen foregår fortsatt tilfredstillende. Tungmetalltilførslene fra Folldal sentrum er som tidligere år betydelige og sterkt varierende i løpet av året.Folldal Verk A/

    Fitting Mobile in the IS Curriculum

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    In this research in progress paper we examine how the trends towards an increasingly mobile future might be reflected in the undergraduate IS curriculum, and some of the challenges faced in making such a move. This paper is based on the discussions around redesigning the IS curriculum at UW Oshkosh, which are taking place this spring (2012). As such, this research is in very early stages and we are looking for feedback and insight from the MWAIS community

    An epidemiological study of cancer in adult twins born in Norway 1905–1945

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    We have identified 23 334 individuals (40%) of twins born in Norway 1905–45 where both twins were alive in 1960 without malignant disease. These were linked to the Cancer Registry of Norway. A reduced risk of malignant disease was demonstrated among twins for all tumour sites combined; standardized incidence rate (SIR): 0.90 (95% CI 0.85–0.94) in females and 0.95 (95% Cl 0.90–0.99) in males. In both sexes, we observed a significant reduced incidence of malignant melanomas of the skin. The incidence of colorectal cancer tended to be reduced for both sexes. In females, the incidence of tumours of the central nervous system and lungs were reduced. We consider our findings are real, but cannot explain them. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Review of Sovereign Defaults Before International Courts and Tribunals

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    This book review probes Michael Waibel’s new book, Sovereign Defaults Before International Courts and Tribunals. Waibel\u27s project is ambitious, exploring international attempts to address sovereign defaults over the past century and a half. Through painstaking and comprehensive historical analysis, Waibel shows how we\u27ve been here before -- a sober reminder for those thinking Argentina is simply part of a new fad in financial default. With the UN now turning its attention to sovereign debt issues, this study is especially timely. Although somewhat disappointing in the lightness of its normative content, the book should nevertheless prove helpful to those considering the role adjudicative tribunals (especially arbitral ones) might play in this current round of reform recommendations