93 research outputs found

    Somatic disorders and antidepressant use in suicides: A population-based study from the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Italy, 2003-2013

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    Background: Many somatic disorders are complicated by depression and increase the risk of suicide. Little is known about whether antidepressants might reduce the suicidal risk in patients with somatic disorders. Methods: Data on diagnoses and antidepressant prescriptions were derived from the Social and Health Information System of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Cases were all suicides that occurred in the region during the years 2003\u20132013 and were sex- and age-matched to controls from the general population. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between suicide and somatic disorders. Results: The suicide rate in Friuli Venezia Giulia decreased from 11.3 to 10.7 per 100,000 inhabitants during the years 2003\u20132013, however patients with somatic disorder had a three times increased risk of suicide. Elderly somatic patients' suicide risk was twice as high as younger patients. The risk increased from 2.6 to 9.8 times as the number of comorbid disorders increased from 1 to 4 and over. Although no significant risk of suicide in patients with somatic disorders was found when patients were adherent to antidepressants, only 11.5% of the suicides was adherent in the year prior to death. Conclusions: Medical illnesses and underlying depressive symptoms may have a synergy effect on the risk of suicide, particularly in older patients and in patients with multiple morbidities. Since medically ill subjects adherent to antidepressants did not showa significant risk of suicide, early identification and adequate treatment of depression in somatic patients should be considered in order to prevent suicide

    Relationships between different tooth shapes and patients periodontal phenotype

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    Background and Objective: The purpose of the present study was to establish whether any correlation exists between tooth shapes and patient-related factors such as gingival and periodontal characteristics. Material and Methods: Clinical measurements, including the width and the height of maxillary central incisor crowns, the apico incisal height of the keratinized mucosa (KM), the buccal gingival thickness (GT), the depth of the sulcus (SD), the bone-sounding depth (BS) and the height of the interproximal maxillary central papilla (Ph), were investigated in 50 healthy individuals. These individuals were then divided into three groups based on the shape of their maxillary central incisor crowns: triangular; square; or square-tapered. The three groups were analyzed to determine any significant differences among the groups in the values obtained for clinical measurements. Results: There were no significant differences among the three groups in terms of the SD (p = 0.11) or the BS (p = 0.54), whilst statistically significant differences were observed for the KM (p < 0.001), the GT (p = 0.012) and the Ph (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that different tooth shapes are associated with significantly different values for the extent of the KM, its bucco-lingual thickness and the height of the interproximal maxillary central papilla

    Relationships between different tooth shapes and patients periodontal phenotype

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    Background and Objective: The purpose of the present study was to establish whether any correlation exists between tooth shapes and patient-related factors such as gingival and periodontal characteristics. Material and Methods: Clinical measurements, including the width and the height of maxillary central incisor crowns, the apico incisal height of the keratinized mucosa (KM), the buccal gingival thickness (GT), the depth of the sulcus (SD), the bone-sounding depth (BS) and the height of the interproximal maxillary central papilla (Ph), were investigated in 50 healthy individuals. These individuals were then divided into three groups based on the shape of their maxillary central incisor crowns: triangular; square; or square-tapered. The three groups were analyzed to determine any significant differences among the groups in the values obtained for clinical measurements. Results: There were no significant differences among the three groups in terms of the SD (p = 0.11) or the BS (p = 0.54), whilst statistically significant differences were observed for the KM (p < 0.001), the GT (p = 0.012) and the Ph (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that different tooth shapes are associated with significantly different values for the extent of the KM, its bucco-lingual thickness and the height of the interproximal maxillary central papilla

    Primary Central Nervous System Burkitt Lymphoma With Non-Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Translocation in Right Ventricle: Case Report

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    Primary central nervous system Burkitt lymphoma (PCNSBL) is rare. Few cases of primary central nervous system involvement with sporadic Burkitt lymphoma have been reported and its treatment is now controversial. Here, the authors report a case of a 14-year-old boy suffering from non-immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) translocation PCNSBL. To the authors' knowledge, this is the second case report describing primary Burkitt lymphoma involving cerebral ventricles. After receiving combination treatment with surgery, stereotacticradiosurgery, and a chemotherapy regimen including high-dose methotrexate, the patient had a disease-free survival of 18 months

    Analisi dei tempi d\u2019attesa tra le varie fasi di gestione dei carcinomi mammari screening-detected a Trieste nel biennio 2013-2014: come si pu\uf2 migliorare?

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    Gli indicatori relativi ai tempi di attesa sono difficili da rispettare, come recentemente evidenziato al XIII Convegno ONS 2015 . Per questo motivo \ue8 fondamentale identificare in quale momento della gestione dei carcinomi screening-detected si concentrino i ritardi e stabilirne le cause (se attribuibili alla paziente o all\u2019organizzazione del programma o intrinseci al tipo di lesione) cos\uec da proporre mirate modifiche migliorative. Metodi: L\u2019analisi riguarda 146 carcinomi screening-detected consecutivi (biennio 2013-2014). Sono stati misurati i tempi tra le varie fasi diagnostiche (Mammografia di I\ub0 livello, Richiamo II\ub0 livello, I\ub0 approfondimento cito/microistologico, Comunicazione diagnosi) e i tempi chirurgici (Visita chirurgica, Intervento chirurgico, Referto istologico con marcatori biologici, Visita oncologica). Per ogni fase sono stati calcolati i tempi medi/mediani rappresentati tramite box plot e giustificati gli outliers.Risultati: La latenza nella presa in carico chirurgica \ue8 legato alla complessit\ue0 degli esami preoperatori (3) (tempo mediano tra richiamo al II\ub0 livello ed intervento: 53 giorni (se unico esame pre-operatorio) vs 73 (se pi\uf9 di un esame pre-operatorio, p<0.0001), mentre rispetto ad un recente studio (4) il tempo mediano tra visita chirurgica e intervento non \ue8 aumentato per i casi con necessit\ue0 di RM (28 vs 26 giorni, p=0.13), perch\ue9 gi\ue0 programmata in fase preoperatoria. Per i casi con mastectomia sempre con ricostruzione, si registra un tempo medio dalla visita chirurgica all\u2019intervento di 7 giorni superiore rispetto alle quadrantectomie. Ulteriore criticit\ue0 \ue8 il tempo mediano tra intervento e visita oncologica (44 giorni), attribuibile in parte ad un \u201critardo\u201d nella disponibilit\ue0 dei marcatori biomolecolari (soprattutto HER2/FISH) ed in parte a rinvii dell\u2019appuntamento da parte della paziente stessa Conclusioni: Soltanto un attento monitoraggio del turnaround time dell\u2019intero percorso delle pazienti con carcinoma screening detected consente l\u2019identificazione dei punti di debolezza su cui intervenire efficacemente per garantire il rispetto degli indicatori
