330 research outputs found

    Fecal microbiota transplantation

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    Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) represents the most promising free-antibiotic therapy in the management of patients with infection by Clostridium difficile, recurrent or refractory to treatment with antibiotics. FMT’s superiority over conventional treatment has been proven in multiple series of cases and recently in experimental prospective randomized clinical trials with a resolution of the infection in over 90% of patient

    Challenges in the COVID-19 vaccination era: Prioritization of vaccines among essential workers in Mexico

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    The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic gave rise to a massive global health concern that has placed an unprecedented strain on healthcare systems, education and economy. The recent vaccine roll-out gave humanity a glimpse of hope. However, more than 50% of the vaccine supply has been acquired by high-income countries, forcing low- and middle-income countries to prioritize who should be vaccinated. In Mexico, the first phase of the vaccination program prioritized healthcare personnel working in front-line COVID-19 public institutions. The second phase was planned for the remaining healthcare workers attending at both COVID and non-COVID areas. The government, however, aiming to reopen schools, decided to vaccinate teachers instead. This raised several concerns, since Mexico tops the ranking of deaths among healthcare workers due to COVID-19 worldwide. Furthermore, the possible framing of vaccines as a political tool has caused commotion among the Mexican people and media, especially since 2021 is the Midterm Election year in Mexico, and the Teachers’ Union has historically played an essential role in this matter. Therefore, it is relevant to share the vaccination experience in resource-constrained settings to provide help and advice to reach an optimal strategy and deflate this pandemic

    “CLUPS”: A New Culture Medium for the Axenic Growth of Entamoeba histolytica

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    Amebiasis remains a major health problem in Mexico. Terefore, the search for better culture media and low-cost diagnostic and therapeutic tools is fundamental. We present a new culture medium for Entamoeba histolytica which allows the microbe to preserve its virulence factors and ability to induce hepatic abscesses in animal models. Te novel CLUPS medium is an improved version of the PEHPS medium, previously designed in our laboratory. Te main diference is the substitution of raw beef liver in PEHPS by raw beef lung in the CLUPS medium. To compare the performance of three-culture media (traditional TYI-S-33, PEHPS, and CLUPS), E. histolytica trophozoites were cultured in quintuplicate, followed by the evaluation of phospholipase activity and the induction of liver abscesses in golden hamsters. E. histolytica trophozoites grew signifcantly better in CLUPS medium than in TYIS-33. Likewise, CLUPS-cultured trophozoites produced signifcantly more phospholipases than TYI-S-33-cultured trophozoites. Finally, trophozoites grown in any of the three tested media had similar potential to induce liver abscesse

    Nuevos modelos de predicción del incremento en volumen para bosques mezclados del Estado de Durango, México

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    Thirty models were evaluated to predict the timber yield in 28 Permanent Silvicultural Research Plots (SPIS), in the Ejido Pueblo, Durango, Mexico. The most predominant plant association is the corresponding to mixed stands of Pinus and Pinus-Quercus, besides the vegetation associated to these forests. The models in their logarithmic form incorporate 10 competition indexes (IC) independent of the distance, 3 indexes of density (ID), besides the variable age and height at the average level of the stand. The new mathematical models relate in an indirect way the effect of the competition and the density in the growth of trees present in the stand. According to the variance analyses and the hypothesis tests, it was found that the best IC incorporated in a mathematical model for the prediction of the increment in volume was the competition index of area basal density (IABN), the competition index of diameter quadratic density (IDCN), the competition index of area basal total density (IABTN) and the competition index of maximum total height (IHMAX). The best models present a high level of accuracy with Prob > |t| = 0.0001 and values average of 0.99 in R2. The best models presented average values of R2 = 0.99 and a highly significant level of accuracy (Pr > |t| = 0.0001).Fueron evaluados 30 modelos para predecir el incremento maderable en 28 Sitios Permanentes de Investigación Silvícola (SPIS), ubicados en el Ejido Pueblo Nuevo del Estado de Durango, México. La asociación vegetal más predominante es la correspondiente a rodales mezclados de Pinus y Pinus-Quercus, además de la vegetación asociada a estos bosques. Los modelos en su forma logarítmica incorporan 10 índices de competencia (IC) independientes de la distancia, 3 índices de densidad (ID), además de las variables edad y altura a nivel promedio del rodal. Los nuevos modelos matemáticos relacionan de una manera indirecta el efecto de la competencia y la densidad en el crecimiento de los arboles presentes en el rodal. De acuerdo con los análisis de varianza y las pruebas de hipótesis realizadas, se encontró que los mejores IC incorporados en un modelo matemático para la predicción del incremento en volumen, fueron el índice de competencia de área basal densidad (IABN), índice de competencia de diámetro cuadrático densidad (IDCN), índice de competencia de área basal total densidad (IABTN) y el índice de competencia de altura total máxima (IHMAX). Los mejores modelos presentan un alto nivel de exactitud con Prob > |t| = 0,0001 y valores promedio de 0,99 en R2

    Increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of cytokines monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1β (MIP-1β) in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Introduction: Neuroinflammation has recently been described in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, the precise role of such proinflammatory cytokines as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1� (MIP-1�) in ALS has not yet been determined. In this study, we determined cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) MCP-1 and MIP-1� levels and assessed their association with the duration and severity of ALS. Methods: Concentrations of MCP-1 and MIP-1� were determined in the CSF of 77 patients diagnosed with ALS and 13 controls. Cytokine levels were analysed in relation to ALS duration ( 12 months) and severity ( 30 points on the ALS Functional Rating Scale administered at hospital admission). Results: Higher CSF MIP-1� (10.68 pg/mL vs 4.69 pg/mL, P < .0001) and MCP-1 (234.89 pg/mL vs 160.95 pg/mL, P = .011) levels were found in the 77 patients with ALS compared to controls. There were no differences in levels of either cytokine in relation to disease duration or severity. However, we did observe a significant positive correlation between MIP-1� and MCP-1 in patients with ALS. Conclusions: The increase in MIP-1� and MCP-1 levels suggests that these cytokines may havea synergistic effect on ALS pathogenesis. However, in our cohort, no association was found witheither the duration or the clinical severity of the disease

    Biomarcadores moleculares en la predicción de sarcopenia

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    A lo largo de la vida se presentan diferentes cambios a nivel de composición corporal, siendo más notorios durante el proceso de envejecimiento. La sarcopenia se define como la pérdida progresiva y constante de la masa muscular magra así como la función y la fuerza del músculo esquelético. Se presenta como un proceso del envejecimiento, en el que el cuerpo experimenta un deterioro progresivo de calidad, reducción de tamaño, número de las fibras musculares, colágeno, modificación de unidad motora que se ha relacionado con el aumento de porcentaje de grasa, cambios hormonales, mecanismos inflamatorios, estrés oxidativo, ingesta de proteínas y actividad física. El envejecimiento puede ser considerado como la resistencia de varios estímulos anabólicos al músculo (sistema nervioso central [SNC], hormona del crecimiento, estrógeno, testosterona, proteína dietética, actividad física, acción de insulina) y posiblemente el desarrollo de varios procesos catabólicos naturales del mismo (inflamación subclínica, producción de citoquinas catabólicas: factor de necrosis tumoral- [TNF- -6 [IL-6], interleucina- - -1, IL- s causas de la sarcopenia todavía no se comprenden claramente, existen muchos mecanismos potenciales que han sido investigados en mayor o menor medida, como la edad, las relacionadas a la enfermedad, nutrición y actividad física. Los criterios para identificar a la sarcopenia incluye la cantidad, función muscular y el rendimiento físico, lo cual, si se llegaran a integrar biomarcadores moleculares en la evaluación clínica, el diagnóstico podría efectuarse de una manera temprana, para evitar la complicaciones asociadas a la fragilida

    Histopathological Analogies in Chronic Pulmonary Lesions between Cattle and Humans: Basis for an Alternative Animal Model

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    Most of the natural cases of pneumonia in feedlot cattle are characterized by a longer clinical course due to chronic lung lesions. Microscopically, these lesions include interstitial fibroplasia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis obliterans, and epithelial metaplasia of the airways. Herein, the aim was to review, under a medical perspective, the pathologic mechanisms operating in these chronic pneumonic lesions in calves. Based on the similarities of these changes to those reported in bronchiolitis obliterans/organising pneumonia (BO/OP) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in human beings, calves are proposed as an alternative animal model

    Poliuquetos perforadores de conchas marinas y exóticos invasores

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    En esta contribución se enfatiza la importancia de los gusanos poliquetos perforadores de moluscos de interés comercial en México y del estudio de las especies exóticas invasoras. Asimismo, se presenta el estado del conocimiento de ambos rubros en México. Es necesario sensibilizar a los tomadores de decisiones sobre la necesidad de apoyar proyectos de investigación y contrataciones en los dos temas. Recomendamos modificar la sección de poliquetos de la Lista de especies exóticas invasoras en México, publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación en 2016

    Clostridioides difficile-associated diarrhea in surgical service patients in Mexico

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    Introduction: Clostridium difficile is the first cause of healthcare-associated diarrhea in developed countries. In recent years the incidence of C. difficile infection (CDI) has increased worldwide. There is not much information on the topic in Mexico, and little is known about the risk factors for the infection in patients that are hospitalized in surgical services. Materials and methods: A case-control study was conducted that compared the epidemiologic findings and risk factors between surgical patients with PCR-confirmed CDI, surgical patients with diarrhea and a negative PCR test, and surgical patients with no diarrhea. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS version 22.0 program. Results: The majority of the surgical patients with CDI belonged to the areas of neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, orthopedics, and general surgery. A total of 53% of the CDI cases were associated with the hypervirulent CD NAP1/027 strain. The presence of mucus in stools (OR: 1.5, p = 0.001), fever (OR: 1.4, p = 0.011), leukocytes in stools (OR: 3.2, p < 0.001), hospitalization within the past twelve weeks (OR: 2.0, p < 0.001), antibiotic use (OR: 1.3, p = 0.023), and ceftriaxone use (OR: 1.4, p = 0.01) were independent risk factors for the development of CDI