586 research outputs found

    Catholic Social Teaching and The Capability Approach to Human Development: A Critical Analysis and Constructive Proposal

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    This aim of this dissertation is to present the argument that Catholic Social Teaching\u27s focus on integral human flourishing can offer theoretical input to the field of Human Development as well as practical contributions to social and political initiatives currently underway. The most powerful vehicle of communication for reporting the global position on poverty is the Human Development Report produced by the United Nations Development Programme, which adopts the Capability Approach as its evaluative framework for measuring individual well being. I propose that Catholic Social Teaching can protect the Capability Approach from its potential to lean towards individualism through the inclusion of the principles of solidarity and the common good, participation and community, and the virtue of charity. I present my argument by first separately examining the main principles of both the Capability Approach and Catholic Social Teaching. I then have a dialogue between the two in order to show where there is common ground and then state the case for the individualistic tendency of the Capability Approach. Drawing from four major documents on human development, Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World), Populorum Progressio (on the Development of Peoples), Sollitudo Rei Socialis (On Social Concern), and Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), I develop my argument for the above contributions that can be made by Catholic Social Teaching. Included is a chapter depicting Catholic Social Teaching in action, which offers examples of four organizations that use the principles presented with the organizations\u27 work that strives for human flourishing. I conclude with a practical application of a program I have developed for low income women that combines the two: Catholic Social Teaching and the Capability Approach, with the goal of demonstrating that the two can work together and following Nussbaum\u27s understanding that development discussion should be female focused

    On the performances of different nodal integration techniques and their stabilization

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    Finite element method was successfully applied in the simulation of several forming processes; however, it does not represent an absolute reference point. In fact, large deformation corresponds to a heavy mesh distortion. Powerful rezoning-remeshing algorithms strongly reduce the effects of such a limitation but the computational time significantly increases and additional errors occur. Nodal Integration is a recently introduced technique that allows finite element method to provide reliable results also when meshes becomes distorted in traditional FEMs. Furthermore, volumetric locking problems seem to be avoided using this integration technique instead of other methods such as coupled formulations. Nevertheless, spurious low-energy modes appear due to the nodal averaging of strain. For this reason stabilizing methods application seems to be suitable. What is more, different nodal integration techniques have been proposed, although spurious modes are a common problem. In this paper the performances of three different nodal integration techniques and the effects of a recently introduced stabilization methodology are studied simulating a classical forming process

    Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis in Childhood Vasculitis: A Perspective Comparative Pilot Study

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    Kawasaki disease (KD) and Henoch–Schönlein purpura (HSP) are the most frequent vasculitis in childhood. For both, a multifactorial mechanism has been hypothesised, with an abnormal immune response in genetically predisposed children. Gut microbiota (GM) alterations might trigger the hyperimmune reaction. Our aim was to explore the GM in KD and compare it with the GM of HSP and febrile children. Children diagnosed with KD, HSP and non-KD febrile illness (F) were enrolled. GM was profiled by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and compared with the profiles of healthy children from previous studies. We enrolled 13 KD, 10 HSP and 12 F children. Their GM significantly differed from controls, with an overall reduction in the relative abundance of beneficial taxa belonging to the Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae families. Potential KD and HSP signatures were identified, including smaller amounts of Dialister in the former, and Clostridium and Akkermansia in the latter. Notably, the GM structures of KD, HSP and F patients stratified by abdominal involvement, with more severe dysbiosis in those suffering from intestinal symptoms. This is the first study analysing GM in a mostly Caucasian cohort of KD and HSP children. Our data could open up new opportunities for childhood vasculitis treatment

    Childhood obesity and respiratory diseases: Which link?

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    Prevalence of childhood obesity is progressively increasing, reaching worldwide levels of 5.6% in girls and of 7.8% in boys. Several evidences showed that obesity is a major preventable risk factor and disease modifier of some respiratory conditions such as asthma and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). Co-occurrence of asthma and obesity may be due to common pathogenetic factors including exposure to air pollutants and tobacco smoking, Western diet, and low Vitamin D levels. Lung growth and dysanapsis phenomenon in asthmatic obese children play a role in impaired respiratory function which appears to be different than in adults. Genes involved in both asthma and obesity have been identified, though a gene-by-environment interaction has not been properly investigated yet. The identification of modifiable environmental factors influencing gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms may change the natural history of both diseases. Another important pediatric respiratory condition associated with obesity is Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB), especially Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). OSAS and obesity are linked by a bidirectional causality, where the effects of one affect the other. The factors most involved in the association between OSAS and obesity are oxidative stress, systemic inflammation, and gut microbiota. In OSAS pathogenesis, obesity’s role appears to be mainly due to mechanical factors leading to an increase of respiratory work at night-time. However, a causal link between obesity-related inflammatory state and OSAS pathogenesis still needs to be properly confirmed. To prevent obesity and its complications, family education and precocious lifestyle changes are critical. A healthy diet may lead to an improved quality of life in obese children suffering from respiratory diseases. The present review aimed to investigate the links between obesity, asthma and OSAS, focusing on the available evidence and looking for future research fields

    Crucial role of phospholamban phosphorylation and S-nitrosylation in the negative lusitropism induced by 17β-estradiol in the male rat heart.

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    Background/Aims: 17β-estradiol (17βE2) plays an important cardiovascular role by activating estrogen receptors (ER) α and ERβ. Previous studies demonstrated that the novel estrogen G protein-coupled receptor (GPR30/GPER) mediates estrogen action in different tissues. We have recently shown in the rat heart that 17βE2 elicits negative inotropism through ERα, ERβ and GPR30, by triggering activation of ERK1/2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase A (PKA) and endothelial Nitric Oxide synthase (eNOS) signaling. Methods: In the present study, using the isolated and Langendorff-perfused rat heart as a model system we analyzed: i) whether and to which extent 17βE2 modifies mammalian ventricular myocardial relaxation (lusitropism); ii) the type of ERs and the signaling pathways involved in this effect. Results: We found that 17βE2 negatively modulated the ventricular lusitropic performance. This effect, which partially involved the vascular endothelium, recruited ERβ and occurred via PI3K, eNOS-NO-cGMP-protein kinase G (PKG) transduction cascade. Of note, 17βE2-mediated negative lusitropism associated with a modification of phospholamban (PLN) phosphorylation and S-nitrosylation (SNO) both in isolated Langendorff rat heart and in isolated cardiomyocytes. Conclusion: Taken together, our results allow including 17βE2 to the family of substances that control ventricular relaxation. This is of relevance in relation not only to the normal endocrine control of cardiac function, but also to physio-pathologic conditions characterized by an altered ventricular diastolic performance

    Combination of fecal calprotectin and initial coronary dimensions to predict coronary artery lesions persistence in Kawasaki disease

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    Kawasaki Disease (KD) is systemic vasculitis involving medium-sized vessels in children. The aim of our study is to determine if fecal calprotectin (FC) could be useful in predicting the development or persistence of coronary artery lesions (CALs) in KD. We conducted a prospective monocentric study including all consecutive diagnoses of. Clinical, laboratory, echocardiographic data were recorded during the acute and subacute phase, including FC. Correlations among laboratory values, FC, clinical manifestations, IVIG-responsiveness and CALs development were investigated. We enrolled 26 children (76.9% boys; median age 34.5 months). The combination of FC > 250 microg/g and z-score > 2 during the acute phase was associated with the persistence of CALs (p = 0.022). A z-score > 2 alone during the acute phase was not related to CALs during the subacute stage (p > 0.05). A neutrophil percentage > 70% and WBC > 15,000/mmc during the acute phase significantly correlated with the presence of CALs during the subacute phase (p = 0.008). C-reactive protein (CRP) > 13 mg/dL at KD onset was significantly associated with the presence of CALs during the acute (p = 0.017) and subacute phase (p = 0.001). The combination of FC > 250 microg/g and a z-score > 2 during the acute phase of KD may be used as a predictor of CALs persistence. It can be useful especially in children with an initial CRP < 13 mg/dl

    Circulating Endothelial Cells: A New Possible Marker of Endothelial Damage in Kawasaki Disease, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children and Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    Background: Kawasaki Disease (KD) and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) are pediatric diseases characterized by systemic inflammation and vascular injury, potentially leading to coronary artery lesions (CALs). Data on vascular injury occurring during acute COVID-19 (AC19) in children are still lacking. The aim of our study was to investigate endothelial injury in KD-, MIS-C- and AC19-dosing circulating endothelial cells (CECs). Methods: We conducted a multicenter prospective study. CECs were enumerated by CellSearch technology through the immunomagnetic capture of CD146-positive cells from whole blood. Results: We enrolled 9 KD, 20 MIS-C and 10 AC19. During the acute stage, the AC19 and KD patients had higher CECs levels than the MIS-C patients. From the acute to subacute phase, a significant CEC increase was observed in the KD patients, while a mild decrease was detected in the MIS-C patients. Cellular clusters/syncytia were more common in the KD patients. No correlation between CECs and CALs were found in the MIS-C patients. The incidence of CALs in the KD group was too low to investigate this correlation. Conclusions: Our study suggests a possible role of CECs as biomarkers of systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in KD and MIS-C and different mechanisms of vascular injury in these diseases. Further larger studies are needed

    Morbid obesity and thyroid cancer rate. A review of literature

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    In the past three decades, several recent studies have analyzed the alarming increase of obesity worldwide, and it has been well established that the risk of many types of malignancies is increased in obese individuals; in the same period, thyroid cancer has become the fastest growing cancer of all malignancies. We investigated the current literature to underline the presence of a connection between excess body weight or Body Mass Index (BMI) and risk of thyroid cancer. Previous studies stated that the contraposition between adipocytes and adipose-resident immune cells enhances immune cell production of multiple pro-inflammatory factors with subsequent induction of hyperlipidemia and vascular injury; these factors are all associated with oxidative stress and cancer development and/or progression. Moreover, recent studies made clear the mitogenic and tumorigenic action of insulin, carried out through the stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphoinositide-3 kinase/AKT (PI3K/AKT) pathways, which is correlated to the hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia found in obese population. Our findings suggest that obesity and excess body weight are related to an increased risk of thyroid cancer and that the mechanisms that combine overweight with this cancer should be searched for in the adipokine pathways and chronic inflammation onset

    Spectrum of Cardiovascular Diseases in Children during High Peak Coronavirus Disease 2019 Period Infection in Northern Italy: Is There a Link?

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    Background:Children with coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) have a milder clinical course than adults. We describe the spectrum of cardiovascular manifestations during a COVID-19 outbreak in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. Methods:A cross-sectional multicenter study was performed, including all patients diagnosed with Kawasaki disease (KD), myocarditis, and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) from February to April 2020. KD patients were compared with those diagnosed before the epidemic. Results:KD: 8 patients (6/8 boys, all negative for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 [SARS-CoV-2]): complete presentation in 5/8, 7/8 immunoglobulin (IVIG) responders, and 3/8 showed transient coronary lesions (CALs). Myocarditis: one 5-year-old girl negative for SARS-CoV-2 and positive for parvovirus B19. She responded to IVIG. MIS-C: 4 SARS-CoV-2-positive boys (3 patients with positive swab and serology and 1 patient with negative swab and positive serology): 3 presented myocardial dysfunction and pericardial effusion, and 1 developed multicoronary aneurysms and hyperinflammation; all responded to treatment. The fourth boy had mitral and aortic regurgitation that rapidly regressed after steroids. Conclusions:KD, myocarditis, and MIS-C were distinguishable cardiovascular manifestations. KD did not show a more aggressive form compared with previous years: coronary involvement was frequent but always transient. MIS-C and myocarditis rapidly responded to treatment without cardiac sequelae despite high markers of myocardial injury at the onset, suggesting a myocardial depression due to systemic inflammation rather than focal necrosis. Evidence of actual or previous SARS-CoV-2 infection was documented only in patients with MIS-C
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