4,901 research outputs found

    An analysis of school entrance age to school achievement

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Satisfaction of private interest associations’ members: a study with sugarcane producers in Brazil

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    El objetivo en este estudio es identificar los factores predictivos de satisfacción presentada por productores de caña de azúcar con relación a las asociaciones de afiliación voluntaria a las que pertenecen. Se desarrolló un modelo compuesto por siete dimensiones organizadas en dos tipos: aspectos individuales (aspectos económicos, establecimiento de nuevas relaciones y honor) y aspectos colectivos (percepción de los servicios, representación, fiabilidad y relevancia de la asociación). Se aplicaron cuestionarios directamente a 550 productores, de los que resultaron 411 válidos. A partir de los datos recolectados, se realizaron análisis de correlación y regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados mostraron que las siete variables del modelo se correlacionan positivamente con la satisfacción, sin embargo, sólo cinco de ellas compusieron el modelo final tras llevarse a cabo la regresión lineal múltiple: percepción de los servicios ofrecidos, representación, fiabilidad, aspecto económico y honor. Además, los resultados indicaron, a diferencia de lo esperado, que los aspectos colectivos afectan más la satisfacción de los productores que los aspectos individuales. Se presentan importantes orientaciones sobre los estudios en asociativismo y la gestión de asociaciones.This study aimed to identify satisfaction antecedents presented by sugar cane producers with the associations they belong to. It was developed a model composed of seven dimensions which were grouped into two types: individual aspects (economic, networking and honor) and collective aspects (perception of services, representation, trust and relevance of the association). It was performed one quantitative and descriptive study, conducted through questionnaires applied directly to producers. 550 questionnaires were completed and 411 of these were valid. For the data analysis, correlation and multiple linear regression between the variables were used. The results showed that all seven variables were positively correlated with satisfaction, however, only five of them comprised the final model after multiple linear regression: perception of services offered, representation, trust, economical aspect and honor. Surprisingly, the results also showed that collective aspects affected more the satisfaction than individual aspects.O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os elementos preditores da satisfação apresentada por produtores de cana-de-açúcar com as associações de adesão voluntária que eles fazem parte. Foi desenvolvido um modelo composto por sete dimensões aglomeradas em dois tipos: aspectos individuais (aspectos econômicos, estabelecimento de novos relacionamentos e honra) e aspectos coletivos (percepção de serviços, representação, confiança e relevância da associação). Questionários foram aplicados diretamente a 550 produtores e desses 411 foram válidos. A partir dos dados levantados, foram feitas análises de correlação e regresso linear múltipla entre as variáveis. Os resultados identificaram que todas as sete variáveis do modelo apresentam correlação positiva com a satisfação, entretanto apenas cinco delas compuseram o modelo final após a regressão linear múltipla: percepção de serviços oferecidos, representação, confiança, aspecto econômico e honra. Os resultados também mostraram, diferentemente do esperado, que os aspectos coletivos influenciam mais a satisfação dos produtores do que os aspectos individuais. Apresentam-se importantes orientações sobre a pesquisa em associativismo e a gestão de associações

    Satisfaction of private interest associations’ members: a study with sugarcane producers in Brazil

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    El objetivo en este estudio es identificar los factores predictivos de satisfacción presentada por productores de caña de azúcar con relación a las asociaciones de afiliación voluntaria a las que pertenecen. Se desarrolló un modelo compuesto por siete dimensiones organizadas en dos tipos: aspectos individuales (aspectos económicos, establecimiento de nuevas relaciones y honor) y aspectos colectivos (percepción de los servicios, representación, fiabilidad y relevancia de la asociación). Se aplicaron cuestionarios directamente a 550 productores, de los que resultaron 411 válidos. A partir de los datos recolectados, se realizaron análisis de correlación y regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados mostraron que las siete variables del modelo se correlacionan positivamente con la satisfacción, sin embargo, sólo cinco de ellas compusieron el modelo final tras llevarse a cabo la regresión lineal múltiple: percepción de los servicios ofrecidos, representación, fiabilidad, aspecto económico y honor. Además, los resultados indicaron, a diferencia de lo esperado, que los aspectos colectivos afectan más la satisfacción de los productores que los aspectos individuales. Se presentan importantes orientaciones sobre los estudios en asociativismo y la gestión de asociaciones.This study aimed to identify satisfaction antecedents presented by sugar cane producers with the associations they belong to. It was developed a model composed of seven dimensions which were grouped into two types: individual aspects (economic, networking and honor) and collective aspects (perception of services, representation, trust and relevance of the association). It was performed one quantitative and descriptive study, conducted through questionnaires applied directly to producers. 550 questionnaires were completed and 411 of these were valid. For the data analysis, correlation and multiple linear regression between the variables were used. The results showed that all seven variables were positively correlated with satisfaction, however, only five of them comprised the final model after multiple linear regression: perception of services offered, representation, trust, economical aspect and honor. Surprisingly, the results also showed that collective aspects affected more the satisfaction than individual aspects.O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os elementos preditores da satisfação apresentada por produtores de cana-de-açúcar com as associações de adesão voluntária que eles fazem parte. Foi desenvolvido um modelo composto por sete dimensões aglomeradas em dois tipos: aspectos individuais (aspectos econômicos, estabelecimento de novos relacionamentos e honra) e aspectos coletivos (percepção de serviços, representação, confiança e relevância da associação). Questionários foram aplicados diretamente a 550 produtores e desses 411 foram válidos. A partir dos dados levantados, foram feitas análises de correlação e regresso linear múltipla entre as variáveis. Os resultados identificaram que todas as sete variáveis do modelo apresentam correlação positiva com a satisfação, entretanto apenas cinco delas compuseram o modelo final após a regressão linear múltipla: percepção de serviços oferecidos, representação, confiança, aspecto econômico e honra. Os resultados também mostraram, diferentemente do esperado, que os aspectos coletivos influenciam mais a satisfação dos produtores do que os aspectos individuais. Apresentam-se importantes orientações sobre a pesquisa em associativismo e a gestão de associações

    Social contact structures and time use patterns in the Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Patterns of person-to-person contacts relevant for infectious diseases transmission are still poorly quantified in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where socio-demographic structures and behavioral attitudes are expected to be different from those of more developed countries. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We conducted a diary-based survey on daily contacts and time-use of individuals of different ages in one rural and one peri-urban site of Manicaland, Zimbabwe. A total of 2,490 diaries were collected and used to derive age-structured contact matrices, to analyze time spent by individuals in different settings, and to identify the key determinants of individuals' mixing patterns. Overall 10.8 contacts per person/day were reported, with a significant difference between the peri-urban and the rural site (11.6 versus 10.2). A strong age-assortativeness characterized contacts of school-aged children, whereas the high proportion of extended families and the young population age-structure led to a significant intergenerational mixing at older ages. Individuals spent on average 67% of daytime at home, 2% at work, and 9% at school. Active participation in school and work resulted the key drivers of the number of contacts and, similarly, household size, class size, and time spent at work influenced the number of home, school, and work contacts, respectively. We found that the heterogeneous nature of home contacts is critical for an epidemic transmission chain. In particular, our results suggest that, during the initial phase of an epidemic, about 50% of infections are expected to occur among individuals younger than 12 years and less than 20% among individuals older than 35 years. CONCLUSIONS: With the current work, we have gathered data and information on the ways through which individuals in SSA interact, and on the factors that mostly facilitate this interaction. Monitoring these processes is critical to realistically predict the effects of interventions on infectious diseases dynamics

    Preliminary tests on a wireless sensor network for pervasive dust monitoring in construction sites

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    One of the critical aspects in health and safety is the control of fine particle emissions from demolition and construction activities. Such exposure is very often the cause of professional illnesses causing a relevant economic burden for welfare and insurance institutions, besides harming workers. Hence this paper performs a feasibility study of a realtime control system of fine particle concentration on construction sites. It was conceived as a ZigbeeTM based wireless, pervasive and non-invasive system, which is easy to deploy over the site and relatively cheap. Dust sensors were interfaced with the system and calibrated in the laboratory. The prototype is described in detail and tested under controlled and real conditions, in order to determine its potential for application. The prototype was shown to be an excellent tool to support health and safety inspectors, to provide in real-time a broad map of dust concentration over the whole extension of the site, provided that calibration coefficients are worked out for the various types of dust which can be encountered on the site
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