8 research outputs found

    Jaringan Komunikasi Petani dalam Pemasaran Lidah Buaya di Kalimantan Barat

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    The theme of the research was communication network analysis of Aloe vera\u27s farmer in the central agribusiness area in Pontianak. The objectives of the research were: (1) to explain the diversity of communication network structure, (2) to explain the correlation between internal and external factors of communication and communication network, (3) to explain the correlation between communication network and farmers marketing behavior, (4) to explain the correlation between internal and external factors of communication and farmers marketing behavior. The respondents in the research was all of Aloe vera\u27s farmers, i,e., 67 person. The result of the research indicated that there were 7 respondents as stars, 4 as bridges, 2 respondents as liaison and 2 respondents as isolate. There were 7 cliques in the system in which 5 cliques take forms as radials or stars, 1 cliques as acircle form and 1 cliques takes form as all chanells. The research also indicated that there was correlation between internal and external factors and network communication; correlation between communication network and farmers marketing marketing behavior; correlation between internal and external factors and farmers marketing behavior

    Penerimaan Tarif Parkir Dampaknya terhadap Net Income PT SPI Area Graha Rekso Jakarta

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    . Revenue from the activity or activities of a company said revenue and earnings from the company related to the company's net profit. PT SPI is a company engaged in the service area management parkir.Purpose this study to determine the revenue impact parking rates on net income of the company. The research data used is secondary data, the existing data on the income statement of PT SPI from the period 2011 to 2015. The research method used is quantitative descriptive data processing using SPSS data processing applications. The results showed that acceptance parking rates take effect or influence on the company's net income amounted to 97% (R square 0.97) with significant 0.002. 0.002 meaning <0,005. The regression equation established in the researh is Y = -0.709 + 1,014X + e . So that can concluded that this study has proven where the acceptance of the company's activities that have been carried out in the form of income parking rates have a relationship with the net profit or net income of the company

    Dampak Loan To Deposite Ratio terhadap Profitabilitas (Studi Kasus pada PT. Bank Xyz Banten)

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    The function of the bank as a financial intermediary which means collecting funds from the public and channel them back to the community in the form of loans. Sources of funds used to finance the loan portfolio is derived from third party funds, the amount of loan interest income will be followed by the amount of interest expense paid to the customer. Objective Research to determine whether there is significant influence and how much influence the Loan to Deposit Ratio to the Bank's profitability as measured by Return on Assets. The method used is a causal research conducted quantitatively with the data available on the website Perusahaan.Data analyzed with quantitative approach, namely the correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were processed by SPSS16.0 software. Samples are one of the commercial banks in Banten, West Java which financial data is taken from the financial statements that have been published through the website of the bank concerned. The results obtained by the analysis and data processing value LDR variable correlation with significance 0.182 meaning> than 5% so that it can be concluded between the LDR there is no connection with the bank's profitability. Interpretation of the correlation coefficient value, value - 0524 showed the level of the trade-offs between LDR with bank profitability. Rated R Square 0275 means indicates that LDR capabilities in explaining the level of bank profitability amounted to 27.5% The results of this study showed that the increase in bank lending to the public is not matched by an increase in profitability of the acquired bank

    Potensi Buah Pare (Momordhica Charantia) sebagai Agen Pengobatan Ulkus Peptikum

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    Peptic ulcer is a condition of damage to the mucosal tissue, submucosa to the muscular layer of the digestive tract and is in direct contact with stomach acid / pepsin. The cause of peptic ulcers is related to H pylori and Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). H pylori infection accounts for 90% of duodenal ulcer and 70% -90% of gastric ulcer. A systematic eview in 2018 found Spain to have the highest annual incidence of 141.8 / 100,000 people, while Britain had the lowest of 23.9 / 100,000 people and the prevalence of peptic ulcer in Indonesia is 6-15% especially at the age of 20-50 years with a peak age of 50-60 years. Herbal plants are traditional medicines that have been used all over the world because they are easy to get, cheap, and can provide their own lessons. Currently being used the use of Pare (Momordhica charantia) as a Peptic Ulcer Treatment Agent.Topical injury initiates erosion of initiation by disrupting the defense of the gastric epithelial mucosa. Studies in mitochondria and various cells show the accumulation of 'ion trapping' or ions trapped in gastric epithelial cells with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and the inhibition of the work of the electron transport chain. This results in no formation of intracellular ATP, cellular Ca ++ toxicity and buildup of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) as free radicals.Momordica charantia is a family plant of Cucurbitaceae which has leaves, flowers and fruit. This plant shows considerable activity in reducing oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species that can treat peptic ulcers

    Female Caregivers Stress in Caring for Hospitalized Elderly with Chronic Disease at Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital: a Phenomenology Study

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    The elderly is prone to suffer from physical illness and experience hospitalization due to physiological decline.&nbsp; Researches showed that the majority of the family caregivers are females, who are responsible for the caregiving delivery.This study aims to explore the female caregiver stress caring for hospitalized elderly with chronic illness at USU Hospital, Medan. This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The sampling technique was the purposive sampling method with several criteria; female with mild to high stress level, the prominent caregivers in the family, and had been caring the elderly for more than 1 year.&nbsp; The female caregivers would be assessed for stress levels with the Zarit Burden Inventory instrument, which is commonly used to assess the stress burden of caregivers caring for the elderly. &nbsp;The data collection is conducted through in-depth interview.&nbsp; The data are transcribed and analysis for sub-theme and theme.&nbsp; The research result found nine participants with an age range of 32-67 years. All participants are the elderly daughter's and spouses.&nbsp; The stress score is 15-25 which means that the participants are experiencing mild-moderate to severe stress ranges.&nbsp; The thematic analysis revealed four main themes namely; (1) Financing elderly, (2) Caregiver fatigue, (3) Experiencing negative relationship, and (4) Indonesian culture associated with female gender. According to the research result, it should be a basis data for further research related to the elderly caregivers.&nbsp; Therefore, the need for the specific interventions is provided for the elderly and the caregivers who are vulnerable to stressful conditions

    Analisis Rasio Keuangan terhadap Kinerja Keuangan pada PT Prabu Jaya Sentosa Jakarta

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    Keuntungan sering kali menjadi salah satu ukuran kinerja Perusahaan. Ketika Perusahaan memperoleh keuntungan yang tinggi, berarti kinerjanya baik dan sebaliknya. Para investor di pasar modal sangat memperhatikan kemampuan Perusahaan dalam menghasilkan dan meningkatkan keuntungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis rasio kuangan pada PT Prabu Jaya Sentosa tahun 2016 sampai 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan perhitungan dan menganalisa rasio likuiditas, solvablitias dan rentabilitas. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) rasio lancar dan rasio kas Perusahaan di tahun 2016 dan tahun 2017 selalu dalam keadaan likuid; (2) Rasio hutang dengan aktiva dan Rasio Hutang dengan modal peusahaan di tahun 2016 dan tahun 2017, dalam keadaan solvabel, dan (3) rasio Net profit margin Perusahaan di tahun 2016 dan tahun 2017 dalam kondisi rentabil. Sedang berdasar hasil perhitungan Return on Investment dan Return on Equity di tahun 2016 dan tahun 2017 kondisi Perusahaan irrentabi