253 research outputs found

    Optimality of broken extremals

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    In this paper we analyse the optimality of broken Pontryagin extremal for an n-dimensional affine control system with a control parameter, taking values in a k- dimensional closed ball. We prove the optimality of broken normal extremals when n = 3 and the controllable vector fields form a contact distribution, and when the Lie algebra of the controllable fields is locally orthogonal to the singular locus and the drift does not belong to it. Moreover, if k = 2, we show the optimality of any broken extremal even abnormal when the controllable fields do not form a contact distribution in the point of singularity.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0675

    Dietary enrichment of apolipoprotein E-deficient mice with extra virgin olive oil in combination with seal oil inhibits atherogenesis

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    Background: In this study we investigated the antiatherogenic effect of dietary enrichment of a combination of extra virgin olive oil (EVO) and seal oil on apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE(-/-)). Methods: Six-week-old female and male apoE(-/-) mice were for 12 weeks fed a lipid rich diet containing 19.5% fat and 1.25% cholesterol without any supplement, with 1% (wt/wt) mixture of extra virgin olive and seal oil (EVO/n-3), or 1% corn oil, respectively. Results: Supplementation with the combination of EVO/n-3 significantly reduced atherosclerotic lesion formation in the aortic arch, thoracoabdominal, and total aorta of female apoE(-/-) mice. The effect was less pronounced in male mice and significant reduction was only observed in the thoracoabdominal region of the aorta. There were no differences or changes in dietary intake or body weight gain. However, compared to the other groups, plasma levels of triglycerides were reduced in both female and male mice fed the EVO/n-3 mixture. Male mice on both treatments showed reduced plasma cholesterol compared to the control mice after 12 weeks on diet. Conclusion: Dietary supplementation of a marine/olive oil combination inhibits atherosclerotic lesion formation in the female apoE(-/-) mice by antithrombotic, antihypertriglyceridemic, and antioxidant effects

    An EvoDevo Study of Salmonid Visual Opsin Dynamics and Photopigment Spectral Sensitivity

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    Salmonids are ideal models as many species follow a distinct developmental program from demersal eggs and a large yolk sac to hatching at an advanced developmental stage. Further, these economically important teleosts inhabit both marine- and freshwaters and experience diverse light environments during their life histories. At a genome level, salmonids have undergone a salmonid-specific fourth whole genome duplication event (Ss4R) compared to other teleosts that are already more genetically diverse compared to many non-teleost vertebrates. Thus, salmonids display phenotypically plastic visual systems that appear to be closely related to their anadromous migration patterns. This is most likely due to a complex interplay between their larger, more gene-rich genomes and broad spectrally enriched habitats; however, the molecular basis and functional consequences for such diversity is not fully understood. This study used advances in genome sequencing to identify the repertoire and genome organization of visual opsin genes (those primarily expressed in retinal photoreceptors) from six different salmonids [Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytcha), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)] compared to the northern pike (Esox lucius), a closely related non-salmonid species. Results identified multiple orthologues for all five visual opsin classes, except for presence of a single short-wavelength-sensitive-2 opsin gene. Several visual opsin genes were not retained after the Ss4R duplication event, which is consistent with the concept of salmonid rediploidization. Developmentally, transcriptomic analyzes of Atlantic salmon revealed differential expression within each opsin class, with two of the long-wavelength-sensitive opsins not being expressed before first feeding. Also, early opsin expression in the retina was located centrally, expanding dorsally and ventrally as eye development progressed, with rod opsin being the dominant visual opsin post-hatching. Modeling by spectral tuning analysis and atomistic molecular simulation, predicted the greatest variation in the spectral peak of absorbance to be within the Rh2 class, with a ∼40 nm difference in λmax values between the four medium-wavelength-sensitive photopigments. Overall, it appears that opsin duplication and expression, and their respective spectral tuning profiles, evolved to maximize specialist color vision throughout an anadromous lifecycle, with some visual opsin genes being lost to tailor marine-based vision.publishedVersio

    Neural activation in photosensitive brain regions of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after light stimulation

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    Photoreceptive inputs to the teleost brain are perceived as image of the visual world and as photo-modulation of neuroendocrine and neuronal signals. The retina and pineal organ are major receptive organs with projections to various parts of the brain, but in the past decades deep brain photoreceptors have emerged as candidates for photoreceptive inputs, either independent or in combination with projections from light sensory organs. This study aimed to test the effects of narrow bandwidth light using light-emitting diodes technology on brain neural activity through putative opsin stimulation in Atlantic salmon. The expression of c-fos, a known marker of neural activity, was compared in situ between dark-adapted salmon parr and following light stimulation with different wavelengths. c-fos expression increased with duration of light stimulation and the strongest signal was obtained in fish exposed to light for 120 minutes. Distinct and specific brain regions were activated following dark to light stimulation, such as the habenula, suprachiasmatic nucleus, thalamus, and hypothalamus. The c-fos expression was overlapping with photoreceptors expressing melanopsin and/or vertebrate ancient opsin, suggesting a potential direct activation by light. Interestingly in the habenula, a distinct ring of vertebrate ancient opsin and melanopsin expressing cells is overlapping with c-fos expression after neural activation. Salmon exposed to different spectra had neural activation in similar brain regions. The most apparent difference was melanopsin expression in the lateral cells of the lateral tuberal nuclus in the hypothalamus, which appeared to be specifically activated by red light. Light-stimulated neuronal activity in the deep brain was limited to subpopulations of neurons, mainly in regions with neuronal modulation activity, retinal and pineal innervations and known presence of nonvisual photoreceptors. The overlapping expression patterns of c-fos and nonvisual opsins support direct light stimulation of deep brain photoreceptors and the importance of these systems in light induced brain activity

    Effects of elevated CO2 on phytoplankton community biomass and species composition during a spring Phaeocystis spp. bloom in the western English Channel

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    A 21-year time series of phytoplankton community structure was analysed in relation to Phaeocystis spp. to elucidate its contribution to the annual carbon budget at station L4 in the western English Channel (WEC). Between 1993–2014 Phaeocystis spp. contributed ∼4.6% of the annual phytoplankton carbon and during the March − May spring bloom, the mean Phaeocystis spp. biomass constituted 17% with a maximal contribution of 47% in 2001. Upper maximal weekly values above the time series mean ranged from 63 to 82% of the total phytoplankton carbon (∼42–137 mg carbon (C) m −3 ) with significant inter-annual variability in Phaeocystis spp. Maximal biomass usually occurred by the end of April, although in some cases as early as mid-April (2007) and as late as late May (2013). The effects of elevated pCO 2 on the Phaeocystis spp. spring bloom were investigated during a fifteen-day semi-continuous microcosm experiment. The phytoplankton community biomass was estimated at ∼160 mg C m −3 and was dominated by nanophytoplankton (40%, excluding Phaeocystis spp.), Phaeocystis spp. (30%) and cryptophytes (12%). The smaller fraction of the community biomass comprised picophytoplankton (9%), coccolithophores (3%), Synechococcus (3%), dinoflagellates (1.5%), ciliates (1%) and diatoms (0.5%). Over the experimental period, total biomass increased significantly by 90% to ∼305 mg C m −3 in the high CO 2 treatment while the ambient pCO 2 control showed no net gains. Phaeocystis spp. exhibited the greatest response to the high CO 2 treatment, increasing by 330%, from ∼50 mg C m −3 to over 200 mg C m −3 and contributing ∼70% of the total biomass. Taken together, the results of our microcosm experiment and analysis of the time series suggest that a future high CO 2 scenario may favour dominance of Phaeocystis spp. during the spring bloom. This has significant implications for the formation of hypoxic zones and the alteration of food web structure including inhibitory feeding effects and lowered fecundity in many copepod species

    Experiences of Self-Management Support Following a Stroke: A Meta-Review of Qualitative Systematic Reviews

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    Supporting self-management in stroke patients improves psychological and functional outcomes but evidence on how to achieve this is sparse. We aimed to synthesise evidence from systematic reviews of qualitative studies in an overarching meta-review to inform the delivery and development of self-management support interventions.We systematically searched eight electronic databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL for qualitative systematic reviews (published January 1993 to June 2012). We included studies exploring patients', carers' or health care professionals' experiences relevant to self-management support following a stroke, including studies describing the lived experience of surviving a stroke. We meta-synthesised the included review findings using a meta-ethnographic framework.Seven reviews, reporting 130 unique studies, were included. Themes emerging from the reviews were pertinent, consistent and showed data saturation; though explicit mention of self-management support was rare. Our meta-review highlighted the devastating impact of stroke on patients' self-image; the varying needs for self-management support across the trajectory of recovery; the need for psychological and emotional support throughout recovery particularly when physical recovery plateaus; the considerable information needs of patients and carers which also vary across the trajectory of recovery; the importance of good patient-professional communication; the potential benefits of goal-setting and action-planning; and the need for social support which might be met by groups for stroke survivors.The observed data saturation suggests that, currently, no further qualitative research simply describing the lived experience of stroke is needed; we propose that it would be more useful to focus on qualitative research informing self-management support interventions and their implementation. Our findings demonstrate both the on-going importance of self-management support and the evolving priorities throughout the stages of recovery following a stroke. The challenge now is to ensure these findings inform routine practice and the development of interventions to support self-management amongst stroke survivors