22 research outputs found

    Distribution of landslides reconstructed from inventory data and estimation of landslide susceptibility in Hungary

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    The complexity of landslides makes it difficult to predict the spatial distribution of landslide susceptibility and hazard. Although in most European countries the basic preconditions for the occurrence of mass movements (rocks and topography) have been mapped in detail, the triggering factors (e.g. precipitation or earthquakes) are much less predictable. A detailed nation-wide inventory for Hungary provides a unique base for landslide susceptibility mapping. As the methodology for the assessment the technique applied in the ELSUS 1000 project was selected. The micro-regions of Hungary were identified where mass movements contribute to land degradation. The paper provides a statistical evaluation of the distribution of landslides, depicts landslide susceptibility on maps and reveals the role of anthropogenic factors in the generation of mass movements. The mid-resolution elevation model (SRTM1), land cover data (CLC50) and surface geology database (Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary) allowed for the derivation of a landslide susceptibility map more detailed than before. Along with its background information the map reflects and explains the differences in landslide susceptibility among the individual hilly and mountainous regions

    Choosing the nutritional intervention to overweight and obese patients

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    Weight problems occur in 1.5 billion people and these are a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, pulmonary and periodontal diseases, cancer and osteoporosis. Our study aimed to evaluate the caloric intake, vitamins and minerals from food before a nutritional intervention to overweight and obese patients

    Choosing the nutritional intervention to overweight and obese patients

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    Weight problems occur in 1.5 billion people and these are a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, pulmonary and periodontal diseases, cancer and osteoporosis. Our study aimed to evaluate the caloric intake, vitamins and minerals from food before a nutritional intervention to overweight and obese patients

    Meaningful Labeling of Integrated Query Interfaces

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    The contents of Web databases are accessed through queries formulated on complex user interfaces. In many domains of interest (e.g. Auto) users are interested in obtaining information from alternative sources. Thus, they have to access many individual Web databases via query interfaces. We aim to construct automatically a well-designed query interface that integrates a set of interfaces in the same domain. This will permit users to access information uniformly from multiple sources. Earlier research in this area includes matching attributes across multiple query interfaces in the same domain and grouping related attributes. In this paper, we investigate the naming of the attributes in the integrated query interface. We provide a set of properties which are required in order to have consistent labels for the attributes within an integrated interface so that users have no difficulty in understanding it. Based on these properties, we design algorithms to systematically label the attributes. Experimental results on seven domains validate our theoretical study. In the process of naming attributes, a set of logical inference rules among the textual labels is discovered. These inferences are also likely to be applicable to other integration problems sensitive to naming: HTML forms, HTML tables or concept hierarchies in the semantic Web