17 research outputs found

    An improved method to prepare an injectable microemulsion of the galanin-receptor 3 selective antagonist, SNAP 37889, using Kolliphor(®) HS 15.

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    Research into the galanin-3 (GAL3) receptor has many challenges, including the lack of commercially available selective ligands. While the identification of non-peptidergic GAL3 receptor-selective antagonists, 1-phenyl-3-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]iminoindol-2-one (SNAP 37889) and 1-[3-(2-pyrrolidin-1-ylethoxy)phenyl]-3-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]iminoindol-2-one (SNAP 398299) have implicated a role for GAL3 receptors in anxiety, depression and drug-seeking behaviour, a major limitation of their use is poor aqueous solubility. Previously we have used 5% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) with 1% hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose in saline to dissolve SNAP 37889 for intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of rats; however this produced a micro-suspension that was not ideal. The injectable formulation of SNAP 37889 was improved as follows:•30% (w/v) Kolliphor(®) HS 15 (Solutol HS(®) 15) and sodium phosphate buffer (0.01 M, pH 7.4) were used as vehicles.•A smooth glass mortar and pestle was used to triturate the Kolliphor(®) HS 15 and SNAP 37889 into a paste before addition to the sodium phosphate buffer at room temperature (RT).•The resulting mixture was vortexed until the paste was fully dissolved and the microemulsion was allowed to sit for 20 min to allow air bubbles to coalesce

    Metabotropic glutamate 5 receptors regulate sensitivity to ethanol in mice

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    © 2008 CINP. Online edition of the journal is available at http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=PNPThe metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5) has been implicated in ethanol- and drug-seeking behaviours in rodent studies. Here we examine a number of ethanol-related behavioural assays in mice lacking mGlu5 and wild-type littermates. In a two-bottle free-choice paradigm, mGlu5-deficient mice consumed less ethanol with a reduced preference compared to wild-type mice. Indeed, mGlu5-deficienct mice were ethanol-avoiding at both concentrations of ethanol proffered (5% and 10% v/v). However, there was no difference in the rate of hepatic ethanol and acetaldehyde metabolism between genotypes and consumption of saccharin was similar. In a conditioned place preference study, mGlu5-deficient mice displayed a place preference for ethanol when conditioned with a low dose (1g/kg) of ethanol. Thus, while mGlu5-deficient mice consume less ethanol (with a reduced preference) than wild-type mice, this is not apparently related to impaired hepatic metabolism or a lack of reward from ethanol. Rather, we provide evidence that deletion of the mGlu5 receptor increases sensitivity to centrally mediated effects of ethanol.10.1017/S146114570800857

    The effects of calorie restriction on operant-responding for alcohol in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat

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    Calorie restriction (CR) is well established in the research literature to have several beneficial effects on health and has also been found to induce anxiolytic effects in the rat. Heightened levels of stress and anxiety are often regarded as key precipitating factors of relapse to substance abuse and alcohol addiction. In this study, the potential implication of a 25% CR diet in altering drug-seeking and relapse like behaviour through its capacity to influence anxiolytic-like behavioural changes was investigated. Anxiety was assessed in all rats with the elevated plus maze (EPM) and open field test prior to being trained to operantly self-administer either 10% ethanol, or water. Differences were found between the groups in the percentage of open arm/total arm duration and open arm/total arm entries in the EPM, demonstrating the anxiolytic effects of CR25%. Both control and CR25% groups showed preference for alcohol vs. water, however, controls responded more for alcohol during the conditioning phase than the CR25% group. Controls exhibited an alcohol deprivation-effect (ADE) post abstinence, and a cue-induced reinstatement of alcohol-seeking post extinction however the CR25% did not. These results demonstrate that the anxiolytic effects of CR25% reduces operant responding for ethanol and inhibits relapse behaviour. Taken collectively, the results of this study suggest that in line with past research a CR25% dietary regime can induce anxiolytic effects in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat. Furthermore, it also reduces the intake of ethanol and inhibits the ADE and cue-induced relapse that is characteristic of addiction in this strain

    7,8-Dihydroxyflavone Enhances Cue-Conditioned Alcohol Reinstatement in Rats

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    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a detrimental disease that develops through chronic ethanol exposure. Reduced brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression has been associated with AUD and alcohol addiction, however the effects of activation of BDNF signalling in the brain on voluntary alcohol intake reinstatement and relapse are unknown. We therefore trained male and female Sprague Dawley rats in operant chambers to self-administer a 10% ethanol solution. Following baseline acquisition and progressive ratio (PR) analysis, rats were split into drug and vehicle groups during alcohol lever extinction. The animals received two weeks of daily IP injection of either the BDNF receptor, TrkB, agonist, 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF), or vehicle. During acquisition of alcohol self-administration, males had significantly higher absolute numbers of alcohol-paired lever presses and a higher PR breakpoint. However, after adjusting for body weight, the amount of ethanol was not different between the sexes and the PR breakpoint was higher in females than males. Following extinction, alcohol-primed reinstatement in male rats was not altered by pretreatment with 7,8-DHF when adjusted for body weight. In contrast, in female rats, the weight-adjusted potential amount of ethanol, but not absolute numbers of active lever presses, was significantly enhanced by 7,8-DHF treatment during reinstatement. Analysis of spontaneous locomotor activity in automated photocell cages suggested that the effect of 7,8-DHF was not associated with hyperactivity. These results suggest that stimulation of the TrkB receptor may contribute to reward craving and relapse in AUD, particularly in females

    Calorie restriction inhibits relapse behaviour and preference for alcohol within a two-bottle free choice paradigm in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat

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    Among its many beneficial effects, calorie restriction (CR) has also been found to reduce anxiety related behavior in the rodent. With heightened levels of stress and anxiety implicated as a key precipitating factor of relapse and alcohol addiction, it was found that a 25% CR in addition to inducing anxiolytic effects also had the capacity to reduce intake of alcohol and inhibit relapse within a model of operant self-administration. The aim of this study was to investigate if a 25% CR would also display similar effects in a two-bottle free choice paradigm, whereby 24 h ad libitum access to both 10% ethanol and water is provided. All animals were initially tested on the elevated plus maze (EPM) and open field test prior to commencing the two-bottle free choice paradigm. Differences between control and CR25% animals demonstrated the anxiolytic effects of CR, with the CR25% group displaying greater percentage of open arm/total arm duration and open arm/total arm entries in the EPM. During the acquisition phase of the two-bottle free choice paradigm, CR25% animals showed a reduced intake of 10% ethanol in ml/kg, in comparison to the control group. Whilst control animals displayed a strong preference for 10% ethanol, the CR25% group consumed both 10% ethanol and water equally with no differences found in total fluid intake between groups. Similarly this was also the case following forced deprivation. In addition to reduced intake and lack of preference for 10% ethanol, CR 25% animals unlike controls failed to display a typical alcohol deprivation effect following abstinence. Taken collectively the results of this study suggest that CR may act as a protective factor against addiction and relapse in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat. In addition, given CR25% animals did not display a preference for 10% ethanol, results also suggest that CR may be altering the hedonic impact of ethanol within this group

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) determines a sex difference in cue-conditioned alcohol seeking in rats

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    Alcohol use disorder is a detrimental addictive disease that develops through prolonged ethanol exposure and regular intoxication. However, the changes in the underlying neurobiology leading to alcohol addiction remain unclear. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is implicated in substance abuse disorders including alcoholism. As the vast majority of previous animal model studies have concentrated on males only, the aim of this study was to determine whether endogenous BDNF mediates alcohol seeking in a sex-specific manner. We used an operant self-administration paradigm where the animals were trained in operant chambers to self-administer a 10% ethanol solution, and compared male and female BDNF heterozygous (HET) and wildtype (WT) rats. Over several weeks, the animals progressed through acquisition, progressive ratio, extinction, and reinstatement phases. There were no significant sex or genotype differences in the number of alcohol-paired lever presses during acquisition, progressive ratio and extinction. However, a significant difference between male and female WT rats following alcohol-primed reinstatement was completely absent in BDNF HET rats suggesting a role of BDNF in sex differences in alcohol seeking after abstinence. Female BDNF HET rats showed significantly higher number of alcohol-paired lever presses during reinstatement than female WT controls. These findings suggest that BDNF regulatory pathways are involved in sex differences in reinstatement of alcohol intake and emphasize the need to include both male and female animals to explore sex-specific interactions in addiction neurocircuitry.Samuel J.Hogarth, Emily J.Jaehne, Maartenvan den Buuse, Elvan Djoum

    CREB1 and CREB-binding protein in striatal medium spiny neurons regulate behavioural responses to psychostimulants.

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    Item does not contain fulltextRATIONALE: The transcription factor cAMP responsive element-binding protein 1 (CREB1) has a complex influence on behavioural responses to drugs of abuse which varies depending on the brain region in which it is expressed. In response to drug exposure, CREB1 is phosphorylated in the striatum, a structure that is critically involved in reward-related learning. OBJECTIVE: The present study assessed the role of striatal CREB1 and its coactivator CREB-binding protein (CBP) in behavioural responses to psychostimulants. METHODS: Using the 'cre/lox' recombination system, we generated mice with a postnatal deletion of CREB1 or CBP directed to medium spiny neurons of the striatum. qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to confirm the deletion, and mice were assessed with respect to their locomotor response to acute cocaine (20 mg/kg), cocaine sensitization (10 mg/kg), amphetamine-induced stereotypies (10 mg/kg) and ethanol-induced hypnosis (3.5 g/kg). RESULTS: Here we show that CREB1 mutant mice have increased sensitivity to psychostimulants, an effect that does not generalise to ethanol-induced hypnosis. Furthermore, in the absence of CREB1, there is rapid postnatal upregulation of the related transcription factor CREM, indicating possible redundancy amongst this family of transcription factors. Finally striatal deletion of CBP, a coactivator for the CREB1/CREM signalling pathway, results in an even more increased sensitivity to psychostimulants. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that striatal CREB1 regulates sensitivity to psychostimulants and that CREM acting via CBP is able to partially compensate in the absence of CREB1 signalling.1 februari 201

    Mild closed-head injury in conscious rats causes transient neurobehavioral and glial disturbances: a novel experimental model of concussion

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    Rodent models can provide insights into the most pertinent issues surrounding concussion. Nonetheless, the relevance of some existing models to clinical concussion can be questioned, particularly with regard to the use of surgery and anesthesia and the mechanism and severity of injury. Accordingly, we have co-developed an awake closed-head injury (ACHI) model in rats. Here, we aimed to create a temporal profile of the neurobehavioral and neuropathological effects of a single ACHI. Adolescent male rats were placed in a restraint bag and a steel helmet was positioned over the head such that the impact target was centered over the left parietal cortex. Once positioned on a foam platform, a cortical impactor was used to strike the helmet. Sham animals underwent the same procedure without impact. When compared with sham rats, those given a single ACHI displayed evidence of sensorimotor deficits and reduced exploratory behavior within the first 20 min post-injury; however, these effects were resolved after 24 h. A single ACHI impaired spatial memory on the Y-maze task at both 5 min and 24 h post-ACHI; however, no deficits were apparent at 48 h. Immunostaining revealed region-specific increases in ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 and glial fibrillary acidic protein expression at 3 days post-impact, with no differences found at either 1 or 14 days. Taken together, our findings indicate that a single ACHI results in transient neurobehavioral and glial disturbances and as such, this model may be a valuable tool for pre-clinical concussion research