6 research outputs found

    Acrocephalus orinus: A Case of Mistaken Identity

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    Recent discovery of the Large-billed Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus orinus) in museums and in the wild significantly expanded our knowledge of its morphological traits and genetic variability, and revealed new data on geographical distribution of the breeding grounds, migration routes and wintering locations of this species. It is now certain that A. orinus is breeding in Central Asia; however, the precise area of distribution remains unclear. The difficulty in the further study of this species lies in the small number of known specimens, with only 13 currently available in museums, and in the relative uncertainty of the breeding area and habitat of this species. Following morphological and genetic analyses from Svensson, et al, we describe 14 new A. orinus specimens from collections of Zoological Museums of the former USSR from the territory of Central Asian states. All of these specimens were erroneously labeled as Blyth's Reed Warbler (A. dumetorum), which is thought to be a breeding species in these areas. The 14 new A. orinus specimens were collected during breeding season while most of the 85 A. dumetorum specimens from the same area were collected during the migration period. Our data indicate that the Central Asian territory previously attributed as breeding grounds of A. dumetorum is likely to constitute the breeding territory of A. orinus. This rare case of a re-description of the breeding territory of a lost species emphasizes the importance of maintenance of museum collections around the world. If the present data on the breeding grounds of A. orinus are confirmed with field observations and collections, the literature on the biology of A. dumetorum from the southern part of its range may have to be reconsidered


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    Purpose of the study: to present up-to-date data on molecular genetic studies aimed to identify the risks of developing prostate cancer in representatives of various ethnic groups. Material and Methods. Literary sources were searched in databases such as PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar. We had analyzed 60 sources on the risks of developing prostate cancer. The epidemiological data on the prostate cancer incidence and risk factors depending on age characteristics, hormonal status and hereditary predisposition were shown. Results. The pathogenetic features of prostate cancer depending on ethnicity were described. The paper presents data from both European and Asian ethnic groups. In a number of studies, significant genetic differences in single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with the development of prostate cancer were identified. Conclusion. Research in the field of determining the risks of developing prostate cancer becomes more and more relevant due to the emergence of new molecular genetic markers, as well as the influence of various ethnic characteristics. Nevertheless, many questions of modern diagnosis of prostate cancer are still open, therefore, research in this area remains promising. Цель исследования – представить современные данные молекулярно-генетических исследований, посвященных выявлению рисков развития рака предстательной железы у представителей различных этнических групп.Материал и методы. Выполнен поиск литературных источников, доступных в базах данных PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar. Нами было проанализировано 52 источника, посвященных рискам развития рака предстательной железы. Приведены эпидемиологические данные по распространенности изучаемой патологии в мире, а также детально продемонстрированы факторы риска в зависимости от возрастных особенностей, гормонального статуса и наследственной предрасположенности.Результаты. Освещены патогенетические особенности рака предстательной железы в зависимости от этнической принадлежности. В работе представлены данные как европейской, так и азиатской этнических групп. В ряде исследований описаны существенные генетические различия в однонуклеотидных полиморфизмах, ассоциированных с развитием рака предстательной железы.Заключение. Исследования в области определения рисков развития рака предстательной железы с каждым годом становятся все перспективнее благодаря появлению новых молекулярно-генетических маркеров, а также изучению различных этнических особенностей. Тем не менее остаются открытыми многие вопросы современной диагностики рака предстательной железы, поэтому исследования в данной области являются актуальными.

    Lipids in Fungal Biotechnology

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