1,363 research outputs found

    Coulomb effects in artificial molecules

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    We study the capacitance spectra of artificial molecules consisting of two and three coupled quantum dots from an extended Hubbard Hamiltonian model that takes into account quantum confinement, intra- and inter-dot Coulomb interaction and tunneling coupling between all single particle states in nearest neighbor dots. We find that, for weak coupling, the interdot Coulomb interaction dominates the formation of a collective molecular state. We also calculate the effects of correlations on the tunneling probability through the evaluation of the spectral weights, and corroborate the importance of selection rules for understanding experimental conductance spectra.Comment: dvi file and 4 postscript figures, all included in uu file. To appear in Superlatt. and Microstr. Also available at http://www.phy.ohiou.edu/~ulloa/ulloa.htm

    Spin-orbit signatures in the dynamics of singlet-triplet qubits in double quantum dots

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    We characterize numerically and analytically the signatures of the spin-orbit interaction in a two-electron GaAs double quantum dot in the presence of an external magnetic field. In particular, we obtain the return probability of the singlet state by simulating Landau-Zener voltage detuning sweeps which traverse the singlet-triplet (S−T+S-T_+) resonance. Our results indicate that non-spin-conserving interdot tunneling processes arising from the spin-orbit interaction have well defined signatures. These allow direct access to the spin-orbit interaction scales and are characterized by a frequency shift and Fourier amplitude modulation of the Rabi flopping dynamics of the singlet-triplet qubits S−T0S-T_0 and S−T+S-T_+. By applying the Bloch-Feshbach projection formalism, we demonstrate analytically that the aforementioned effects originate from the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and processes driven by the hyperfine interaction between the electron spins and those of the GaAs nuclei

    Bipolar spin filter in a quantum dot molecule

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    We show that the tunable hybridization between two lateral quantum dots connected to non-magnetic current leads in a `hanging-dot' configuration that can be used to implement a bipolar spin filter. The competition between Zeeman, exchange interaction, and interdot tunneling (molecular hybridization) yields a singlet-triplet transition of the double dot {\it ground state} that allows spin filtering in Coulomb blockade experiments. Its generic nature should make it broadly useful as a robust bidirectional spin polarizer.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (to appear in Appl. Phys. Lett.

    Tunnel spectroscopy in ac-driven quantum dot nanoresonators

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    Electronic transport in a triple quantum dot shuttle device in the presence of an ac field is analyzed within a fully quantum mechanical framework. A generalized density matrix formalism is used to describe the time evolution for electronic state occupations in a dissipative phonon bath. In the presence of an ac gate voltage, the electronic states are dressed by photons and the interplay between photon and vibrational sidebands produces current characteristics that obey selection rules. Varying the ac parameters allows to tune the tunneling current features. In particular, we show that coherent destruction of tunneling can be achieved in our device

    Los chongos de Roa Bastos: literatura e identidade Paraguaia em textos contemporâneos

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Linguística, Letras e ArtesO surgimento de novos escritores e produções literárias no Paraguai tem possibilitado maior visibilidade e debate sobre a literatura paraguaia frente a morte de Augusto Roa Bastos, um dos autores mais reconhecidos do país. Em Los Chongos de Roa Bastos, antologia de contos de escritores contemporâneos, essa faceta da realidade literária no país é evidenciada tanto pela ironia na escolha do título – por sua referência ao grande escritor nacional –, quanto pela condição de escritores menores em que esses novos autores se encontram: com público leitor limitado, com carências editoriais e vivendo às sombras de seu cânoneUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Stem Cells and Epigenetic Reprogramming

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    The ENSO signature in sea-surface temperature in the Gulf of California

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    We analyzed 21 years of sea-surface temperature satellite images to explore the spatial signature of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation signal in the Gulf of California. We used empirical orthogonal function analysis to extract the principal mode of the nonseasonal sea-surface temperature variability and compared it to the spatial signature of the Southern Oscillation Index. The first mode accounted for 80% of nonseasonal variability and its amplitude time series was significantly correlated to the Southern Oscillation Index (r = −0.58,P \u3c 0.01). The amplitude of this mode and its statistical relation to the El Niño is stronger during winter, which suggests that forcing of sea-surface temperature variability occurs through the disruption of the wind-driven upwelling corridor along the eastern coast due to El Niño-related atmospheric teleconnections. We also examined weekly time series of coastal sea-surface temperature coastal anomalies along the coast of North America, including the interior of the Gulf of California, during the strong 1997–98 El Niño. We found a poleward propagating signal that reached the mouth of the Gulf of California at the end of spring and continued its poleward propagation along the west coast of the peninsula slightly delayed; it also resulted in warming inside the Gulf of California. This observation may provide an explanation for the variable extension of the El Niño signature along the Pacific coast of North America
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