5 research outputs found

    Airway smooth muscle relaxation results from a reduction in the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations induced by a cAMP-mediated inhibition of the IP(3 )receptor

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    BACKGROUND: It has been shown that the contractile state of airway smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in response to agonists is determined by the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations occurring within the SMCs. Therefore, we hypothesized that the relaxation of airway SMCs induced by agents that increase cAMP results from the down-regulation or slowing of the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations. METHODS: The effects of isoproterenol (ISO), forskolin (FSK) and 8-bromo-cAMP on the relaxation and Ca(2+ )signaling of airway SMCs contracted with methacholine (MCh) was investigated in murine lung slices with phase-contrast and laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: All three cAMP-elevating agents simultaneously induced a reduction in the frequency of Ca(2+ )oscillations within the SMCs and the relaxation of contracted airways. The decrease in the Ca(2+ )oscillation frequency correlated with the extent of airway relaxation and was concentration-dependent. The mechanism by which cAMP reduced the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations was investigated. Elevated cAMP did not affect the re-filling rate of the internal Ca(2+ )stores after emptying by repetitive exposure to 20 mM caffeine. Neither did elevated cAMP limit the Ca(2+ )available to stimulate contraction because an elevation of intracellular Ca(2+ )concentration induced by exposure to a Ca(2+ )ionophore (ionomycin) or by photolysis of caged-Ca(2+ )did not reverse the effect of cAMP. Similar results were obtained with iberiotoxin, a blocker of Ca(2+)-activated K(+ )channels, which would be expected to increase Ca(2+ )influx and contraction. By contrast, the photolysis of caged-IP(3 )in the presence of agonist, to further elevate the intracellular IP(3 )concentration, reversed the slowing of the frequency of the Ca(2+ )oscillations and relaxation of the airway induced by FSK. This result implied that the sensitivity of the IP(3)R to IP(3 )was reduced by FSK and this was supported by the reduced ability of IP(3 )to release Ca(2+ )in SMCs in the presence of FSK. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the relaxant effect of cAMP-elevating agents on airway SMCs is achieved by decreasing the Ca(2+ )oscillation frequency by reducing internal Ca(2+ )release through IP(3 )receptors

    Mesure absolue β par spectrométrie 4π à scintillation

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    A 4π β scintillation spectrometer has been constructed with two P. M., 53 AVP and two activated polystyrene scintillators operated at — 20 °C. The β spectra of 90Sr + 90Y ; 35S, 32P are analysed by the method of the Kurie plot which enables one to reconstitute the spectrum at low energies and to extrapolate the number of soft electrons in the background. Theoretically this method gives an absolute measurement with 1 % precision. It can however be improved by lowering the threshold, selecting the P. M., by the use of scintillators with a better luminescence yield and by the method of coincidences which reduces the background.Un spectromètre β à scintillation et à géométrie 4π a été mis au point, utilisant deux photomultiplicateurs 53 AVP et deux scintillateurs de polystyrène activé, opérant à - 20° (seuil total 8 keV). Le spectre β des éléments (90Sr + 90Y, 35S, 32P) est analysé par la méthode de la droite de Kurie, qui permet ainsi de reconstituer le spectre aux faibles énergies et de calculer le nombre d'électrons mous cachés dans le bruit de fond. Théoriquement cette méthode permet une mesure absolue à 1 % près. Elle peut d'ailleurs être améliorée par abaissement du seuil (choix des P. M., utilisation de scintillateurs à plus grand rendement lumineux) et par la méthode des coïncidences qui diminuera le bruit de fond ; la difficulté n'est pas dans la mesure physique mais dans la manipulation de la radioactivité de l'élément

    The mechanism of gentisic acid-induced relaxation of the guinea pig isolated trachea: the role of potassium channels and vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors

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    We examined some of the mechanisms by which the aspirin metabolite and the naturally occurring metabolite gentisic acid induced relaxation of the guinea pig trachea in vitro. In preparations with or without epithelium and contracted by histamine, gentisic acid caused concentration-dependent and reproducible relaxation, with mean EC50 values of 18 µM and Emax of 100% (N = 10) or 20 µM and Emax of 92% (N = 10), respectively. The relaxation caused by gentisic acid was of slow onset in comparison to that caused by norepinephrine, theophylline or vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). The relative rank order of potency was: salbutamol 7.9 > VIP 7.0 > gentisic acid 4.7 > theophylline 3.7. Gentisic acid-induced relaxation was markedly reduced (24 ± 7.0, 43 ± 3.9 and 78 ± 5.6%) in preparations with elevated potassium concentration in the medium (20, 40 or 80 mM, respectively). Tetraethylammonium (100 µM), a nonselective blocker of the potassium channels, partially inhibited the relaxation response to gentisic acid, while 4-AP (10 µM), a blocker of the voltage potassium channel, inhibited gentisic acid-induced relaxation by 41 ± 12%. Glibenclamide (1 or 3 µM), at a concentration which markedly inhibited the relaxation induced by the opener of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, levcromakalim, had no effect on the relaxation induced by gentisic acid. Charybdotoxin (0.1 or 0.3 µM), a selective blocker of the large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, caused rightward shifts (6- and 7-fold) of the gentisic acid concentration-relaxation curve. L-N G-nitroarginine (100 µM), a NO synthase inhibitor, had no effect on the relaxant effect of gentisic acid, and caused a slight displacement to the right in the relaxant effect of the gentisic acid curve at 300 µM, while methylene blue (10 or 30 µM) or ODQ (1 µM), the inhibitors of soluble guanylate cyclase, all failed to affect gentisic acid-induced relaxation. D-P-Cl-Phe6,Leu17[VIP] (0.1 µM), a VIP receptor antagonist, significantly inhibited (37 ± 7%) relaxation induced by gentisic acid, whereas CGRP (8-37) (0.1 µM), a CGRP antagonist, only slightly enhanced the action of gentisic acid. Taken together, these results provide functional evidence for the direct activation of voltage and large-conductance Ca+2-activated K+ channels, or indirect modulation of potassium channels induced by VIP receptors and accounts for the predominant relaxation response caused by gentisic acid in the guinea pig trachea