53 research outputs found

    Community planning and urban design in contested places. Some insights from Belfast

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    Although social conflict due to the presence of different groups divided by cultural, religious or ethnic issues plagues many contemporary cities, community and participatory planning methods still pay little attention to segregation in contested spaces as a specific matter of concern. This paper aims to contribute to filling this gap through the development of a novel tool to be implemented during community planning processes in contested cities, particularly in (visual) mapping processes. The pilot area for developing the lexicon has been selected within the city of Belfast, which has been struggling for years with problems related to inter-religious sectarian conflicts. The material effects on the urban structure of the long process of defensive planning during the socalled Troubles and within the post-conflicts peace programmes have been investigated by analysing urban artefacts including edges, borders, barriers, doors, visual control points. The paper suggests that a simple, recognizable lexicon may contribute to honing community planning methods in contested places by integrating the traditional methodology of visual mapping with a tailored taxonomy of elements of urban conflict, which may be used at many stages of the planning process, including developing a visual map, design and planning, and developing and implementing an action plan

    GĂ©rer la ville : entre global et local

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    Plurilinguisme et développement

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    Un multilinguisme généralisé associé à une règle d'exogamie linguistique constitue la norme des échanges linguistiques et sociaux entre les groupes TUKANO du Vaupés, dans le nord-ouest amazonien. Etant des groupes à filiation patrilinéaire, l'usage exclusif de la langue paternelle a pour fonction de manifester l'identité sociale de chacun et sert de repère aux règles d'exogamie. Davantage encore, la langue paternelle est conçue comme la manifestation de l'essence de l'individu : seule la langue paternelle est "parlée", les autres y compris la langue maternelle étant "imitées". Dans ce contexte, les langues vernaculaires ont des chances de résister aux entreprises d'implantation de l'espagnol par la voie des missions et de la scolarisation. (Résumé d'auteur
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