6 research outputs found

    HSV Infection Induces Production of ROS, which Potentiate Signaling from Pattern Recognition Receptors: Role for S-glutathionylation of TRAF3 and 6

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    The innate immune response constitutes the first line of defense against infections. Pattern recognition receptors recognize pathogen structures and trigger intracellular signaling pathways leading to cytokine and chemokine expression. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are emerging as an important regulator of some of these pathways. ROS directly interact with signaling components or induce other post-translational modifications such as S-glutathionylation, thereby altering target function. Applying live microscopy, we have demonstrated that herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection induces early production of ROS that are required for the activation of NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways and the production of type I IFNs and ISGs. All the known receptors involved in the recognition of HSV were shown to be dependent on the cellular redox levels for successful signaling. In addition, we provide biochemical evidence suggesting S-glutathionylation of TRAF family proteins to be important. In particular, by performing mutational studies we show that S-glutathionylation of a conserved cysteine residue of TRAF3 and TRAF6 is important for ROS-dependent activation of innate immune pathways. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that ROS are essential for effective activation of signaling pathways leading to a successful innate immune response against HSV infection

    Constitutively active SMAD2/3 are broad-scope potentiators of transcription-factor-mediated cellular reprogramming

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    Reprogramming of cellular identity using exogenous expression of transcription factors (TFs) is a powerful and exciting tool for tissue engineering, disease modeling, and regenerative medicine. However, generation of desired cell types using this approach is often plagued by inefficiency, slow conversion, and an inability to produce mature functional cells. Here, we show that expression of constitutively active SMAD2/3 significantly improves the efficiency of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) generation by the Yamanaka factors. Mechanistically, SMAD3 interacts with reprogramming factors and co-activators and co-occupies OCT4 target loci during reprogramming. Unexpectedly, active SMAD2/3 also markedly enhances three other TF-mediated direct reprogramming conversions, from B cells to macrophages, myoblasts to adipocytes, and human fibroblasts to neurons, highlighting broad and general roles for SMAD2/3 as cell-reprogramming potentiators. Our results suggest that co-expression of active SMAD2/3 could enhance multiple types of TF-based cell identity conversion and therefore be a powerful tool for cellular engineering.This work was supported by the ERC (grants ROADTOIPS 261075 to K.K. and BRAINCELL 261063 to S.L. and iN-Brain 309712 to M.P.), the BBSRC (project grant BB/L023474/1 to K.K.), the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic (K.K.), the Swedish Research Council (grant STARGET to S.L. and grants 521-2012-5624 and 521-2013-3347 to M.P.), and the Wellcome Trust (grant WT098051 to K.Y.). T.R., L.T., J.A., and D.F.K. are funded by a Darwin Trust scholarship, a CMVM scholarship, and Principal's Career Development scholarship from the University of Edinburgh, respectively. D.F.K. is supported by the BBSRC (EASTBIO doctoral training partnership). T.V.T. is supported by a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (MINECO, FJCI-2014-22946). B.D.S. was supported by an EMBO long-term fellowship (ALTF 1143-2015). K.K. is an MRC senior non-clinical fellow (MR/N008715/1). M.P. is a New York Stem Cell Foundation Robertson Investigator

    S-glutathionylation of IRF3 regulates IRF3–CBP interaction and activation of the IFNβ pathway

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    Interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) is an essential transcriptional regulator of the interferon genes. IRF3 is constitutively present in a latent conformation in the cell cytoplasm. In cells infected by Sendai virus, IRF3 becomes phosphorylated, homodimerizes, translocates to the nucleus, binds to target genes and activates transcription by interacting with CBP/p300 co-activators. In this study, we report that in non-infected cells IRF3 is post-translationally modified by S-glutathionylation. Upon viral-infection, it undergoes a deglutathionylation step that is controlled by the cytoplasmic enzyme glutaredoxin-1 (GRX-1). In virus-infected GRX-1 knockdown cells, phosphorylation, homodimerization and nuclear translocation of IRF3 were not affected, but the transcriptional activity of IRF3 and the expression of interferon-β (IFNβ), were severely reduced. We show that deglutathionylation of IRF3 is necessary for efficient interaction of IRF3 with CBP, an event essential for transcriptional activation of the interferon genes. Taken together, these findings reveal a crucial role for S-glutathionylation and GRX-1 in controlling the activation of IRF3 and IFNβ gene expression

    Chromosome compartments on the inactive X guide TAD formation independently of transcription during X-reactivation

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    A hallmark of chromosome organization is the partition into transcriptionally active A and repressed B compartments, and into topologically associating domains (TADs). Both structures were regarded to be absent from the inactive mouse X chromosome, but to be re-established with transcriptional reactivation and chromatin opening during X-reactivation. Here, we combine a tailor-made mouse iPSC reprogramming system and high-resolution Hi-C to produce a time course combining gene reactivation, chromatin opening and chromosome topology during X-reactivation. Contrary to previous observations, we observe A/B-like compartments on the inactive X harbouring multiple subcompartments. While partial X-reactivation initiates within a compartment rich in X-inactivation escapees, it then occurs rapidly along the chromosome, concomitant with downregulation of Xist. Importantly, we find that TAD formation precedes transcription and initiates from Xist-poor compartments. Here, we show that TAD formation and transcriptional reactivation are causally independent during X-reactivation while establishing Xist as a common denominator.This work was supported by the European Research Council under the 7th Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 (ERC Synergy Grant 4D-Genome, grant agreement 609989 to G.J.F.), by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (BFU2014-55275-P, BFU2017-88407-P to B.P. and PGC2018-099807-B-I00 to G.J.F.), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (EUR2019-103817 to B.P.), the AXA Research Fund (to B.P.) and the Agencia de Gestio d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, 2017 SGR 346 to B.P.) and by the NIH grant R35GM124926 to S.F.P. We would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) to the EMBL partnership and to the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa”. We also acknowledge support of the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya. M.B. was supported by a La Caixa International PhD Fellowship