623 research outputs found

    Mind Against Matter: Isolating Consciousness in American Fiction, 1980-2010

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    Mind Against Matter uses cognitive literary theory to explore a set of contemporary texts that emphasize characters’ feelings of alienation and isolation from their social and material worlds. Focusing on novels by Nicholson Baker and David Markson, short stories by David Foster Wallace, and the film The Truman Show, I consider how these texts focus on characters’ individual, subjective experiences while deemphasizing their physical environments and social contexts. I argue that by privileging subjectivity in this way, these texts portray their characters as independent, to varying degrees, from their material and cultural surroundings. The texts isolate individual consciousness, causing their characters to live in mental worlds of their own making. While the novel, as a genre, often depicts alienation as a condition deriving from a character’s status as a social outcast, the texts featured in this study treat it as a condition inherent to consciousness, derived from what their creators envision as an inevitable separation of mind from world. Rather than bemoan alienation as a loss of social connectedness, these texts portray it as inherent to mental life. The chapters of this dissertation explore the particular visions of alienation that emerge in each of these texts. In a chapter on Nicholson Baker’s The Mezzanine, I argue that Howie, the novel’s protagonist, views his mind as a machine that operates according to self-sufficient, automatic processes. My analysis of David Markson’s final novels demonstrates that Markson portrays artistic creation as a process through which individual consciousness is isolated from society. David Foster Wallace’s Oblivion treats alienation as a general human condition, as Wallace’s interests in loneliness and solipsism derive, I argue, from his assumptions about the individualized nature of consciousness. Finally, in a chapter on The Truman Show, I argue that the film’s sense of paranoia stems from its protagonist’s sense of being alone in his worldview. I thus present a corpus of works that maintain a close, limited focus on singular fictional minds, shutting out social and physical environments in order to depict the mind as a cloistered, self-enclosed entity. My analysis highlights the ways in which the philosophical underpinnings of these narratives render consciousness as an isolating force, stranding fictional characters on mental islands of their own making

    Holographic U(1)_A and String Creation

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    We analyze the resolution of the U(1)_A problem in the Sakai-Sugimoto holographic dual of large N_c QCD at finite temperature. It has been shown that in the confining phase the axial symmetry is broken at order 1/N_c, in agreement with the ideas of Witten and Veneziano. We show that in the deconfined phase the axial symmetry remains unbroken to all orders in 1/N_c. In this case the breaking is due to instantons which are described by spacelike D0-branes, in agreement with 'tHooft's resolution. The holographic dual of the symmetry breaking fermion condensate is a state of spacelike strings between the D0-brane and the flavor D8-branes, which result from a spacelike version of the string creation effect. In the intermediate phase of deconfinement with broken chiral symmetry the instanton gas approximation is possibly regulated in the IR, which would imply an eta' mass-squared of order exp(-N_c).Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, minor change

    On the relevance of large scale pulsed-laser deposition: Evidence of structural heterogeneities in ZnO thin films

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    Pulsed-laser deposition is known as a well-suited method for growing thin films of oxide compounds presenting a wide range of functional properties. A limitation of this method for industrial process is the very anisotropic expansion dynamics of the plasma plume, which induces difficulties to grow on large scale films with homogeneous thickness and composition. The specific aspect of the crystalline or orientation uniformity has not been investigated, despite its important role on oxide films properties. In this work, the crystalline parameters and the texture of zinc oxide films are studied as a function of position with respect to the central axis of the plasma plume. We demonstrate the existence of large non-uniformities in the films. The stoichiometry, the lattice parameter, and the distribution of crystallites orientations drastically depend on the position with respect to the plume axis, i.e., on the oblique incidence of the ablated species. The origin of these non-uniformities, in particular, the unexpected tilted orientation of the ZnO c-axis may be attributed to the combined effects of the oblique incidence and of the ratio between oxygen and zinc fluxes reaching the surface of the growing film

    Elaborations on the String Dual to N=1 SQCD

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    In this paper we make further refinements to the duality proposed between N=1 SQCD and certain string (supergravity plus branes) backgrounds, working in the regime of comparable large number of colors and flavors. Using the string theory solutions, we predict different field theory observables and phenomena like Seiberg duality, gauge coupling and its running, the behavior of Wilson and 't Hooft loops, anomalous dimensions of the quark superfields, quartic superpotential coupling and its running, continuous and discrete anomaly matching. We also give evidence for the smooth interpolation between higgsed and confining vacua. We provide several matchings between field theory and string theory computations.Comment: 44 pages, 6 figures. References added, minor rewritings, published versio

    The Inclusionary Populist Communication Style on Facebook: The Case of Ada Colau in Barcelona

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    Communication is one of the core elements of populism, especially in social media. Through such digital platforms, political leaders can communicate directly with citizens and build both their discourse and their political leadership. Although the literature has so far identified the existence of a populist political communication style, the expansion of populism and its connection with social media are extending and diversifying the concept, as well as adding new repertoires. In order to analyse this, we propose a study of the communication strategy of the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau who, with a background of citizen activism, became mayor of the city in 2015 thanks to a political organisation situated as left populist. The methodology is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of Colau’s Facebook profile. A total of 226 posts between 2015 and 2017 are analysed. The results make it possible to identify a new specific modality within the populist style of political communication, namely the inclusionary populist type. This focuses on issues related to defense of the rights of the weakest social groups and works within a framework of social justice and solidarity with others. Likewise, the study confirms how Facebook is configured as a preferred platform for the construction of political leadership

    A Nexafs Study of Nitric Oxide Layers Adsorbed from a nitrite Solution onto a Pt(111) Surface

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    NO molecules adsorbed on a Pt(111) surface from dipping in an acidic nitrite solution are studied by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) techniques. LEED patterns and STM images show that no long range ordered structures are formed after NO adsorption on a Pt(111) surface. Although the total NO coverage is very low, spectroscopic features in N K-edge and O K-edge absorption spectra have been singled out and related to the different species induced by this preparation method. From these measurements it is concluded that the NO molecule is adsorbed trough the N atom in an upright conformation. The maximum saturation coverage is about 0.3 monolayers, and although nitric oxide is the major component, nitrite and nitrogen species are slightly co-adsorbed on the surface. The results obtained from this study are compared with those previously reported in the literature for NO adsorbed on Pt(111) under UHV conditions

    Quark mass and condensate in HQCD

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    We extend the Sakai-Sugimoto holographic model of QCD (HQCD) by including the scalar bi-fundamental "tachyon" field in the 8-brane-anti-8-brane probe theory. We show that this field is responsible both for the spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry, and for the generation of (current algebra) quark masses, from the point of view of the bulk theory. As a by-product we show how this leads to the Gell-Mann- Oakes-Renner relation for the pion mass.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; v2: corrected typos in eqs. (4.3), (4.4), (4.5), (4.9) and (4.11), and corrected figures 3, 4, 5 and 6; v3: section 5.3 on the pion mass rewritten in a clearer way, version published in JHE

    Holographic duals of SQCD models in low dimensions

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    We obtain gravity duals to supersymmetric gauge theories in two and three spacetime dimensions with unquenched flavor. The supergravity solutions are generated by a set of color branes wrapping a compact cycle in a Calabi-Yau threefold, together with another set of flavor branes extended along the directions orthogonal to the cycle wrapped by the color branes. We construct supergravity backgrounds which include the backreaction induced by a smeared set of flavor branes, which act as delocalized dynamical sources of the different supergravity fields.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures;v2: typos correcte

    Holographic QCD and Pion Mass

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    To realize massive pions, we study variations of the holographic model of massless QCD using the D4/D8/anti-D8 brane configuration proposed by Sakai and Sugimoto. We propose deformations which break the chiral symmetry explicitly and compute the mass of the pions and vector mesons. The observed value of the pion mass can be obtained. We also argue a chiral perturbation corresponding to our deformation.Comment: 23pages, minor changes, references adde

    N=1 SQCD-like theories with N_f massive flavors from AdS/CFT and beta functions

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    We study new supergravity solutions related to large-NcN_c N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric gauge field theories with a large number NfN_f of massive flavors. We use a recently proposed framework based on configurations with NcN_c color D5 branes and a distribution of NfN_f flavor D5 branes, governed by a function NfS(r)N_f S(r). Although the system admits many solutions, under plausible physical assumptions the relevant solution is uniquely determined for each value of x≡Nf/Ncx\equiv N_f/N_c. In the IR region, the solution smoothly approaches the deformed Maldacena-N\'u\~nez solution. In the UV region it approaches a linear dilaton solution. For x<2x<2 the gauge coupling ÎČg\beta_g function computed holographically is negative definite, in the UV approaching the NSVZ ÎČ\beta function with anomalous dimension Îł0=−1/2\gamma_0= -1/2 (approaching −3/(32π2)(2Nc−Nf)g3-3/(32\pi^2)(2N_c-N_f)g^3)), and with ÎČg→−∞\beta_g \to-\infty in the IR. For x=2x=2, ÎČg\beta_g has a UV fixed point at strong coupling, suggesting the existence of an IR fixed point at a lower value of the coupling. We argue that the solutions with x>2x>2 describe a "Seiberg dual" picture where Nf−2NcN_f-2N_c flips sign.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure
