92 research outputs found

    Analyticity and criticality results for the eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator

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    We consider the eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator subject to several homogeneous boundary conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann, Navier, Steklov). We show that simple eigenvalues and elementary symmetric functions of multiple eigenvalues are real analytic, and provide Hadamard-type formulas for the corresponding shape derivatives. After recalling the known results in shape optimization, we prove that balls are always critical domains under volume constraint.Comment: To appear on the proceedings of the conference "Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's - 4th Italian-Japanese Workshop" held in Palinuro (Italy), May 25-29, 201

    Molecular characterization of membrane steroid receptors in hormone-sensitive cancers

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    Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide, and its development is a re-sult of the complex interaction of genetic factors, environmental cues, and aging. Hormone-sensitive cancers depend on the action of one or more hormones for their development and progression. Sex steroids and corticosteroids can regulate different physiological functions, including metabolism, growth, and proliferation, through their interaction with specific nuclear receptors, that can tran-scriptionally regulate target genes via their genomic actions. Therefore, interference with hormones’ activities, e.g., deregulation of their production and downstream pathways or the exposition to exogenous hormone-active substances such as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), can affect the regulation of their correlated pathways and trigger the neoplastic transformation. Although nuclear receptors account for most hormone-related biologic effects and their slow genomic responses are well-studied, less-known membrane receptors are emerging for their ability to mediate steroid hormones effects through the activation of rapid non-genomic responses also involved in the development of hormone-sensitive cancers. This review aims to collect pre-clinical and clinical data on these extranuclear receptors not only to draw attention to their emerging role in cancer development and progression but also to highlight their dual role as tumor microenvironment players and potential candidate drug targets

    On a classical spectral optimization problem in linear elasticity

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    We consider a classical shape optimization problem for the eigenvalues of elliptic operators with homogeneous boundary conditions on domains in the NN-dimensional Euclidean space. We survey recent results concerning the analytic dependence of the elementary symmetric functions of the eigenvalues upon domain perturbation and the role of balls as critical points of such functions subject to volume constraint. Our discussion concerns Dirichlet and buckling-type problems for polyharmonic operators, the Neumann and the intermediate problems for the biharmonic operator, the Lam\'{e} and the Reissner-Mindlin systems.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the workshop `New Trends in Shape Optimization', Friedrich-Alexander Universit\"{a}t Erlangen-Nuremberg, 23-27 September 201

    Cortisol-induced SRSF3 expression promotes GR splicing, RACK1 expression and breast cancer cells migration

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    Recent data have demonstrated that triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) with high glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression are associated to therapy resistance and increased mortality. Given that GR alternative splicing generates mainly GRα, responsible of glucocorticoids action, we investigated its role in the regulation of RACK1 (Receptor for Activated C Kinase 1), a scaffolding protein with a GRE (Glucocorticoid Response Element) site on its promoter and involved in breast cancer cells migration and invasion. We provide the first evidence that GRα transcriptionally regulates RACK1 by a mechanism connected to SRSF3 splicing factor, which promotes GRα, essential for RACK1 transcriptional regulation and consequently for cells migration. We also establish that this mechanism can be positively regulated by cortisol. Hence, our data elucidate RACK1 transcriptional regulation and demonstrate that SRSF3 involvement in cells migration implies its role in controlling different pathways thus highlighting that new players have to be considered in GR-positive TNBC

    La Germania alla prova del coronavirus tra Stato di diritto e misure emergenziali

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    Il lavoro analizza le strategie adottate in Germania per contrastare la pandemia COVID-19. L\u2019analisi si articola su due filoni: da un lato si approfondiscono le misure per il contenimento della diffusione dei contagi, dall\u2019altro quelle volte ad arginare le ricadute economiche della pandemia. L\u2019emergenza ha rappresentato anche per la Germania un vero e proprio stress test, mettendo a dura prova sia il riparto federale delle competenze, sia le istituzioni democratiche e la salvaguardia dei diritti fondamentali come elemento qualificante dello Stato di diritto

    Characterization and Temporal Evolution of the Inorganic Component of PM10 Collected at Ny-Ålesund (Arctica)

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    Conformational altered p53 affects neuronal function: relevance for the response to toxic insult and growth-associated protein 43 expression

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    The role of p53 in neurodegenerative diseases is essentially associated with neuronal death. Recently an alternative point of view is emerging, as altered p53 conformation and impaired protein function have been found in fibroblasts and blood cells derived from Alzheimer's disease patients. Here, using stable transfected SH-SY5Y cells overexpressing APP751wt (SY5Y-APP) we demonstrated that the expression of an unfolded p53 conformation compromised neuronal functionality. In particular, these cells showed (i) augmented expression of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its metabolites, including the C-terminal fragments C99 and C83 and β-amyloid peptide (ii) high levels of oxidative markers, such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal Michael-adducts and 3-nitro-tyrosine and (iii) altered p53 conformation, mainly due to nitration of its tyrosine residues. The consequences of high-unfolded p53 expression resulted in loss of p53 pro-apoptotic activity, and reduction of growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) mRNA and protein levels. The role of unfolded p53 in cell death resistance and lack of GAP-43 transcription was demonstrated by ZnCl(2) treatment. Zinc supplementation reverted p53 wild-type tertiary structure, increased cells sensitivity to acute cytotoxic injury and GAP-43 levels in SY5Y-APP clone
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