98 research outputs found

    Boundary Asymptotic Analysis for an Incompressible Viscous Flow: Navier Wall Laws

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    We consider a new way of establishing Navier wall laws. Considering a bounded domain Ω\Omega of R N , N=2,3, surrounded by a thin layer Σϵ\Sigma \epsilon, along a part Γ\Gamma2 of its boundary Ω\partial \Omega, we consider a Navier-Stokes flow in ΩΩΣϵ\Omega \cup \partial \Omega \cup \Sigma \epsilon with Reynolds' number of order 1/ϵ\epsilon in Σϵ\Sigma \epsilon. Using Γ\Gamma-convergence arguments, we describe the asymptotic behaviour of the solution of this problem and get a general Navier law involving a matrix of Borel measures having the same support contained in the interface Γ\Gamma2. We then consider two special cases where we characterize this matrix of measures. As a further application, we consider an optimal control problem within this context

    Homogenization of the planar waveguide with frequently alternating boundary conditions

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    We consider Laplacian in a planar strip with Dirichlet boundary condition on the upper boundary and with frequent alternation boundary condition on the lower boundary. The alternation is introduced by the periodic partition of the boundary into small segments on which Dirichlet and Neumann conditions are imposed in turns. We show that under the certain condition the homogenized operator is the Dirichlet Laplacian and prove the uniform resolvent convergence. The spectrum of the perturbed operator consists of its essential part only and has a band structure. We construct the leading terms of the asymptotic expansions for the first band functions. We also construct the complete asymptotic expansion for the bottom of the spectrum

    Low energy measurement of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B cross section

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    We have measured the cross section of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction for E_cm = 185.8 keV, 134.7 keV and 111.7 keV using a radioactive 7Be target (132 mCi). Single and coincidence spectra of beta^+ and alpha particles from 8B and 8Be^* decay, respectively, were measured using a large acceptance spectrometer. The zero energy S factor inferred from these data is 18.5 +/- 2.4 eV b and a weighted mean value of 18.8 +/- 1.7 eV b (theoretical uncertainty included) is deduced when combining this value with our previous results at higher energies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Homogenization of Variational Inequalities for the p-Laplace Operator in Perforated Media Along Manifolds

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    We address homogenization problems of variational inequalities for the p-Laplace operator in a domain of Rn (n ? 3, p ? [2, n)) periodically perforated by balls of radius O(??) where ? > 1 and ? is the size of the period. The perforations are distributed along a (n ? 1)-dimensional manifold ? , and we impose constraints for solutions and their fluxes (associated with the p-Laplacian) on the boundary of the perforations. These constraints imply that the solution is positive and that the flux is bounded from above by a negative, nonlinear monotonic function of the solution multiplied by a parameter ? ?? , ? ? R and ? is a small parameter that we shall make to go to zero. We analyze different relations between the parameters p, n, ?, ? and ?, and obtain homogenized problems which are completely new in the literature even for the case p = 2.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish grant MINECO:MTM2013-44883-P

    Trypan Blue Dye Enters Viable Cells Incubated with the Pore-Forming Toxin HlyII of Bacillus cereus

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    Trypan blue is a dye that has been widely used for selective staining of dead tissues or cells. Here, we show that the pore-forming toxin HlyII of Bacillus cereus allows trypan blue staining of macrophage cells, despite the cells remaining viable and metabolically active. These findings suggest that the dye enters viable cells through the pores. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that trypan blue may enter viable cells. Consequently, the use of trypan blue staining as a marker of vital status should be interpreted with caution. The blue coloration does not necessarily indicate cell lysis, but may rather indicate pore formation in the cell membranes and more generally increased membrane permeability

    Virulence and Pathogen Multiplication: A Serial Passage Experiment in the Hypervirulent Bacterial Insect-Pathogen Xenorhabdus nematophila

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    The trade-off hypothesis proposes that the evolution of pathogens' virulence is shaped by a link between virulence and contagiousness. This link is often assumed to come from the fact that pathogens are contagious only if they can reach high parasitic load in the infected host. In this paper we present an experimental test of the hypothesis that selection on fast replication can affect virulence. In a serial passage experiment, we selected 80 lines of the bacterial insect-pathogen Xenorhabdus nematophila to multiply fast in an artificial culture medium. This selection resulted in shortened lag phase in our selected bacteria. We then injected these bacteria into insects and observed an increase in virulence. This could be taken as a sign that virulence in Xenorhabdus is linked to fast multiplication. But we found, among the selected lineages, either no link or a positive correlation between lag duration and virulence: the most virulent bacteria were the last to start multiplying. We then surveyed phenotypes that are under the control of the flhDC super regulon, which has been shown to be involved in Xenorhabdus virulence. We found that, in one treatment, the flhDC regulon has evolved rapidly, but that the changes we observed were not connected to virulence. All together, these results indicate that virulence is, in Xenorhabdus as in many other pathogens, a multifactorial trait. Being able to grow fast is one way to be virulent. But other ways exist which renders the evolution of virulence hard to predict

    HIV-1 Enhancing Effect of Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Peptides Is Reduced in Human Seminal Plasma

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    We recently reported that HIV-1 infection can be inhibited by innate antimicrobial components of human seminal plasma (SP). Conversely, naturally occurring peptidic fragments from the SP-derived prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) have been reported to form amyloid fibrils called “SEVI” and enhance HIV-1 infection in vitro. In order to understand the biological consequence of this proviral effect, we extended these studies in the presence of human SP. PAP-derived peptides were agitated to form SEVI and incubated in the presence or absence of SP. While PAP-derived peptides and SEVI alone were proviral, the presence of 1% SP ablated their proviral activity in several different anti-HIV-1 assays. The anti-HIV-1 activity of SP was concentration dependent and was reduced following filtration. Supraphysiological concentrations of PAP peptides and SEVI incubated with diluted SP were degraded within hours, with SP exhibiting proteolytic activity at dilutions as high as 1∶200. Sub-physiological concentrations of two prominent proteases of SP, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and matriptase, could degrade physiological and supraphysiological concentrations of PAP peptides and SEVI. While human SP is a complex biological fluid, containing both antiviral and proviral factors, our results suggest that PAP peptides and SEVI may be subject to naturally occurring proteolytic components capable of reducing their proviral activity

    The PlcR Virulence Regulon of Bacillus cereus

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    PlcR is a Bacillus cereus transcriptional regulator, which activates gene expression by binding to a nucleotidic sequence called the ‘PlcR box’. To build a list of all genes included in the PlcR regulon, a consensus sequence was identified by directed mutagenesis. The reference strain ATCC14579 sequenced genome was searched for occurrences of this consensus sequence to produce a virtual regulon. PlcR control of these genes was confirmed by comparing gene expression in the reference strain and its isogenic Δ-plcR strain using DNA microarrays, lacZ fusions and proteomics methods. The resulting list included 45 genes controlled by 28 PlcR boxes. Forty of the PlcR controlled proteins were exported, of which 22 were secreted in the extracellular medium and 18 were bound or attached to cell wall structures (membrane or peptidoglycan layer). The functions of these proteins were related to food supply (phospholipases, proteases, toxins), cell protection (bacteriocins, toxins, transporters, cell wall biogenesis) and environment-sensing (two-component sensors, chemotaxis proteins, GGDEF family regulators). Four genes coded for cytoplasmic regulators. The PlcR regulon appears to integrate a large range of environmental signals, including food deprivation and self cell-density, and regulate the transcription of genes designed to overcome obstacles that hinder B. cereus growth within the host: food supply, host barriers, host immune defenses, and competition with other bacterial species. PlcR appears to be a key component in the efficient adaptation of B. cereus to its host environment