354 research outputs found

    Do current-density nonlinearities cut off the glass transition?

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    Extended mode coupling theories for dense fluids predict that nonlinear current-density couplings cut off the singular `ideal glass transition', present in the standard mode coupling theory where such couplings are ignored. We suggest here that, rather than allowing for activated processes as sometimes supposed, contributions from current-density couplings are always negligible close to a glass transition. We discuss in schematic terms how activated processes can nonetheless cut off the transition, by causing the memory function to become linear in correlators at late times.Comment: 4 page

    Expansion of the Gibbs potential for quantum many-body systems: General formalism with applications to the spin glass and the weakly non-ideal Bose gas

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    For general quantum systems the power expansion of the Gibbs potential and consequently the power expansion of the self energy is derived in terms of the interaction strength. Employing a generalization of the projector technique a compact representation of the general terms of the expansion results. The general aspects of the approach are discussed with special emphasis on the effects characteristic for quantum systems. The expansion is systematic and leads directly to contributions beyond mean-field of all thermodynamic quantities. These features are explicitly demonstrated and illustrated for two non-trivial systems, the infinite range quantum spin glass and the weakly interacting Bose gas. The Onsager terms of both systems are calculated, which represent the first beyond mean-field contributions. For the spin glass new TAP-like equations are presented and discussed in the paramagnetic region. The investigation of the Bose gas leads to a beyond mean-field thermodynamic description. At the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature complete agreement is found with the results presented recently by alternative techniques.Comment: 17 pages, 0 figures; revised version accepted by Phys Rev

    On the Adam-Gibbs-Wolynes scenario for the viscosity increase in glasses

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    We reformulate the interpretation of the mean-field glass transition scenario for finite dimensional systems, proposed by Wolynes and collaborators. This allows us to establish clearly a temperature dependent length xi* above which the mean-field glass transition picture has to be modified. We argue in favor of the mosaic state introduced by Wolynes and collaborators, which leads to the Adam-Gibbs relation between the viscosity and configurational entropy of glass forming liquids. Our argument is a mixture of thermodynamics and kinetics, partly inspired by the Random Energy Model: small clusters of particles are thermodynamically frozen in low energy states, whereas large clusters are kinetically frozen by large activation energies. The relevant relaxation time is that of the smallest `liquid' clusters. Some physical consequences are discussed.Comment: 8 page

    Finite size effects in the dynamics of glass-forming liquids

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical study of finite size effects in the relaxation dynamics of glass-forming liquids. Our analysis is motivated by recent theoretical progress regarding the understanding of relevant correlation length scales in liquids approaching the glass transition. We obtain predictions both from general theoretical arguments and from a variety of specific perspectives: mode-coupling theory, kinetically constrained and defect models, and random first order transition theory. In the latter approach, we predict in particular a non-monotonic evolution of finite size effects across the mode-coupling crossover due to the competition between mode-coupling and activated relaxation. We study the role of competing relaxation mechanisms in giving rise to non-monotonic finite size effects by devising a kinetically constrained model where the proximity to the mode-coupling singularity can be continuously tuned by changing the lattice topology. We use our theoretical findings to interpret the results of extensive molecular dynamics studies of four model liquids with distinct structures and kinetic fragilities. While the less fragile model only displays modest finite size effects, we find a more significant size dependence evolving with temperature for more fragile models, such as Lennard-Jones particles and soft spheres. Finally, for a binary mixture of harmonic spheres we observe the predicted non-monotonic temperature evolution of finite size effects near the fitted mode-coupling singularity, suggesting that the crossover from mode-coupling to activated dynamics is more pronounced for this model. Finally, we discuss the close connection between our results and the recent report of a non-monotonic temperature evolution of a dynamic length scale near the mode-coupling crossover in harmonic spheres.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. V2: response to referees + refs added (close to published version

    Quantum fluctuations can promote or inhibit glass formation

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    The very nature of glass is somewhat mysterious: while relaxation times in glasses are of sufficient magnitude that large-scale motion on the atomic level is essentially as slow as it is in the crystalline state, the structure of glass appears barely different than that of the liquid that produced it. Quantum mechanical systems ranging from electron liquids to superfluid helium appear to form glasses, but as yet no unifying framework exists connecting classical and quantum regimes of vitrification. Here we develop new insights from theory and simulation into the quantum glass transition that surprisingly reveal distinct regions where quantum fluctuations can either promote or inhibit glass formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nature Physics. 22 pages, 3 figures, 1 Tabl

    Potential energy landscape of finite-size mean-field models for glasses

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    connected spin-glass models with a discontinuous transition. In the thermodynamic limit the equilibrium properties in the high temperature phase are described by the schematic Mode Coupling Theory of super-cooled liquids. We show that {\it finite-size} fully connected spin-glass models do exhibit properties typical of Lennard-Jones systems when both are near the critical glass transition, where thermodynamics is ruled by energy minima distribution. Our study opens the way to consider activated processes in real glasses through finite-size corrections (i.e. calculations beyond the saddle point approximation) in mean-field spin-glass models.Comment: 8 pages, 3 postscript figures, EPL format, improved versio

    Coarsening of Disordered Quantum Rotors under a Bias Voltage

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    We solve the dynamics of an ensemble of interacting rotors coupled to two leads at different chemical potential letting a current flow through the system and driving it out of equilibrium. We show that at low temperature the coarsening phase persists under the voltage drop up to a critical value of the applied potential that depends on the characteristics of the electron reservoirs. We discuss the properties of the critical surface in the temperature, voltage, strength of quantum fluctuations and coupling to the bath phase diagram. We analyze the coarsening regime finding, in particular, which features are essentially quantum mechanical and which are basically classical in nature. We demonstrate that the system evolves via the growth of a coherence length with the same time-dependence as in the classical limit, R(t)t1/2R(t) \simeq t^{1/2} -- the scalar curvature driven universality class. We obtain the scaling function of the correlation function at late epochs in the coarsening regime and we prove that it coincides with the classical one once a prefactor that encodes the dependence on all the parameters is factorized. We derive a generic formula for the current flowing through the system and we show that, for this model, it rapidly approaches a constant that we compute.Comment: 53 pages, 12 figure

    Numerical simulations of liquids with amorphous boundary conditions

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    It has recently become clear that simulations under amorphpous boundary conditions (ABCs) can provide valuable information on the dynamics and thermodynamics of disordered systems with no obvious ordered parameter. In particular, they allow to detect a correlation length that is not measurable with standard correlation functions. Here we explain what exactly is meant by ABCs, discuss their relation with point-to-set correlations and briefly describe some recent results obtained with this technique.Comment: Presented at STATPHYS 2

    Fluctuations in the coarsening dynamics of the O(N) model: are they similar to those in glassy systems?

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    We study spatio-temporal fluctuations in the non-equilibrium dynamics of the d dimensional O(N) in the large N limit. We analyse the invariance of the dynamic equations for the global correlation and response in the slow ageing regime under transformations of time. We find that these equations are invariant under scale transformations. We extend this study to the action in the dynamic generating functional finding similar results. This model therefore falls into a different category from glassy problems in which full time-reparametrisation invariance, a larger symmetry that emcompasses time scale invariance, is expected to be realised asymptotically. Consequently, the spatio-temporal fluctuations of the large N O(N) model should follow a different pattern from that of glassy systems. We compute the fluctuations of local, as well as spatially separated, two-field composite operators and responses, and we confront our results with the ones found numerically for the 3d Edwards-Anderson model and kinetically constrained lattice gases. We analyse the dependence of the fluctuations of the composite operators on the growing domain length and we compare to what has been found in super-cooled liquids and glasses. Finally, we show that the development of time-reparametrisation invariance in glassy systems is intimately related to a well-defined and finite effective temperature, specified from the modification of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem out of equilibrium. We then conjecture that the global asymptotic time-reparametrisation invariance is broken down to time scale invariance in all coarsening systems.Comment: 57 pages, 5 figure